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Speaking of "the yellow house of Lhasa", most people will think of the famed Makye AmeRestaurant on the Barkor Street. But there is another yellow house known as "Mani Lhakhang" to the east of the Potala Palace. Sitting opposite the yellow house, there is a butter shop run by three sisters from Qinghai Province. Through their hard work and kindness, the three sisters have fashioned their own remarkable story of"the yellow house of Lhasa".  相似文献   
西藏博物馆藏普度明太祖长卷是我国现存最早的明代长幅画卷,画幅和5种文字书写的题记构成画心主体。长卷病害严重,亟需进行保护修复。本工作对该长卷的装裱形制、工艺进行了全面的分析,发现长卷总体上采用了中国传统的长卷装裱形制,从头至尾的结构依次是米贴、天头、隔水、画心、地头、轴杆,不同之处在于长卷上下边缘采用红色和绿色丝织品包边、背衬五彩夹缬,具有典型的西藏地域特征,是汉藏不同装裱工艺结合的实物见证。同时,本工作也对长卷保存状况进行了综合评估,主要病害包括磨损、虫蛀、断裂、折痕、污渍、字迹脱落、不当修复等。其中断裂和颜料的大量脱落及磨损与装裱形制有关,五彩夹缬质地粗糙,红色和绿色包边造成长卷上下边与中间部分层数不同,厚度差异较大,是长卷上下区域颜料磨损比中间更加严重的原因。进一步采用了视频显微镜观察、拉曼光谱法、X射线荧光光谱法、光纤光谱法和高光谱成像等多种无损(微损)检测手段对长卷绘画和装裱材料进行了综合研究。首次明确了长卷画心所用纸张为中国传统手工纸(以结香为原料,帘纹清晰可见,表面经过了涂布加工处理),命纸为桑皮纸,覆背纸是以桑皮、构皮和竹为原料制作的手工纸。绘画主色材料以矿物颜料为主,...  相似文献   
On looking back on my life, I find I have met many people to whom I am indebted. Just like sunshine, their friendship and support has given me happiness and made me firm to my ideal with great passion and active impetus. Among them, most reverend and admired is my tutor, Mr. Dungkal Losang Trinley.  相似文献   
<正>Farmers and herdsmen,after a busy year bringing in the harvest, turn their attention to domestic issues such as maintenance and the rebuilding and redecoration of their houses...in other words,they just want to make their homes comfortable as they prepare to face winter. To blacksmith Sonam Wangdu,this is his busiest season.Almost everyday he leaves home at sunrise and returns at dusk. White clouds wander across the sky while the trees are rustling in the breeze. They seem to be chatting with Sonam Wangdu,sharing his happiness in the substantial changes in the status of blacksmiths since the peaceful liberation of Tibet.In any case,his is a special trade in Tibet.  相似文献   
In recent years,the pillar industries in Tibet,such as agricul- tural and animal husbandry products,now include tourism,Tibetan traditional medicine and handicrafts have also been expanding at a fast pace. In 2007 the total produc- tion value of Tibet reached 34.2 billion Yuan,an in-  相似文献   
《贤者喜宴》是一部内容广博而厚重的藏文历史著作,涉及到了中原、印度、于阗等地的帝王世系和佛教历史,而全书叙述的重点在于藏传佛教史。作者重视史料的搜集,言之有据,其吐蕃史部分和噶玛派部分的史料价值尤为突出。《贤者喜宴》对研究藏族历史、民族关系史、佛教文化等方面的重要价值,值得进一步研究和挖掘。  相似文献   
Librarianship in Tibet has changed gradually through the years. Its development has been closely tied to the movement of history, economics, and culture in Tibet. There are many issues that have become obstacles in the development of Tibetan libraries. Foremost among these issues is the shortage of professionally trained librarians. This paper discusses the history of Tibetan libraries, and explores the situation of the library and information science (LIS) profession in Tibet. Finally, through analysis of current situations and problems, this paper discusses a model of a library training program at the Tibet library to provide variety and appropriate continuing education for librarians in Tibet.  相似文献   
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