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The other side of the formation of the modern state is the thorough transformation of social structure, the way people are organized, and the mechanisms of social mobilization and participation. One distinctive feature of these changes is the growth and expansion of civil organizations (minjian zuzhi). As a linkage point between the state and the individual, civil organizations have exerted an important and unique influence on the orientation as well as the nature of society. The history of the separation and reorientation of state and society in China was both specific to China as well as relevant to global experience. In recent years, research on modern Chinese civil organizations has become rigorous and fruitful, covering a wide range of topics from the history of chambers of commerce to guilds, peasant associations, freelancer groups, charity groups, cultural and educational clubs, and religious organizations. Thanks to a relatively large pool of participating scholars, the discussions have also multiplied and deepened, contributing to the study of modern Chinese history a new yet indispensable subfield. All of these studies not only delineate the organizations’ background, development, structure, and function, but also pay attention to their relations with the state. Indeed, state–society relations constitute the most widely applied analytical framework. This is related to the middleman position of civil organizations, as well as to the state’s ability to dominate them under the Chinese social tradition of strong state and weak society.  相似文献   
城市化的高速发展对城市文化遗产保护提出了严峻挑战。目前,存在着认知偏离、资金短缺、技术缺乏、法制不全、机制落后五大困境,必须确立文化遗产保护与城市整体发展的战略思想,健全法制,建立起有效的保护途径、技术支撑途径、资金来源途径、全民参与途径、执法监督途径,下好文化遗产保护这盘大棋。  相似文献   
罗隐是唐末时期一位重要的文人,其在文学史上应占有一定的位置.但自近代以来,对罗隐的研究却缺乏应有的重视.本文对罗隐生平作了简要的考证,并对部分作品进行了系年,以便推动罗隐研究的拓展与深化.  相似文献   
The conservation of historic stone buildings and sculptures is recently receiving growing attention and becoming a focus of research because of rapid changes in weather conditions (pollution, acid rain, etc.). Presently, techniques for stone conservation primarily involve the use of organic coating treatments, but their side effects have been recognized. In contrast, some traditional materials used in historic stone buildings function well for thousands of years. In this paper, we report our research on the reasons why traditional protective materials can provide an unexpected long-term protection. First, calcium carbonate was prepared according to a formula for making Chinese traditional consolidating materials, and its structure and morphology were examined by different instruments. Second, the reinforcing effectiveness of the prepared CaCO3 powders was tested and analyzed by investigating its surface characteristics. The experimental results reveal that a biocontrolled process occurs, in which an organic template can induce the precipitation of a mineral structure, which in turn results in a great improvement in the conservation of the historic stone buildings protected by these traditional protective materials. This provides a contribution toward the development of new researches on biocontrolled processes and on some protective materials with excellent performance through biocontrolled synthesis.  相似文献   
《考工记》所言古之一辕车车舆形制,自汉至清研究者众,言者合此即失彼,合彼又失此。清江永由轼、较之制而明车舆形制,提出前低后高如纱帽形之说,破千载之积谬。郑珍通过审慎推理,细加甄别,会诸经传而取验实事,在江说的基础上,进一步提出轼前两輢外三面皆有栏高三尺的观点。现代考古发掘与田野发现,基本可印证郑说之确。  相似文献   
本文利用大量数据,从时、空、类型等三个方面描述了唐代岭南文人的社会流动,即从不同时期岭南流动文人的数量分布来看,有唐一代岭南流动文人的数量一直处于小幅波动但持续平稳的增长之中,且后段的数量要大大高于前段;从不同时期岭南流动文人的地理分布来看,唐代流动文人在岭南的分布异常不均衡,主要集中于"五管"及以广州、桂州为轴线的各州,各期州数的多寡与人数的增减基本上呈正相关关系;从不同时期岭南流动文人的流动类型来看,向上的、水平的流动都是后期比前期的多,向下的流动则基本持平,表明岭南在唐代后期越来越富有吸引力,而文人大批量地到来,又会对岭南文学风习的涵养产生积极的作用和潜移默化的影响,但这种改善非常缓慢。  相似文献   
曾辉祥 《神州》2011,(3X):12-14
在经济全球化、国际竞争日趋激烈的新形式下,品牌的培育与发展已经成为各国进行经济扩张和提升国际竞争力的重要战略措施。为了保持品牌的持久活力,就要对品牌进行时时更新,即要进行品牌创新。提升企业的品牌竞争力,已经成为企业致胜的关键,而提升企业品牌竞争力的关键在于品牌创新。本文以现有品牌理论为基础,首先界定了品牌创新效应的含义,具体分析了品牌创新的必要性,然后分析品牌创新所带来的文化效应,从产品文化效应、企业文化效应、社会文化效应三方面进行进一步的分析,最后提出了提升品牌创新文化效应的建议。从文化效应的角度,对品牌创新有了一个深刻的认识和理解。  相似文献   
曾良 《文献》2007,(2):153-160
古籍中有大量的俗写,俗字问题没有弄清楚,会影响我们古籍整理的质量,也不能很好地进行词义研究工作.以下谈几则与俗字密切相关的古籍校勘问题,为了说明的方便,下面有的引例保持原卷的文字面貌.  相似文献   
彭维斌  林蓁 《南方文物》2007,(3):《南方文物》-73-76,77
对古代航海船只上社会群体生活状况的研究是社会史研究的重要课题,也是人类航海史研究不可或缺的内涵构成。但由于资料的缺乏,海上社会生活研究一直没有得到足够的关注。近些年来,由于考古工作者对沉船的科学发掘及对生活遗迹与遗物的详细纪录,使得古代海上社会生活的研究获得越来越丰富的资料。本文以"圣·迭哥"号沉船考古发现为基础,并结合文献资料、航海日记以及其他古代沉船的相关信息,对古代海上社会群体的生活状况以及社会关系进行了复原与探讨,以期能为海上社会生活史的深入研究做基础性的工作。  相似文献   
在中国抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利的前夕,湖南发生了两件大事:湘西会战和芷江受降。这两件大事对中国乃至世界都有重要的历史意义,足以彪炳史册。  相似文献   
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