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残雪在她的大部分作品中,习惯和擅长于向我们展示家庭场景、邻里故事和群体关系,从中我们可以获知或捕捉到日常生活中无所不在的微观政治及权力、迫害的多重图景。  相似文献   
边疆治理现代化,不仅构成了国家治理这一循环链条赖以持续运转的物质性基石,也是国家治理之治理追求在价值层面得以存立的要素补充。实现边疆治理的逻辑更新,将边疆由一“边缘性”话语进位为一个蕴含生机与创造活力的前沿领域,使其实现“本体性”价值的复归与实践路径的“整体性”嵌合,是新时代边疆治理现代化的应有之义。推进边疆治理现代化,要坚持正确的政治导向,深化问题导向意识,注重梳理“知识性”内容,在“以人民为中心”的价值指引下持续夯实基础性资源。  相似文献   
在“双循环”新发展格局下,以广域乡村为主体,形成对其空间格局、经济形态、社会关系等方面的系统认知以及转型路径的预判,对乡村全面振兴和转型发展具有重要意义。基于关系视角的理论解释及其在空间研究中的应用,梳理乡村空间认知研究,认为需要以关系串联乡村空间的复杂内涵和运行机制。文章将乡村空间划分为物质空间、经济空间、社会空间和文化空间四个维度,从各维度内部、之间的关系作用以及调节关系作用的治理手段三个方面,构建乡村空间“构成归纳—过程解析—组织优化”的认知框架。在此基础上,将乡村空间转型路径分为关联整合资源、协调参与主体、建立集体认同三个阶段,以期拓展乡村空间理论的建构视角,为我国乡村规划实践提供科学指引。  相似文献   
The economic importance and strategic significance of Australia's relationship with China means that bilateral ties have become a major focus of attention in the scholarly and policymaking communities in Australia. Understandably enough perhaps, less attention has been given to the way the relationship is understood in China. This article addresses this absence in the literature by providing an overview of some of the more important contributions to the discussion in China. The most important point that emerges from such an analysis is that there is an ‘asymmetry of interest’ in the two countries, with Australia occupying a far less prominent place in Chinese policy discussions than China does in Australia. Equally noteworthy is the fact that the study of Sino-Australian relations in China is characterised by a greater variety of perspectives than it is in Australia. Appreciating this diversity is an essential part of developing a more accurate understanding of the policymaking milieu in China.  相似文献   
Network analysis of tourist flows: a cross-provincial boundary perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In contrast to the extensive research regarding tourist flows on the international, intranational, interregional, intercity, intracity and tourism-spot scales, little attention has been paid to the cross-provincial boundary perspective. In view of the fact that China's provincial administrative boundaries have a long history and a profound influence on the society, culture and economy of neighboring provinces, this study focuses on tourist-flow networks in China that cross ‘provincial’ boundaries. Tourist-flow data from a questionnaire survey and travel-agency-recommended routes were acquired, and the social network analysis method and boundary effect analysis were adopted for the first time to study the cross-boundary tourist flows. Lugu Lake in China was selected for the case study. The spatial distribution and impact factors of cross-boundary tourist flows are discussed, and a scientific basis for future collaborations among cross-boundary tourism destinations is provided. The following conclusions are reached. (1) The spatial structure of cross-boundary tourist-flow networks is complex. There is a core–periphery structure, and each node assumes different roles and functions. (2) Cross-boundary tourist flows are significantly influenced by the boundary-shielding effect, and the properties, direction and extent of the effects are diverse and depend on accessibility, resource endowments, resource heterogeneity and the extent of regional integration. (3) Cross-boundary tourist flows are affected by a boundary-mediating effect, and structural holes play a critical role in the boundary-mediating effect and drive the integration of regional tourism.  相似文献   
Recently collectée material of two Claraia taxa, Claraia zhiyunica Yang et al, 2001 and Claraia sp. nov. from the Late Permian of South China, are described. Late Permian Claraia species are compared with those from the Early Triassic, and the survival of Claraia across the mass extinction period across the Permian- Triassic boundary (PTB) is discussed.  相似文献   
鹏宇 《收藏家》2012,(9):50-54
梁鉴先生2004年发表的对汉代草叶纹镜研究的一文中,其中有一件以“投博”为铭者(图1、2)。据粱文介绍,该镜直径20.7厘米,内有铭文8字。  相似文献   
Step‐pool mountain streams contain a rhythmic structure that can be characterized by the periodicity, commonly determined using spectral analysis. However, this analysis often requires data series recorded at equal intervals and exhibiting stationary patterns. Previous methods of transforming the original step‐pool sequence into this required format have not been rigorously tested and consequently may generate misleading periodicity results. To this end, we apply both spectral analysis and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modeling, a parsimonious stochastic approach to 11 alluvial mountain step‐pool streams for identifying their periodicities. We interpolate the original sequences into those with four different equal‐space intervals, 0.1 m, 0.2 m, 0.3 m, and 0.4 m, and demonstrate that the differencing detrending method is statistically more effective to transform the sequences into stationary ones than the commonly used linear detrending method. Subsequently, we identify periodicities of these sequences using the two approaches and determine the degree of stability for these periodicities for each original step‐pool sequence using R 2 values obtained by least squares linear regression between the log‐transformed identified periods and the associated equal‐space intervals. Eight out of 11 step‐pool sequences have relatively stable periodicities (R 2 ≥ 0.79) when the spectral analysis approach is used, while those identified using the ARIMA modeling approach are much less stable. Further comparison of periodicities identified using both approaches suggests that periodicities of step‐pool sequences are inherently unstable and hence cannot be appropriately determined based on a single equal‐space interval. A general procedure for identifying the periodicity of a step‐pool sequence using spectral analysis with the differencing detrending method and multiple equal‐space intervals is proposed. The identified periodicities might serve as an independent morphologic index to infer hydraulic processes controlling the formation of the alluvial step‐pools because they are significantly related to spill resistance of the alluvial step‐pools. Investigando las periodicidades de formación de escalones (step‐pools) en corrientes aluviales de montaña Las corrientes en forma de escalones (step‐pools) contienen una estructura rítmica que puede ser caracterizada por su periodicidad, determinada comúnmente usando análisis espectral. Sin embargo, este análisis requiere muchas veces de series de información recogidas a intervalos iguales y que tengan patrones estacionarios establecidos. Métodos precisos para transformar la secuencia original de step‐pools en este formato no han sido rigurosamente probados y consecuentemente pueden generar resultados de periodicidad que pueden ser interpretados erróneamente. Para este fin, los autores utilizan tanto un análisis espectral como un modelo autorregresivo integrado de media móvil (autoregressive integrated moving average ‐ ARIMA) en una aproximación estocástica parsimoniosa (parsimonic stochastic approach) a 11 step‐pools de corrientes de montaña para identificar sus periodicidades. Los autores interpolaron las secuencias originales a dichas corrientes con 4 zonas de igual área con diferentes intervalos: 0.1 m, 0.2 m, 0.3 m., 0.4 m y comprobaron que el método de diferenciación que elimina la tendencia (differencing detrending method) es estadísticamente más efectivo para transformar las secuencias en estacionarias que el comúnmente utilizado método que elimina la tendencia linear. Subsecuentemente, se identificaron periodicidades de secuencias utilizando estas dos aproximaciones y se determinó el grado de estabilidad para estas dos periodicidades para cada secuencia original de los step‐pools usando valores R2 obtenidos por una regresión linear mínimo‐cuadrado (Ordinary Least Squares–OLS) entre los periodos identificados vía transformación logarítmica y los intervalos asociados de igual área. 8 de las 11 secuencias de step‐pools analizados tuvieron periodicidades relativamente estables (R2 ≥ 0.79), mientras que aquellas utilizando la aproximación ARIMA resultaron mucho menos estables. Comparación adicionales de las periodicidades identificadas usando ambas aproximaciones sugiere que las periodicidades de las secuencias de step‐pools usando análisis espectral son inherentemente inestables y en consecuencia no pueden ser determinadas apropiadamente basadas en un solo intervalo en zonas de igual área. Se propone así un procedimiento general para establecer la periodicidad de la secuencia de step‐pools usando el análisis espectral junto con el differencing detrending method que elimina la tendencia y múltiples intervalos en zonas de igual área. Las periodicidades identificadas podrían servir como índice morfológico independiente para inferir procesos hidráulicos controlando la formación de step‐pools aluviales, dado que está significativamente relacionado a la resistencia al derrame de dichos step‐pools 阶梯‐深潭山涧包含的韵律结构具有周期性特征,一般通过谱分析的方法探测。然而,这种分析方法通常要求数据序列记录在每个间隔上具有平稳性。由于先前方法对序列的转化没有严格要求平稳性检验,因而可能导致序列结果的误解。为此,本文融合谱分析和移动平均自回归模型(ARIMA),通过随机简化路径方法对11个冲积山流域阶梯‐深潭山涧序列周期进行判别。主要采用0.1m,0.2m,0.3m,0.4m四种不同等间距对原始序列进行插值,分析表明这个差分校正方法对于序列平稳性的变换比常用线性校正方法在统计上更为有效。因此,对每一原始序列在对数变换的时间和相关等空间间距之间通过最小二乘回归获得R2值,并采取两种方法判别序列周期以确定其稳定度。谱分析方法测试得11个中的8个序列具有相对稳定的周期(R2 ≥ 0.79),而采用ARIMA模型进行判别则平稳周期序列数目少得多。通过融合两种方法对序列判别以进一步形成对照,分析表明序列周期存在内部不稳定性,因此不能基于单一的空间间隔来确定周期。从而,本文提出采用谱分析对序列差分校正方法结合多空间间隔的一般方法对序列周期性进行识别。该周期识别方法可作为一个独立形态指数对控制冲积阶梯‐深潭形成的水力过程作出推断,因为该指数与冲积阶梯‐深潭稳定性的表达具有显著相关性。  相似文献   
袁世凯朋僚信函反映了清末这一世纪变革时期的社会状况,特别是1909年初袁世凯被摄政王载沣罢去一切职务,回籍养疴的三年期间的通信往来展示了袁世凯及其同僚在这一时期的蛰伏状况。这组信函为研究清末历史、袁世凯及其朋僚提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
This article attempted to improve the isolation performance of a rolling isolation system by assuming that the rolling friction force gradually and linearly increased with the relative displacement between the isolator and the ground. After the rolling isolation system under different ground motions was calculated by a numerical analysis method, it obtained more regular results than that of other uneven friction distributions. Results shows that the considered concavely distributed friction force can not only dissipate the earthquake energy, but also change the structural natural period. These functions improve the seismic isolation efficiency of the structural relative displacement in comparison with the general uniform distribution of rolling friction coefficient.  相似文献   
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