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关于汉代辽西郡徒河县的地望,以往学或将其确定在营州东北,或定为邰集屯汉城址,或定在锦州西北,或定为锦州市。本作通过对大量献记载的考证,结合对锦州汉城遗迹、遗物的实地调查,对上述诸说进行了讨论,认为锦州市区新发现的汉代城址应为汉代辽西郡徒河县的旧址。  相似文献   
China has a long history of sheep husbandry, and has several indigenous sheep breeds. However, the exact geographic origin of Chinese domestic sheep remains unclear. To provide valuable genetic information for origin of Chinese domestic sheep, we performed an ancient DNA study on 22 sheep excavated from four Bronze Age archaeological sites in Northern China. Two lineages (A and B) were observed in ancient Chinese sheep, of which lineage A was predominant reaching a frequency of 95.5%. Furthermore, phylogenetic network showed that the most frequent haplotype in ancient sheep was the founder of lineage A. These results suggest that Lineage A may hold the key to understanding the origin of Chinese domestic sheep. Sequence sharing and principal component analysis showed that the ancient Chinese sheep had a close affinity to modern Chinese sheep. However, there was no significant breed structure among three modern Chinese sheep groups, making it difficult to determine their relationship to ancient Chinese sheep. Lastly, our results imply that ancient DNA analysis could provide a new way to investigate prehistoric East-West contact.  相似文献   
陆昆 《民国档案》2022,(1):124-132
卢沟桥事变后,上海局势日益紧张,8月9日"虹桥事件"的发生更使得形势急转直下。英美两国为阻止上海爆发战争,积极展开外交活动,强调中日均对上海和平负有责任并敦促双方撤军,但未能成功。上海战事于13日爆发后,英美对中国空军轰炸租界提出抗议,但中国方面强调其为抵御外侮,有权进入包括租界在内的全部中国领土作战。面对中国方面捍卫主权的决心,英国意识到日本对上海战事负有主要责任,开始将交涉的重心转向日本方面,并提出了由在沪外国军队保护日本侨民的方案,以换取日本同意从上海撤军。但日本已决心借上海战事扩大对华战争,对此反应冷淡,国内孤立主义情绪强烈的美国亦始终未改变中立态度,并未与英国合作,这一方案最终胎死腹中,上海战事也发展为大规模战争。  相似文献   
为研究我国古代马具的发展及工艺,使用红外光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜,对旬邑上庙遗址出土的一副南北朝至初唐时期马具中青铜卡带背面附着的多层有机残留物进行检测。结果显示:黑色残留物为动物皮革,老化严重,已无法判断种属及鞣制工艺;下层残留纺织物为大麻纤维平纹编织而成,其经纬线差异显著,编织密度较低。二者共同构成该件马具之鞦。研究首次发现,马具上各青铜部件间系带使用了纺织品包裹皮革的制作工艺,可见当时马具的发展已初步成熟,人们充分认识到大麻制品及动物皮革作为马具系带的特征优势,并能将二者结合使用。研究结果可为南北朝至隋唐时期中原地区马具的研究提供线索,并为该类文物的保护修复提供参考。  相似文献   
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