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托尼的《宗教与资本主义的兴起》与韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》齐名,但是却反映了两种立场。与韦伯标榜中立的学术研究态度不同,托尼在他一系列学术著作和政论文中对资本主义进行了尖锐批评,也在他的政治活动和毕生关注的工人教育中努力实践自己的社会公平理想。在托尼看来,资本主义在本质上是与人的尊严相抵触的,是对财富的顶礼膜拜,是把一部分人看做充当工具的阶级,同时允许另一部分人利用他人为工具来达到致富目的。在资本主义不平等的社会结构中,教育不平等是其中的一个重要环节。把教育当做赚钱的勾当就等于把上帝的天赐拿去卖钱。他对哈耶克的经济自由主义进行了反驳,认为真正让人们奴化的,包括让专业人士和知识分子猥琐化的,恰恰是资本主义制度固有的贪婪。  相似文献   
桑兵 《中华文史论丛》2011,(3):1-16,389
將辛亥革命置於晚清民國歷史的整體脈絡中進行考察,溝通古今中外,不要單純由革命中心外鑠,可見辛亥時期朝野各方均致力於知識與體制的全面變革,使得中國社會的重要領域迅速發生革命性變動@些變動受到中、西、東學及體制的糾結影響,圍繞各類趨新活動又形成各種勢力錯綜複雜的聯繫。只有不爲變化即進化,現在即現代的成見所囿,回到歷史現場,理解古往今來中外各種思想學説制度的本意,及其依時空演進而呈現的流變,所論纔能適得其所,既具有系統且不涉附會,使得包括革命在内的辛亥時期之於中國歷史發展的整體意義得到充分展現。  相似文献   
石质文物是中华民族的灿烂文明,是无价的不可再生的文化遗产和旅游资源,对其进行必要的保护势在必行。现阶段封护材料主要是有机高分子和一些在位聚合低聚体材料,高分子封护剂由于渗透性差、固化应力大等原因应用已被限制,低聚体以其良好的渗透性,无固化应力,与石材相容性好等原因受到更多的应用。研究了一类以甲基三乙氧基硅烷(MTEOS)、正硅酸乙酯等为单体、溶液缩聚的硅酸酯低聚体石质文物封护材料。探讨了单体用量对硅酸酯封护材料性能的影响,进行了硅酸酯封护材料的附着力、憎水性、透气性、耐可溶性盐、耐酸碱老化以及耐紫外光老化等分析测试,还进行了红外、扫描电镜等分析。通过试验分析表明,聚合过程中,MTEOS用量控制在40%(wt)时附着力及接触角达到最佳。封护后试样的耐酸碱性、耐可溶性盐、耐紫外光、透气性和抗冻融性均有不同程度的提高,结果表明研究的硅酸酯低聚体材料能够满足石质文物的封护要求。  相似文献   
This article is concerned with chemical reactions that occur between two interacting parallel fluid flows using mixing in vertical faults as an example. Mineral precipitation associated with fluid flow in permeable fault zones results in mineralization and chemical reaction (alteration) patterns, which in turn are strongly dependent on interactions between solute advection (controlled by fluid flow rates), solute diffusion/dispersion and chemical kinetics. These interactions can be understood by simultaneously considering two dimensionless numbers, the Damköhler number and the Z‐number. The Damköhler number expresses the interaction between solute advection (flow rate) and chemical kinetics, while the Z‐number expresses the interaction between solute diffusion/dispersion and chemical kinetics. Based on the Damköhler and Z‐numbers, two chemical equilibrium length‐scales are defined, dominated by either solute advection or by solute diffusion/dispersion. For a permeable vertical fault zone and for a given solute diffusion/dispersion coefficient, there exist three possible types of chemical reaction patterns, depending on both the flow rate and the chemical reaction rate. These three types are: (i) those dominated by solute diffusion and dispersion resulting in precipitation at the lower tip of a vertical fault and as a thin sliver within the fault, (ii) those dominated by solute advection resulting in precipitation at or above the upper tip of the fault, and (iii) those in which advection and diffusion/dispersion play similar roles resulting in wide mineralization within the fault. Theoretical analysis indicates that there exists both an optimal flow rate and an optimal chemical reaction rate, such that chemical equilibrium following focusing and mixing of two fluids may be attained within the fault zone (i.e. type 3). However, for rapid and parallel flows, such as those resulting from a lithostatic pressure gradient, it is difficult for a chemical reaction to reach equilibrium within the fault zone, if the two fluids are not well mixed before entering the fault zone. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the three possible types of chemical reaction patterns.  相似文献   
Considerable progress has been made on the research of non-rectangular reinforced concrete (RC) squat walls over the past decades. However, the experimental data of L-shaped RC squat walls remain limited, especially for their seismic behaviors under non-principal bending actions. This paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation on L-shaped RC squat structural walls with an emphasis on how varying the directions of lateral cyclic loading influences the seismic responses of these walls. Four L-shaped specimens are tested under lateral cyclic displacements and low levels of axial compression The variables are axial loads and lateral loading directions. The performance of specimens is discussed in terms of cracking patterns, failure mechanisms, hysteretic responses, deformation components and strain profiles. Furthermore, three-dimensional finite element models are developed to supplement the experimental results. The direction of lateral loading is found to have a significant effect on the peak shear strength of L-shaped RC squat walls.  相似文献   
Julfar was a major port town of the Persian Gulf during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries AD. A possession of the Hormuzi empire, it was a lucrative source of taxes and pearls, and a port of trade for northern Oman, tapping into maritime trading networks connecting the Middle East with Africa, India, Southeast Asia and China. The site is found north of modern Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE. Julfar Al-Nudud was previously considered to be a late suburb of an urban core, Julfar Al-Mataf, and is located on a creek opposite the latter. However, excavations in 2010 indicated that Al-Nudud was part of the original urban core, which had grown up on either side of the creek. Moreover, re-examination of previous work in Al-Mataf, where a large mosque and fortification were excavated (by British and French teams), shows that the two areas followed different trajectories. Significant occupation in Al-Nudud and southern Al-Mataf (revealed by previous Japanese excavations) ended before the start of the sixteenth century, while use of the mosque and fort in central Al-Mataf continued into the seventeenth century, albeit discontinuously. A revised concordance of the phases derived from the work of various archaeological teams is therefore proposed.  相似文献   
1901年9月,清廷应两广总督陶模奏请,谕令各省设大学堂,前因虽是戊戌变法期间康有为倡言在省会改书院为高等中学,却是混淆专门学的高等学与大学,令疆臣们进退维谷。袁世凯率先想出挂羊头卖狗肉之策,以大学的名义办中小学的正斋、备斋,化两难为两便。各省争相跟进,纷纷效法,上演了一出君臣之间心照不宣的闹剧。壬寅、癸卯学制拨乱反正,重回各省高等学堂的轨道。不过,作为普通学向专门学的过渡,来自日本特有的高等学堂究竟应该是一省教育的最高学府,还是大学堂的预科,直到民初仍然聚讼纷纭,摇摆不定。而各方就此展开的争论,对于时下平衡基础教育与高等教育的衔接,仍有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
闪光灯在博物馆内总被禁止使用,但其对藏品的影响存在争议。国内外在这方面的研究较少,且已有的实验不能真实反映游客在博物馆内使用闪光灯的情况,除此之外评价指标集中在色度,较为单一。 为正确评价闪光灯对博物馆内藏品的影响,前期实地调研了博物馆内闪光灯使用情况,以游客众多的陕西历史博物馆为代表,经调研数据分析,约2.4%的游客会对特定文物使用一次闪光灯。 实验部分以符合《博物馆照明设计规范》的荧光灯作为博物馆陈列光源,以植物染料花青染色的丝织品为例模拟光敏感型藏品,根据博物馆调研的数据,分别进行荧光灯和闪光灯对染色丝织品的老化实验,共予以荧光灯组样品823 011 lx·h曝光量照射,闪光灯组样品350 166次闪光灯照射。使用色差计、万能材料试验机、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)检测样品的老化程度,探究闪光灯对染色丝织品的影响程度。2组实验条件下,研究结果显示:1)样品色差值ΔE皆小于1.0,外观基本没有变化。2)样品抗拉强度都有所下降,降幅低于10%,其中荧光灯组样品损失率为9.56%,闪光灯组样品损失率为2.54%,荧光灯组下降幅度更大。3)扫描电镜观察样品的纤维没有断裂,样品微观形貌老化前后没有明显差异。4)傅里叶变换红外光谱结构分析,2组光老化使样品975 cm-1处的—Gly—Gly—肽链结构发生了降解,荧光灯组比闪光灯组降解更多;2组光老化均没有使样品产生—CH3对称变角振动;2组光老化使样品产生氧化降解,且荧光灯组氧化降解程度更大;二级结构分析中,结晶区的β-折叠均发生了轻微降解,且荧光灯组相对含量下降更大。 研究结果表明:在陈列光源照度50 lx,博物馆游客日流量10 000人的情况下,荧光灯给丝织品带来的影响大于闪光灯对丝织品带来的影响。从全国博物馆数量和游客参观数据来看,平均307.98年才能达到的游客1 449万人次参观博物馆所使用的闪光灯对染色丝织品的影响是轻微的。传统观点认为“闪光灯对文物影响很大”,而本研究表明,基于调研中的我国博物馆目前的参观情况,符合《博物馆照明设计规范》要求的荧光灯灯源影响更甚于闪光灯。  相似文献   
基于遥感数据的中亚五国城市时空扩展变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助遥感与GIS技术,以1990年LandsatTM和2000年Landsat ETM+遥感影像为数据来源,提取中亚5国首都城市建设用地信息。计算1990年和2000年中亚5国首都城市的城市扩展强度、城市年扩展速率及城市形状紧凑度,对中亚地区五国城市扩展的时空变化进行定量分析。结果表明:1990年和2000年,中亚5国首都城市扩展强度指数和城市扩展速度差距较大,其中阿什哈巴德的扩展强度指数和城市扩展速度最大,分别为0.93、4.6,而最小的是杜尚别,分别只有0.001、2.6,二者相差悬殊。而紧凑度变化幅度不大,2000年,杜尚别、塔什干的紧凑度较大,分别为0.6、0.46,其城市结构更为紧凑,用地集约程度增大,而阿斯塔纳、比什凯克和阿什哈巴德城市结构相对较为松散。同时,中亚五国首都城市空间向外扩张、向内填充的强度、方向各不相同,从而呈现出各自的扩展特点。  相似文献   
侯兵  黄震方  范楚晗 《人文地理》2013,28(5):94-100
一体化是促进区域经济发展和文化融合的必然趋势,一体化具有多种空间结构形式,对区域内城市间旅游经济关系产生重要影响。都市圈是推进区域一体化发展的有效载体,文章以南京都市圈为例,对都市圈城市旅游规模体系进行了纵向和横向的比较分析,揭示城市旅游经济格局的总体特征。从交通通达性指数和旅游者结构的角度对传统引力模型进行修正,测度2006-2010年城市间旅游经济联系度的演变情况,呈现出旅游经济联系量的区域差异明显、交通的作用逐渐增强、"沿线"式距离衰减规律以及区域旅游协作方式相对固化等特征。在此基础上,提出密切都市圈城市旅游经济联系的对策思考,为推进都市圈旅游一体化发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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