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In the 1790s, Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta were the main protagonists of a lively debate on the role of electricity in animal organisms. Significant developments originated from this debate, leading to the foundation of two new disciplines, electrodynamics and electrophysiology, that were to play a crucial role in the scientific and technological progress of the last two centuries. The Galvani-Volta controversy has been repeatedly reconstructed, sometimes in an attempt to identify the merits and the errors of one or the other of the two protagonists, sometimes with the aim of demonstrating that the theories elaborated by the two Italian scholars were irreconcilable, reflecting completely different ways of looking at phenomena and conceiving of scientific research. In this article a different interpretation is offered, based on a discussion of the scientific issues that were central to Galvani's and Volta's research, and with reference to the context of science and society of the eighteenth century.  相似文献   
西南外贝加尔是西伯利亚考古学史方面的重要地区之一.它位于贝加尔湖沿岸地区和阿穆尔河(黑龙江)流域之间,与蒙古及其草原文化毗邻.  相似文献   
This article examines the efforts of two county instructors (jiaoyu), Xie Jinluan and Zheng Jiancai, to bolster the security of the maritime frontier and stabilize local society in early 19th century Fujian and Taiwan. Occurring during the Jiaqing transition in which Chinese elites increasingly voiced concerns about problems afflicting the empire, Xie and Zheng waged an information campaign to lobby for local issues while embedded in county educational posts. Printing their treatises through their alma mater, the Aofeng Academy, Fuzhou’s premier educational institution that promoted a rigorous Neo-Confucian scholarly orientation, and using well-positioned Aofeng alumni to take their causes to Beijing, the instructors were able to make changes on the local level and provide Qing officials with a new source of “expert” local information that bypassed the regular bureaucracy. By producing information on themes of local governance and manipulating the elite network of the Aofeng Academy that connected Fujian to circles of power in Beijing, Xie and Zheng became models of local political action, influencing new generations of Fujianese scholars over the 19th century.  相似文献   
在中国旧石器时代的地层序列中,水洞沟是独一无二的,它的器物组合常常让人联想起在旧石器时代晚期、蒙古和西伯利亚南部地区的石核和石片石器工艺。由于年代学上相应的参照物有限,致使旧石器时代在中国和大欧亚之间并存的这种工艺的论证工作受到了很大的影响。新近在第二地点所发现的烧火面的年代,有力地证实了水洞沟存在于距今29000~24000年之间。同时揭示出亚欧大石片石器工艺主要是从北向南传播的。在这个遗址中。我们还发现了同期生产的形制较小、似细石片的双尖细石叶,这也可能预示出细石器工业在这一带地区的发展。  相似文献   
引言 1966年,А.П.奥克拉德尼科夫和A.П.杰列维扬科部分地发表了1960年在犹太自治州奈费尔德镇靺鞨古墓地发掘的资料①.这座大墓地在阿穆尔河沿岸地区的早期中世纪遗存中牢固地占据着首要的地位,因为它的陶器资料(在口沿下饰附加堆纹的手制瓶形或罐形陶器)和墓葬(土穴墓二次葬)是其特点之一,А.П.奥克拉德尼科夫把它划定为"完整的靺鞨考古学文化"②.  相似文献   
俄罗斯滨海地区发现的大量山城遗址是研究远东地区南部中世纪时期经济和文化状况的基本考古资料.对这些资料经过四十多年的研究后使我们有可能复原公元12~13世纪女真人的物质和精神文化的很多内容.  相似文献   
我們現今时代的主要特点就是兩个不同的世界社会經济体系的并存和它們之間的斗爭。在这个斗爭中,社会主义体系于很短的历史时期內就显示了自己比资本主义体系十分优越,保証了生产力、科学和技术的蓬勃发展,保証了劳动群众物質和文化生活水平的空前提高。但是,社会主义对業已过时的資本主义的优越性愈加明显,力求辯护和粉飾資本主义、誹謗社会主义、削弱共产主义思想对劳动人民影响的资产阶級思想家,就愈是不得不殚精竭力巧为矯飾。在反对社会主义的运动中,在“爭取人类理  相似文献   
改良主义是工人运动中变相的資产阶級思想。改良主义反对阶級斗爭、主张资本主义和平的、逐渐的“長入”社会主义,企圖模糊资本主义社会里兩个主要阶級——工人阶級和資产阶級——之間的根本原則区别,否認作为资本主义向社会主义过渡的必要和决定手段的社会主义革命和无产阶級孶谋厝恍浴8牧贾饕逭咔Х桨儆嫷刭H低公認的、工人阶級在爭取无产阶級孶幦《跃缮缁崾敌猩缁嶂饕甯脑於窢幹械南确娑印R克思列宁主义政党的作用,而把社会主义改造說成是生产力發展的自然結果,忽視革命群众在消灭过时的资本主义生  相似文献   
陶土和石的製品統一為一組共同類的材料,是因爲它們的保管和修復方法幾乎是相同的。这是依这些製品的材料的本來性質决定的。但是,这种情况卻要求極準確的鑑定;不然的話,我們就能糟蹋不少的博物館文物。問題在於:‘石’的概念是包羅着如此多种的材料,以致於我們雖然在实踐上似乎也明白‘石’是什麽,但是我們卻不能指定出確切的特徵;因此,如果我們想科学地看待關於这种材料的保管与修復的問題,那麼就必須確切地斷定我們所要修復的究竟是什麼樣的材料。下面的幾個例子將要說明这個問題。例如,大家都或多或少地熟悉孔雀石(石綠)。如果把孔雀石和大理石來比較一下,它們的硬度和若干其他特徵就多少是相同的,甚至於大理石的色澤有時都像孔雀石的色澤;但是化学成分上它們完全不同。一個是炭酸銅的氧化物,  相似文献   
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