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According to the ancient wisdom of the Great Learning (Daxue), the regulation of a state extends from proper regulation of family affairs. This doctrine echoes throughout Helen Schneider's fascinating study of how the imported discipline of home economics (jiazheng xue) became domesticated in China before 1949. Like other new disciplines in China,  相似文献   
This study presents results on hitherto unknown data on lobotomies performed at the former State Mental Hospital of Umedalen (from here on called simply "Umedalen") in the north of Sweden. More than 700 operations were carried out from 1947 through 1960, and we calculated the average rate of postoperative mortality to 7.4 percent, and that 63 percent of those who were operated were women. By considering annual hospital reports to the National Board of Health (Medicinalstyrelsen), we also made the first mapping of early psychosurgery in Sweden; approximately 4,500 lobotomies were performed between 1944 and 1966. Statistical analysis, qualitative content analysis, and discourse analysis were used. The study supports earlier findings of female preponderance in the number of lobotomy operations.  相似文献   
Between 1937 and 1959 John Fulton (1899-1960), Sterling Professor of Physiology at Yale University (New Haven) and Willem Verhaart (1889-1983), neuropsychiatrist at Batavia Medical School (Java, Dutch East Indies) corresponded on neuroanatomical topics. Verhaart had easy access to primate brains in Batavia and stayed at Fulton's lab as a Rockefeller fellow (1938-1939), learning techniques of surgery and histology of the primate brain in order to apply it in his own lab. The correspondence relates of their undertakings in research, the preparations for Verhaart's stay in New Haven, the failure of subsequent research plans because of World War II, the camp experiences in Asia by Verhaart, the period of restoration after the war, helped by Fulton, and the political changes (independence) in Indonesia that finally lead to Verhaart's return to the Netherlands in 1950, where he became professor of histology and Director of the Neurological Institute at Leiden University. The correspondence shows how neuroscientists from different parts of the world cooperated. Moreover it is an example of the gradual change from a German (like his teacher Winkler) to an Anglo-American orientation in medical science that started in the beginning of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   
新疆——对于无数研究东方钱币的学来说,都是一片充满神秘色彩的土地,这里曾出土过无数神秘待考的神奇钱币。甚至就在30年前,许多钱币学都根本无法想象,在西域马斯乌德(回历670年/公元1271年至1272年,AH670/1271—72AD)改革之前,该区域众多的造币厂曾打制了大量的钱币,早在1981年K.Baipakov和V.Nastich教授的章中,第一次提到在奥特拉(Otrar,吉尔吉斯坦南部)13世纪的一个银器及钱币窖藏中,发现叶密里,博乐和当时其他一些新疆境内的地方打制的银币(Baipakov,Nastich,1981,pp.20—62)。  相似文献   
托忒文历史文献对清朝官方史籍编纂的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M·乌兰 《清史研究》2004,(3):95-101
二十世纪三十至四十年代 ,陈垣先生曾大力倡导史源学研究。史源学的要义 ,是追寻史学论著的史料来源 ,检验立论的依据 ,考证其中的讹误。半个世纪以来 ,史源学不但在历史学界享有盛誉 ,而且扬起学术规范化的风帆 ,驶向邻近学科的学术港湾 ,产生广泛的影响。① 当然这主要讲的是对汉文文献研究的影响。在蒙文文献的研究方面 ,1 978年蒙古国学者沙·比拉在他的专著《蒙古史学史》中也关注到了这一问题。他在研究“帝国时代的蒙古史学史 (十三———十四世纪 )”的有关著述《圣武亲征录》、《元史》时就断言 ,它们的资料来源中有不少蒙古文资料…  相似文献   
今天很难想象,东干曾经没有自己的文字,甚至没有一个作家。这样的时代是有过的。那时候,人们仅仅满足于民间口头创作的作品。到1931年才出版了文艺创作的第一本书,这本书就是亚斯尔·十娃子的诗集《启明星》。当时作者年仅25岁。现在,70年过去了,可以设想,亚斯尔·十娃子和他的第一批读者当时体验到了什么样的感觉,也许与飞行的感觉相似。现在可以肯定地说,亚斯尔·十娃子的书是东干书面文学的开始,称他为东干书面文学的创始人是完全正确的。第一本书的出版无疑成为作家的一个巨大成就,在这之前是诗人和学者般的紧张工作。使用自己发明的文…  相似文献   
大美索不达米亚,在这里广泛地定义为阿拉伯河(Shattal—Arab)各支流汇人的整个地区,长期以来它是公众兴趣和学术研究的舞台。近年来,关注点转向这样一个事实,即它是世界上少数几个农业与动物饲养独立出现的地区之一。虽然已有许多近东粮食生产起源方式出色的文化历史学复原,但是大多数并未直接解决感兴趣的非专业人士最常提出的一些生态学问题。本文研究其中的某些问题。  相似文献   
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