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对中国当代金银币的统计与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自1979年中国发行当代第一套金币——纪念中华人民共和国成立30周年纪念币开始,至2005年为止,当代金银币已发行了27年。中国当代金银币的发行丰富了中国货币的品种,通过这些货币展示、宣传了我国的政治事件、历史人物、艺术文化、科学技术、自然风光、民俗民风等。当代金银币作为中华人民共和国货币的组成部分,作为向国内外公开发行的重要货币品种,作为受到人们重视的收藏、投资门类,金银币的设计、生产、发行受到社会很大的关注。  相似文献   
本文通过对首轮10部县志有关艺文内容设置的统计,指出首轮修志在艺文志设置方面的缺憾,并从历代史志学家的主张及修志传统、新方志的功能等方面论述了设置艺文志的重要性。作者还进一步论述了编纂艺文志须从征、象、亲、本四方面加以把握。  相似文献   
我国有约200万朝鲜族,绝大多数居住在东北三省,约63%的人又集中在中朝、中俄边境,他们中有不少人与朝鲜、韩国、俄罗斯、日本、美国等国家的朝鲜人保持着密切的联系。改革开放以来,特别是"兴边富民行动"实施以来,边疆地区的朝鲜族充分利用海外的广泛联系,发挥人缘、地缘、文缘优势,积极引进国外资金、技术、先进经营管理经验,促进对外贸易、对外劳务合作和边境贸易,并努力发展民族地区经济,在"兴边富民行动"中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines an unusual type of ‘cultural theme park’, one that is not based on simulating existing cultural diversity or historical places, but based in some senses on a ‘double simulation’. The theme park is based on an historical painting assumed to represent the North Song Dynasty period in Kaifeng, China; however, it is a representation that historians argue may never have existed. Utilising on-site interviews and participant observation, this paper traces the connections between the classic painting (清明上河图) and the actual historical landscape of Bianjing (the first simulation), and in so doing, unravels the links between the painting and the theme park (the second simulation) and the simulacra that are envisioned to form within the spaces of the theme park as a result of the interplay of simulations during theme park visits. The simulations and intended simulacra are ‘consumed’ to various degrees, suggesting that the representations of Kaifeng's historical past and culture have been impactful and (in)authenticity has not been an issue. Moreover, the theme park has served to entertain and, in some cases, inspire through playful appropriations of Kaifeng's past and culture. The resultant simulacra and its double simulations (in simulating both the real Bianjing and the neo-real landscape painting) contrast and simultaneously connect with rampant replications of the Occident in contemporary Chinese residential landscapes, townships and themed spaces.  相似文献   
This paper traces a much overlooked historical event, whose impacts threatened to upend the status quo in the Far East and potentially escalate the Anglo-Russian rivalry in Eurasia. With the occupation of Port Hamilton (Geomundo) by a hegemon, Britain, Korea was catapulted into the centre stage of the international system, where it garnered unprecedented attention from major powers. It was also during this period that neutralisation was contemplated both within and without Korea. By exploring this incident through contemporary neutralisation discourse, this work illustrates neutralisation's role in providing an analytical framework to assess the geopolitical importance of this incident in international relations. After suffering a crushing defeat in the Crimean War, Russia was forced to modify its designs in the Mediterranean and adjust itself to a new regional order. Since its room for manoeuvre was constrained by its chief rival, Britain, the Russian government was forced to tread more cautiously in European geopolitics and to refrain from military means in advancing its interests there. Similarly, the British offensive on Geomundo thwarted Russian expansion into the Far East and denied Russia access to the Pacific, allowing Britain to repeat the feat that it had achieved in the Crimean War.  相似文献   
访问者(以下简称"访"):霍老师您好!很荣幸有机会向您采访。我们知道,您自从1978年考入四川大学考古系以来,已经在考古学界耕耘了四十余年,取得了很多成绩,尤其是在历史时期考古的领域,创获颇丰。而这四十年,中国考古学也发展得十分迅速,重大发现目不暇接,各项研究也都有所突破。那么在您看来,历史时期考古研究在这四十年间发展的如何?它目前在中国考古学的体系中。  相似文献   
1953-1954年举行的第一次全国普选是人民代表大会制度建立的重要前提。作为全国普选的一个缩影,江苏基层普选是人民民主制度的重要实践。在试点阶段,江苏基层普选的选举权审查曾发生“左”的偏向,对此,江苏各级选举组织机构展开了有针对性的政策改进和纠偏,最终顺利完成普选。江苏对基层选举权的严格审查,既实现了人民内部最大范围的民主选举,彰显了党和政府实施民主选举的决心和能力,也进一步增强了人民群众的民主意识,推进了基层民主政治建设,具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   
The ritual institutionalization demonstrated in the bronze production at Erlitou and further developed during the Shang and Zhou periods that formed a distinctive feature of bronze civilizations. While exploring the path of the earliest state formation, we could consider why Erlitou was chosen from the unveiling of the Bronze Age in China. Much attention had been paid to archaeological, chronological, geographic, and climatic information in the existing studies, but the relationship between bronze metal resources and the formation of the Erlitou state needed more attention. Viewing the Erlitou culture as the earliest state form in China and thus exploring the path of formation of early states was a return to the original theme of archaeology.  相似文献   
孙锦 《中原文物》2016,(4):53-59,2
赵廷美为宋太祖赵匡胤四弟,被诬而死,宋真宗时改葬汝州梁县之新丰乡。本文对位于今汝州市陵头村的赵廷美墓地进行了初步考证,首先介绍了赵廷美其人与墓园现状,其次结合文献论述了赵廷美墓地在南宋时曾称作"南坟",最后探讨了赵廷美墓地祔葬的陪葬墓情况。目前已经在史料中查到的陪葬墓数量约80座,实际上这里祔葬的陪葬墓数量约达数百座之多。  相似文献   
Spatial interaction models commonly use discrete zones to represent locations. The computational requirements of the models normally arise with the square of the number of zones or worse. For computationally intensive models, such as land use–transport interaction models and activity‐based models for city regions, this dependency of zone size is a long‐standing problem that has not disappeared even with increasing computation speed in PCs—it still forces modelers to compromise on the spatial resolution and extent of model coverage as well as on the rigor and depth of model‐based analysis. This article introduces a new type of discrete zone system, with the objective of reducing the time for estimating and applying spatial interaction models while maintaining their accuracy. The premise of the new system is that the appropriate size of destination zones depends on the distance to their origin zone: at short distances, spatial accuracy is important and destination zones must be small; at longer distances, knowing the precise location becomes less important and zones can be larger. The new method defines a specific zone map for every origin zone; each origin zone becomes the focus of its own map, surrounded by small zones nearby and large zones farther away. We present the theoretical formulation of the new method and test it with a model of commuting in England. The results of the new method are equivalent to those of the conventional model, despite reducing the number of zone pairs by 96% and the computation time by 70%. Los modelos de interacción espacial suelen utilizar zonas discretas para representar áreas o puntos de interés. Los requisitos computacionales de estos modelos normalmente aumentan a razón del número de zonas elevadas al cuadrado o más. Para modelos computacionalmente intensivos como los modelos de interacción entre uso de suelo y transporte y los modelos basados en actividades para ciudades‐región, el impacto del tamaño de la zona es un problema persistente no superado aun. Esta limitación persiste a pesar de los grandes avances en la velocidad de procesamiento en computadoras, pues obliga a los modeladores a hacer concesiones entre la resolución espacial y la extensión que abarca el modelo, así como en el rigor y profundidad del análisis. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo tipo de sistema de zonas discretas que: a) tienen como objetivo reducir el tiempo de estimación de la aplicación de modelos de interacción espacial; y b) al mismo tiempo mantienen su nivel de precisión. La premisa que gobierna este nuevo sistema es que el tamaño apropiado de las zonas de destino depende de la distancia a su zona de origen: a distancias cortas, la precisión espacial es importante y las zonas de destino deben ser pequeño; a distancias mas largas, conocer la ubicación precisa es progresivamente menos importante y las zonas pueden ser mayores. El nuevo método define un mapa específico de zonas para cada zona de origen; cada zona de origen se convierte en el foco de su propio mapa, rodeada de zonas cercanas pequeñas y zonas grandes a mayor distancia. El estudio presenta la formulación teórica del nuevo método y su demostración vía un modelo de desplazamientos residencia‐trabajo en Inglaterra. Los resultados del nuevo método son equivalentes a las del modelo convencional, a pesar de reducir del número de pares de zonas en un 96% y el tiempo de cálculo en un 70%. 空间相互作用模型通常采用离散区域代表区位。模型的计算量往往与区域数量呈平方甚至更高阶增长。对于可计算的精细模型,如土地利用‐交通相互作用模型和基于行为的城市区域模型,区域尺度的依赖性是长期存在的问题,即使计算机的计算速度增加,该问题仍无法消除。因此,建模者需在模型空间分辨率和覆盖范围以及模型分析的严谨性和深度上做出权衡。本文介绍了一种新型的离散分区系统,目的在于减少空间相互作用模型估算和计算时间,同时维持其精度。新系统的前提是目标区域的适当尺度取决于与初始区域的距离:在短距离范围内,空间精确性是重要的,且目标区域必须是小的;在更远距离上,位置精度的重要性降低,目标区域可以变大。该方法为每个初始区域制定了具体的尺度地图。每个初始区域成为其自身地图的中心,被近邻的小区域和更远距离的大区域所包围。本文给出了新方法的理论公式,并以英格兰地区的通勤模型进行检验。结果显示,尽管区域对的数量减少了96%,计算时间缩短了70%,但新方法的计算结果等效于常规模型。  相似文献   
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