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The first Chinese Ordovician series was erected by Lee & Chao (1924). Since then, many regional Ordovician series and stage names have been established and mostly published in Chinese. The present study is a review of these regional units with a discussion of their definitions and correlation to the international standard. Among them, the Ichang series, Neichiashan series, Chientangkiang series, Yushanian stage and Dawanian Stage are most important; all regarded as regional stage divisions in China. The Lower, Middle and Upper Ordovician Series with their new definitions (Webby 1998) are now accepted in China. The global stage names, which have been approved (Tremadocian and Darriwilian), and “Caradocian” and “Ashgillian”, which are potentially to be part of the global standard, should be formally used in China. The Darriwilian Stage is defined in a global stratotype section near Huangnitang, Changshan, SE China. Only two regional stage names, the Yushanian and Dawanian, still remain since the international correlation of these two units has not yet been resolved. The main type Ordovician successions of China are identified, revised and regional correlations briefly outlined.  相似文献   
1973年发现并开始发掘的浙江余姚河姆渡遗址,以距今7000余年前的精美黑陶,骨雕,干栏式建筑,稻谷等重大发现著称于世,曾入编中小学历史课本,并拍摄成彩色记录片,被苏秉琦先生赞为"一朵花"。当时农田水利建设迅猛发展的形势,这样一处内涵全新的新石器时代遗址,艰苦的生活条件,让发掘队员们经历了各种考验,但并没能击垮人们的工作热忱。同时这也是一处在那个年代备受瞩目和重视的遗址,第二次发掘伴随着"浙江省第一届亦工亦农考古训练班"的举办,对遗址进行了大面积揭露,每天在探方内作业的人员及农民工多达200多人,可谓浙江省考古发掘史上前所未有。在遗址发现即将迎来60周年之际,本文作者作为发掘者之一,执笔感念那个火热年代里的生活和工作,以为纪念。  相似文献   
吉林伪满皇宫博物院曾是末代皇帝溥仪充当伪满洲国傀儡皇帝时的宫廷遗址,属遗址型博物馆。在伪满的殖民文化统治时期,有大量的日本书画流入,特殊的背景,独特的条件,使得伪满皇宫博物院在日本书画的收藏和研究方面具有得天独厚的优势。本文除介绍伪满皇宫博物院日本画收藏现状,并精心挑选了松村景文和都路华香两人的水墨禅意作品《禅狐图》  相似文献   
北魏崔宾媛墓志考释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶钧 《收藏家》2012,(6):25-34
概况刻于北魏神龟二年(519年)。传1996年出土于河北元氏县。志石正方形,有盖。志石首题"魏故南赵郡太守李府君夫人崔氏墓志铭"。边长六十七厘米、正书三十三行,行二十二至三十三字不等,计一千零五十七字。  相似文献   
黄君 《收藏家》2012,(3):25-32
一 黄庭坚《行书观音赞烧香颂卷》(图1,以下简称《赞颂卷》)写于澄心堂纸上,字芯高24.3、宽65.5厘米,行书几19行171字。文字内容分别为《观音赞》一篇《烧香颂》三首,兹照录如下:  相似文献   
Chen, J., Beattie, R., Wang, B., Jiang, H., Zheng, Y. & Zhang, H., 12 April 2019. The first palaeontinid from the Late Jurassic of Australia (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha, Palaeontinidae). Alcheringa 43, 449–454. ISSN 0311-5518.

Palaeontinidae, an extinct group of large arboreal insects, has the most diverse record among the Mesozoic Hemiptera, but only a few taxa have been reported from the Southern Hemisphere. Herein, Talbragarocossus jurassicus Chen, Beattie & Wang gen. et sp. nov., one of the earliest representatives of ‘late’ Palaeontinidae, is described and illustrated from the Upper Jurassic Talbragar Fossil Fish Bed in New South Wales, Australia. This new taxon constitutes the first representative of Palaeontinidae in Australia and the first Jurassic example in Gondwanaland, providing significant distributional and stratigraphic extensions to the family.

Jun Chen*? [] and Yan Zheng? [], Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Linyi University, Shuangling Road, Linyi 276000, China. Bo Wang? [], Hui Jiang [] and Haichun Zhang [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China. Robert Beattie [], Australian Museum, 1 William St., Sydney, NSW 2010, Australia. ?Also affiliated with: State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, China. ?Also affiliated with: Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Depositional Mineralization & Sedimentary Minerals, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266590, China.  相似文献   
考古发掘现场脆弱遗迹提取关系到遗迹长期保存及后续保护修复,因此要求提取方法科学、严谨,所用材料安全、有效。本文以考古发掘现场文物保护与修复工作实际出发,总结了提取材料的要求与原则,回顾了考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹所用的石膏提取、聚氨酯泡沫提取、环十二烷提取以及薄荷醇提取等几种方法的使用情况,评述了其提取工艺及性能,并对考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹提取方法未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
刘俊  黄秀波 《人文地理》2014,29(3):22-27
以往滨海旅游研究综述大多限于对所涉研究领域的横向分类,缺乏基于特定学科演进视角下的纵向考察。本文从人文地理学空间思想演变视角出发,重新审视和梳理西方滨海旅游研究的脉络。与空间思想流变过程对应的是,西方滨海旅游研究主题也经历了从"滨海旅游地空间模型与演化"到"滨海旅游空间文化解读与社会建构"再到"滨海旅游空间政治与权力景观"的过程,亦即从关注滨海旅游空间的物质性转变到社会性和政治性。借助人文地理学空间思想演变视角,可以厘清滨海旅游研究视角转换的内在逻辑,并能从空间的生产视角重新思考中国滨海旅游的新一轮发展热潮,为国内滨海旅游研究提供新的思路和方向。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.  This study analyzes the economic impacts of job decentralization with the aid of the Seoul metropolitan input–output model (SMIO) for the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). Two main features can be highlighted: modeling perspective and simulation results. The SMIO is a pioneering work in the application of this type of metropolitan input–output analysis to the real world by taking into account the spatial and industrial relationships of multiplier effects simultaneously within a metropolitan economic system. The simulation results show that job decentralization results in a serious spatial and industrial restructuring of the metropolitan economy, and that the SMA gains significant economic benefits from job decentralization, no matter where the job expansion takes place within the metropolitan region. Interesting to find is that job decentralization generates positive induced effects for all scenarios through a virtuous circle of production, income formation, and consumption, given suburbanized population, which is one of the economic reasons why jobs follow people.  相似文献   
中国古代和近代钱币鉴定的理论与方法考略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨君 《中国钱币》2009,(3):18-33
中国钱币学滥觞于六朝,历经隋唐宋元明各个时期,演进较为平淡,清朝以前的钱币谱录几乎不谈鉴定,往往赝品、非钱币品杂陈其间,难辞粗疏荒陋之诮。至乾嘉时期,整个社会的好古风尚,导致了古钱价格日涨和暖作风行,即如陈介祺分析的:“要之好者日多,值所以日昂,伪者获利日厚,所以效尤者日众。使有真鉴,不过仅不得售与数人,而鬻古者必求真者以售之,则难得而利轻,不若伪者之本轻而利厚,无惑乎竭其心力,  相似文献   
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