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Spurred by the literature on climate change and its calls for undertaking holistic research that more fully integrates the work of biophysical and social scientists, this article responds to the question: To what extent has climate change research in Canada embraced and been guided by the theories and tenets associated with interdisciplinarity and to what extent have integrated approaches been sensitive to cross‐cultural perspectives? It provides an overview of some of the epistemological issues raised in the interdisciplinarity literature that particularly impact research development and design. Furthermore, since much of the climate change literature that claims to be integrated or interdisciplinary draws from Indigenous Knowledge (IK), additional insights are provided from this perspective. The article develops a framework that can be used to undertake and/or evaluate research in a way that acknowledges “upstream” epistemological issues. The framework is then used to evaluate a comprehensive database (n = 282) of Canadian climate change articles. It is argued that an interdisciplinary approach adds a critical voice to the literature on integrated climate change research and is valuable because of its focus on epistemology and methodology. The article advocates the creation of a space for inter‐epistemological acknowledgement in which the academy develops an ethos of self‐reflection, while simultaneously respecting and integrating parallel knowledge frameworks, such as IK.  相似文献   
Cilliní—or children’s burial grounds—were the designated resting places for unbaptized infants and other members of Irish society who were considered unsuitable by the Roman Catholic Church for burial in consecrated ground. The sites appear to have proliferated from the seventeenth century onwards in the wake of the Counter-Reformation. While a number of previous studies have attempted to relate their apparently marginal characteristics to the liminality of Limbo, evidence drawn from the archaeological record and oral history accounts suggests that it was only the Roman Catholic Church that considered cilliní, and those interred within, to be marginal. In contrast, the evidence suggests that the families of the dead regarded the cemeteries as important places of burial and treated them in a similar manner to consecrated burial grounds.  相似文献   
陕西马头山道教真身泥塑造像是以其身体为主,加入麦秸作局部支撑,裹布上泥而成,十分脆弱,急需搬迁和保护。为此,采用环十二烷预加固、贴布紧固及其底边托换等技术对真身造像进行了临时加固,圆满地完成了搬迁,并开展了展示性保护修复工作。本工作成果对高危造像的保护修复与搬迁具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
弦歌台又被称为绝粮祠,整体布局以中轴线为中心呈现东西对称,现存建筑的规制为三进院落,从南向北依次为正门、戟门、大成殿、弦歌书院。大成殿作为弦歌台最核心的建筑,外观气势宏伟,彩绘精美绝伦,是我国东部地区规格较高的孔庙建筑之一。弦歌台大成殿在自然环境和人为因素的长期影响下,彩绘表面出现了褪色、龟裂、颜料脱落等多种病害,彩绘修复工作已成为当前文物保护亟待解决的棘手问题。本工作对彩绘样本的层位和形制进行详细分析,从剖面和表面等多角度进行全面研究,发现大部分彩绘样本由内向外的结构依次为基底层、地仗层、颜料层,蓝色彩绘样本所使用的地仗层为传统的单披灰工艺,与之不同的是红色彩绘样本为无地仗彩绘,红色颜料层直接绘制于基底层上,推测这可能与时代的发展及工艺的变化有关。为了更好地服务文物进行科学保护,需要了解大成殿彩绘颜料成分及制作工艺等。采用超景深微观分析、扫描电镜及能谱仪分析、显微拉曼光谱分析等现代技术及方法,对彩绘颜料样本进行了层位结构、微观及成分检测分析。结果表明,在制作工艺上,大成殿彩绘颜料层剖面多为两层以上叠加,是明显的重层彩绘,说明历史上至少经历过两次以上重绘。同时发现大成殿彩绘颜料层既有重...  相似文献   
构造了一个由数量老龄化、结构老龄化和密度老龄化三个指标所组成的综合老龄化指数(CAI),并建立了一套人口老龄化空间类型划分方案,运用多尺度空间自相关分析对长春市人口老龄化空间的时空演变及空间类型进行研究。结果表明:①长春市近10年出现了老年人口郊区化的趋势,人口老龄化空间的“中心-边缘”分布格局在10年内没有发生显著改变,但空间扩散趋势十分明显,东部和南部近郊区出现了明显的人口老化趋势。②长春市形成了残留老化、集聚老化、自然老化和集聚稀释四种不同的人口老龄化类型区。城市核心区和远郊区形成以非老年人口大量流失为基本特征的残留老化型地区,而近郊区则形成以年轻人口大量涌入为特征的集聚稀释型地区,人口老龄化空间整体上呈现出一种城市中心区和远郊区的老化程度高于近郊区的夹层结构。  相似文献   
《崔迢墓志》据云出土于洛阳龙门西山,原署郭行馀撰、刘禹锡书,有学者用以讨论郭、刘二人之行迹及梦得之书法,然而此志多有与情理及史实不合之处。特别是从墓志文字、撰者题署与行文语气、志主与书者刘禹锡的关系、郭行馀任楚州刺史与墓志撰写的时间以及撰者官职结衔等方面所反应的情况看,可以确认,此方墓志的志文主体内容虽大致可信,但撰者、书者之信息当出于后人伪造,不可信从。  相似文献   
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