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The development of Chinese ceramics culminated during the Song dynasty. At this time, exquisite celadon works emerged, such as Ru Guan celadon and Southern Song dynasty official kiln celadon, which exhibited the glory of their era. Since the excavation of Zhanggongxiang kiln celadon in Ruzhou city, Henan province, China, it has been attracting widespread scholarly attention at home and abroad. Most scholars have suggested that Zhanggongxiang is the official kiln of the Northern Song dynasty. In this paper, taking the celadon unearthed from the Zhanggongxiang kiln as a sample, the combination of laser Raman spectrum and thermal expansion methods is used to study the inheritance relationship between Zhanggongxiang celadon and Ru Guan celadon in the firing process. Meanwhile, the rationality of using Raman Ip value to evaluate the firing temperature of ceramics is reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows. First, the firing temperature of Zhanggongxiang celadon with various glaze colours is quite different, whereas the firing temperature of the same glaze colour is similar, thereby inheriting the firing technology of Ru Guan porcelain. Second, the Ip value of glaze cannot evaluate the firing temperature of porcelain with similar firing temperature. The Ip value corresponds to a range, within which it does not fully conform to the rule that the larger the Ip value, the higher the firing temperature. The Ip value is also associated with the formulation in addition to firing temperature. It is applicable to evaluating porcelains with a similar formulation but a large temperature difference.  相似文献   
Liz Bondi  & Mona Domosh 《对极》1998,30(3):270-289
This article explores the changing contours of the relationship between gender and the distinction between public and private spaces in western cities. Our account returns to the emergence of a modern understanding of public and private spaces to highlight its class and gender connotations. Then, focusing on middle-class women's experiences of public spaces, we use examples from the mid-nineteenth century and the late-twentieth century to illustrate continuities and changes. We emphasize persistent but evolving exclusions from the category "public," which have been sustained in part by changing delineations of "public space" associated with consumer activities. In developing our argument, we question representations of public spaces invoked in arguments about its decline and argue for a politics sensitive to different experiences of such spaces.  相似文献   
刘斌 《安徽史学》2018,(2):61-67
古代"选举"的本义是选贤任能,在不同历史时期其具体指称对象不同。晚清以来,随着西方选举概念的输入,"选举"逐渐脱离中文传统涵义,转变成与英文"elect"对应的概念。这一过程不仅仅是一个语言问题,它蕴含深刻的文化喻义,与近代中西、中日间文化权势转移的大趋势相关联。"选举"的古今词义虽迥然不同,但思想层面的联系却难以完全割裂。  相似文献   
西安市市民出游行为研究   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
王斌  赵荣 《人文地理》2002,17(5):21-24
本文在详细的市场调查基础上,分析了西安市民出游的行为特征,重点探讨了行为特征形成的深层原因,并对以西安为代表的内陆大城市和沿海城市居民出游规律做了对比分析,从而对西安市民的出游行为有了较深刻的认识,为西安市旅游决策提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   
This new global financial crisis has required us to recognize how closely and deeply different regions and countries around the world are connected and how they interact with each other. In this interconnected context, planning theory and experiences also become fluid rather than being confined within certain boundaries. This paper explores the links between Chinese planning and European (or “Western”-oriented) spatial planning by critically analysing the development of Chinese planning. In China, modern European planning theories have been under discussion and partly in practice for years. Indeed, they have been playing an important role over the past 30 years in, for example, urban growth management, land-use regulation and environmental protection, and also in helping achieve sustainable development. However, the evolution of Chinese planning, now in a highly dynamic phase, has distinguished itself from that of European planning by adopting a highly rational, coordinated and top-down approach. This paper argues that there are several reasons for this. However, beyond this mere observation, there are a wide range of possibilities to be considered and reflected on with respect to these two different trajectories of planning development, which could enhance planning theory and practice. In other words, there are lessons to be learnt in comparing contemporary Chinese and European planning.  相似文献   
王安石是北宋时期的政治家、思想家、文学家,一生著述甚丰。然而,由于北宋末年的党派之争,以及后世的毁誉之论,王安石的著作散佚颇多。今按辑佚书一般原则,依据南宋卫湜的《礼记集说》、元吴澄的《礼记纂言》等著述,从中采辑王安石《礼记》训释65条,合为一编,以见王安石《礼记发明》之梗概。  相似文献   
赵斌 《丝绸之路》2010,(24):84-88
本文在认真研读相关文献与文物考古资料的基础上,就唐乾陵朱雀门前东侧最南列最后一人的族属和身份作了较为细致的考察和论述,认为该石像应系唐高宗与武则天时期与唐王朝关系密切的新罗人形象,并极可能是新罗文武王金法敏。  相似文献   
近代中国留学事业蓬勃兴起.南京国民政府成立初期,在留学管理政策等方面基本延续了晚清和北洋政府时期的相关政策,但还是有一定的区别,主要体现在留学经费的来源与使用方面.南京国民政府初年留学经费来源渠道不一,在经费拮据的前提下,政府实行了严格的预决算制度.此外,政府还通过鼓励团体和私人资助等形式多方筹措资金,以保障公费留学生的培养所需.经费使用方面,政府在保障学费供给的前提下,为鼓励留学生学业更进一步,对于继续深造的学生往往给予一定资费补助,同时加大了对自费留学生的奖励和扶持.通过对南京国民政府初年留学经费来源和使用情况的考察,发现其经费虽捉襟见肘,但经费的筹措与使用逐步明晰化、制度化,因而在留学生培养上取得了一定成效.  相似文献   
戴斌 《旅游科学》2010,24(2):1-6
身处中国旅游业发展的黄金时期,面对日益扩容的国民旅游市场以及繁荣发展的旅游学术研究,当代旅游学人必须直面这样一个问题:50年、100年以后,后人如何来评价我们这一代人的努力?我们如何去面对历史的拷问?从求学到成长为一个学者,十几年甚至几十年走下来,国家和社会已经给予我们很多。在接受功名的同时,我们是不是应该思考为什么社会给予我们这么多?我们应该做些什么回报社会?这就涉及到一个根本问题,就是当代旅游学人应该秉持什么样的理念或信仰来做学术研究?  相似文献   
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