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全球化背景下城市文化地理研究的新趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
朱竑  封丹  王彬 《人文地理》2008,23(2):6-10
文化全球化背景下,在城市的快速转型过程中,城市文化发展和演进面临更多新要素的触动:"异质文化"日渐冲击或渗透着城市本底文化,影响城市文化发展的主要因子也更多从自然环境要素始向人文因素转变,即城市本底文化生存的"土壤"正在发生革命性改变,从而使城市文化表现出更多时代内涵、时尚意韵和新景观。本文基于国内外相关研究进展,讨论全球化背景下城市文化地理研究的新态势,以期对新时期国内文化地理学的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   
魏斌 《历史研究》2012,(1):36-53,190,191
东汉人名呈现出明显的分层,上层人名是单名,底层人名单名、双名并存。这种情况亦存在于南方的巴蜀、吴越地区。在这种背景下观察,长沙走马楼吴简整齐的单名引人瞩目。楚秦至西汉前期,楚地编户民同样单名、双名并存,且具有显著的俚俗色彩。走马楼吴简整齐单名的形成,应是东汉时期长沙等郡大规模编户化过程中新附人口户籍登录整齐化的结果。东晋以后,受到民间口语习惯和信仰心理的影响,南方上层带有"之"、"道"等虚字的双名逐渐兴起。单名惯例一旦突破,双名命名方式会进一步发展,最显著的是双名的"字化"。在此过程中,一些体现上层理念的双名用字反过来又影响到底层人名。汉晋时期南方人名中单名、双名变化的背后,是华夏文化对南方社会的持续影响。  相似文献   
戴斌  夏少颜 《旅游科学》2012,26(1):7-12,81
改革开放30年以来,中国旅游产业的发展取得了一系列显著成绩,国内旅游学科建设也初步形成了有中国特色的旅游学科体系和理论框架。伴随我国旅游业进入大众旅游:匆主要特征的发展阶段,系统地、战略性地提出旅游发展理论,是明晰旅游业可持续发展的根本动力的基本要求,也是本文系统梳理旅游科学研究的发展脉络和阶段待征、提出未来旅游科学研究的创新空间的根本意图。  相似文献   
The equivalent force control (EFC) method replaces numerical iteration with a feedback control strategy to solve the nonlinear equations of motion using an implicit integration method for real-time substructure tests (RSTs). The method, however, requires the conversion of the equivalent forces to structural displacements using a conversion matrix. It is demonstrated in this article that with the use of a proportional-integral (PI) controller for the EFC, one has the convenience of choosing the initial stiffness matrix of a structure to construct the conversion matrix regardless of the properties and degree of nonlinearity of the system. The stability condition of the EFC using a PI controller has been derived with the Routh stability criterion. Methods for designing and tuning a PI controller for RST using EFC have been presented and excellent system performance has been obtained from numerical simulations and actual tests. The simulation results showed that the EFC method using a PI controller and the initial stiffness matrix to construct the conversion matrix can deliver excellent performance even for structural systems that develop a severe strain-softening behavior. Its superiority over iteration method proposed by Jung et al. [2007] Jung, R. Y., Shing, P. B., Stauffer, E. and Thoen, B. 2007. Performance of a real-time pseudo dynamic test system considering nonlinear structural response. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 36: 17851809.  [Google Scholar] was demonstrated through numerical simulation. This provides an efficient means to test nonlinear multiple-degrees-of-freedom structures.  相似文献   
油画保护性修复是基于对绘画材料属性研究与修复保护的一种科学阐释。为了对中国古代油画进行科学的保护和修复,以清代一件"美国货船油画"为研究对象,围绕项目检测和修复方案制定展开深入研究。采用X射线荧光光谱仪、数码显微镜、紫外荧光等仪器并结合化学试剂测试对清代外销油画结构与画面表层污渍及棕色斑点进行分析。检测结果表明,棕色斑点中铁含量较高,应为铁锈。在保护修复中,应针对画面中锈斑进行清洗修复。  相似文献   
本研究通过使用被动采样—离子色谱法对秦俑遗址环境中的酸碱性和氧化性气体进行检测,并与主动法检测结果进行对比,发现在较大的浓度范围和较长的采样时间内两种方法的总体结果具有一致性,且与主动法相比,被动法具有更高的空间分辨率,能反映区域范围污染物的分布情况。所以,一定条件下可以使用被动采样—离子色谱法替代主动法进行博物馆遗址环境腐蚀性气体的检测。  相似文献   
This paper provides a new, interpretive gazetteer and chronology of Hadramawt’s highland monuments based on results from archaeological survey and test excavations by the RASA‐AHSD (Roots of Agriculture in southern Arabia‐Arabian Human Social Dynamics) Project. With the exception of a few incidental sightings and an unpublished pipeline survey, the prehistoric record of southern Yemen’s highland plateau has been largely unknown. There are few settlements, so that understanding human landscape history must begin with the numerous small‐scale stone monuments left by mobile people. With examples representing monuments from the fifth, fourth, third and first millennia BC, the corpus of small excavations and radiocarbon dates reported here provides the first guide to the monument types of South Arabian highlands. Monument building began under more moist conditions and appears to have commemorated animal sacrifices long before commemorating mortuary rites and interment. There appears to be a temporal break of 1000 years before the widespread and varied practices of Bronze Age tomb construction, which lasted through the third millennium BC. After another break in monument construction, tombs were reused in the first millennium BC, sometimes with successive ritual visits. The data presented offer new material for the interpretation of the lives and activities of prehistoric pastoralists throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   
在学术研究中,通过查阅全国各省(自治区、直辖市)三级志书,发现地方志编修存在一些问题:第一,毒品问题是近现代中国一个相当严重的社会问题,但有些毒品泛滥严重的省(自治区、直辖市)的地方志在毒品问题的处理上,或轻描淡写,篇幅十分有限;或分散记述,内容不够集中,对这一问题的论述显得分量不足;或在处理烟毒问题时或泛泛而谈,一笔带过,甚至避而不提。第二,“报喜不报忧”的修志态度,违背了地方志编纂要全面、客观的原则。地方志的编纂应切实做到存真求实,确保质量,全面、客观地记述,使各地的地方志成为系统地记述各行政区域自然、政治、经济、文化和社会的历史与现状的资料性文献,更好地为新时期的社会主义建设服务。  相似文献   
给维·伊·查苏利奇的《复信草稿》是研究马克思晚年思想的重要文献。在《复信草稿》中,马克思对俄国的农村公社、农业生产的集体形式作了综合性的概述,并且在探讨人类历史上公社发展阶段的同时,提出了农业公社的概念。但半个多世纪以来,学术界经常把农业公社与农村公社两个概念等同起来,认为马克思所说的农业公社的特点就是农村公社的特点。这不仅不符合经典作家的原意,而且也影响到人们对公社发展阶段的认识。本文认为,《复信草稿》中的农村公社与农业公社是不能简单等同的两个概念,农业公社的提法是马克思的一种新的理论尝试,但其本身并不成熟,马克思最后放弃了农业公社的提法。  相似文献   
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