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社会学与地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文筒述社会学的由来与发展,社会学中国化及其在中国特色社会主义建设中的作用。社会学的整体性、综合性、科学性和社会调查研究方法,是非常值得地方志工作者借鉴的。  相似文献   
陕西南部城固和汉中的东汉砖室墓中出土的摇钱树枝和树干上面分别发现佛像以及莲花图案,这是陕西省目前发现的最早的佛像,也是我国发现的最早的佛像之一,对于探讨陕西省佛教艺术的起源具有重要意义.  相似文献   
论师询簋的史实和年代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何景成 《南方文物》2008,(4):104-107
师询簋最早著录于宋代薛尚功所作《历代钟鼎彝器款识法帖》(14·14)中,《殷周金文集成》收入于第八册中,编号为4342。原器已失,器形不详,铭文亦只见摹本,释文作:  相似文献   
何洪源  李晶 《收藏家》2008,(3):40-46
古时人们用水照面,铜器发明后,以铜盆盛水鉴形照影。《尚书》、《国语》、《庄子》等书中,提到过古人“鉴于水”,《说文·金部》释“鉴”为“盆”,因此,可以说盛水的盆(鉴),就是最早的镜子。由于合金技术的出现,开始了使用铜和锡或银铅等制作铜镜的历史,将铜镜制成圆形或方形,其背面铸铭文饰图案,并陪钮以穿系,正面以铅锡磨砺光亮,可清晰照面。  相似文献   
贺培姗 《收藏家》2008,(8):27-30
历代书画作品,是我国悠久历史文化遗产的重要组成部分,因此,它们历来受到人们的钟爱和收藏,不论是皇家王室,还是达官显贵,不论是富贾巨商,还是文人雅士,均以收藏古代或当代名人书画为荣,它们不仅是财富的标志,而且也是人们学识品位的象征。历代的收藏者与鉴赏者,有的为显示自己对文物的占有、喜爱,有的为表示对文物的鉴赏意见,  相似文献   
EDXRF无损测定琉璃构件釉主、次量元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代建筑琉璃构件釉层的厚度通常在130μm左右,因此难以将釉层剥离下来进行分析测试。目前,尚不见有关制备琉璃釉校准参考样品的报道,且很难找到与琉璃釉基体接近的标样进行定量分析。为此,在研制建筑琉璃校准参考样品的基础上,建立了用能量色散X射线荧光谱仪(EDXRF)无损测定琉璃釉料主、次量元素的分析方法,并对元素分析线在琉璃釉层中的饱和厚度问题,方法的检测限、精密度等问题进行了讨论。结果表明,所建立的无损测试方法可满足对琉璃釉主、次量元素测定的要求,为今后测试研究古代建筑琉璃构件釉料的元素组成特征打下基础。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,中国特色社会主义事业总体布局在理论上经历了由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设三位一体的初步形成到逐步明确,再到经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设四位一体的渐进发展过程。在工作安排上,社会建设的具体内容一直不同程度地体现在总体布局之中,越来越为党和国家所重视。随着我国经济社会的发展,三位一体总体布局中社会建设具体内容的边缘性和模糊性,客观上要求突破总体布局原有的框架。四位一体总体布局是对我国社会主义初级阶段社会主要矛盾认识深化的必然结果,是应对社会变革和发展新特征的理论创新,是解决经济社会发展不协调问题的必然要求。  相似文献   
Revolution is an event that had taken place in many countries in the 20th century. Revolution was not only imagined in Western historical writing as a radical change of social life, but also perceived as representing a return to the old form of social rule in the end. The Chinese ideas of revolution in the 20th century evolved from the traditional idea that the change of dynasties was due to the change of mandate. The modern Chinese idea of revolution also incorporated the European idea that revolution would lead to a higher form of social development. The interpretation of the aim of Chinese revolution in the 20th century China shows that Chinese theorists had a misunderstanding for a long time regarding revolution as representing an ultimate social state and not as a means to achieve political modernization. A theoretical rethinking of the concept after the Cultural Revolution has resulted in an advance in China's social evolution.   相似文献   
何仟年 《文献》2003,(2):257-261
在中越文化交流中,不只是越南搜求中国图籍,也有一些越南人的汉文作品在中国产生或流传.《四库总目》著录越南书数种,如黎崱《安南志略》、黎澄《南翁梦录》,但原属越南书籍,后传人中国的只有一部《越史略》.本文拟对从越南传人中国的数种古籍作一点探讨,遗漏不当之处,请读者指正.文中所谓古籍的著作年代大致以清代为限.  相似文献   
An inadequate streamflow supply in Saginaw Bay, Michigan, affects the irrigation development in the region. Linear programming (LP) models are developed in this paper to help irrigation planners determine optimal irrigation scenarios. To incorporate the spatial variations of the soil and climate into the optimization models, soil associations are used as the basic analysis unit for estimating crop yields, irrigation requirements, and expected economic returns. The yields and irrigation requirements of corn, drybeans, and soybeans are simulated by the CERES-MAIZE, BEANGRO, and SOYGRO models at each of the twelve soil associations in the study area over the period of 1951–1980. The yield and irrigation requirement of sugarbeets are simulated by the YIELD model for all the soils in the study area over the period of 1956–1987. The crop prices, simulated crop yields and irrigation requirements, and variable costs are used to compute the expected gross margins and other coefficients in the LP models. The optimization results provide irrigation scenarios that are linked to specific soil associations, which are more useful to decision makers for identifying and targeting individual soils for irrigation development than are the spatially lumped optimal solutions. This study demonstrates that through integration of GIS and simulation models, spatial variations of the climate, soil, and water resources can be better represented in the optimization models to produce more realistic irrigation scenarios.  相似文献   
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