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The Ming History (明史 Mingshi) by Qing official historians took more than 90 years to complete, and Wan Sitong's 萬斯同 Draft Ming History (明史稿 Mingshi gao), Wang Hongxu's 王鴻緒 Draft Ming History, and the Ming History palace edition overseen by Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉 were the most important histories of the Ming over its different stages of compilation. Wan Sitong gave much attention to the writing of history in the biographies from the Wanli Korea Campaign, Wang Hongxu did not give them much attention, and Zhang Tingyu repudiated and even negated them. In Zhang Tingyu's Ming History, the Annals of Shenzong (神宗本紀 Shenzong benji) set the tone of repudiating the Korea campaign. Due to their clan, the Bozhou Campaign (播州之役 Bozhou zhiyi), or the Liaodong Incident (遼東事變 Liaodong shibian), nearly none of the Ming generals from the eastern expedition to Korea were given biographies due to their participation in the Korean War. The History of the Choson (朝鮮傳 Chaoxian zhuan) gives a negative evaluation that denies or undervalues relevant people and battles. On the one hand, this was due to the influence of historical sources. Due to Yang Gao’s 楊鎬 responsibility for defeat in the Battle of Saerhu 薩 爾 滸 之 役, the compilers of the Veritable Records of Ming Shenzong (明神宗實錄 Ming Shenzong shilu) followed the account of Ding Yingtai 丁應泰 in their records and denied the accomplishments of Yang Gao and the Ming army in Korea. On the other hand, due to real political needs, as the commanders of the eastern expedition to Korea later became the military rival of the Later Jin in Liaodong, an attitude of denial had to be adopted against them to create legitimacy for the Qing dynasty. These were the two main factors that determined the way in which the Qing official Ming History wrote the history of the Wanli Korean War.  相似文献   
Cities offer a large menu of possible employment and leisure opportunities. The gains from such consumer city leisure are likely to be lower on more polluted days. We study the association between daily consumption activity and outdoor air pollution in China and find evidence in favor of the hypothesis that clean air and leaving one's home for leisure trips are complements. Given the high levels of air pollution in cities in the developing world, regulation induced improvement in environmental quality is likely to further stimulate demand for the consumer city.  相似文献   
陶敏 《文献》2007,(2):89-94
宋太祖开宝三年(970),南唐清辉殿学士张洎奉命使宋,纪录宋典客、左补阙贾黄中谈话,撰成<贾氏谈录>一书.此书虽记唐代琐事,又仅一卷,"篇帙无多,然如牛李之党其初肇衅于口语,为史所未及,而<周秦行纪>一书,晁公武亦尝据此录以辨韦璀之诬.  相似文献   
将铜器刻文与史籍对照研究,从而对刻文作出新的解释.  相似文献   
关于金长城(界壕边堡)文献著录与考证的历史回顾.自上世纪三四十年代以来,考古调查与发掘的主要收获.其中包括本人早年三次调查金东北路界壕边堡的发现与成果.与金东北路、临潢路界壕有关的几个历史地理问题.主要从考古学的角度,推断"北方边墙"当属于辽代.金长城(界壕)继承了我国古代长城的一般传统与功能,而且在建造规律、纵深配置与管理诸方面,予后世之明长城(边墙)以直接影响.迄今,关于金长城的分布与配置已大致清晰,但在总长度上的分歧甚大.因此,按统一标准,在统一规划下,对金长城进行精确复查,仍属势在必行.  相似文献   
从《申报》看苏州的私钱与禁私(1827-1877)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄敏 《中国钱币》2007,(4):37-40
清代实行银钱平行本位,大数用银,小数用钱。制钱是民间主要的流通货币,银两只不过是国家财政和大宗贸易的计算出纳单位以及富裕人家的储藏手段。在清朝统治者入关前,就曾铸有“天命”、“天聪”两种铜钱,自顺治进关,到辛亥革命,前后历经十代皇帝,铸有十种年号钱。康熙、乾隆时代的铜钱质量、重量都很规范。  相似文献   
本文通过对《上海年鉴》总体框架设置的分析,力求地方综合年鉴的编纂在一级栏目(类目)和相关部分内容的设计上突破以往的模式,努力做到有所创新,突出特色和服务读者,提高地方综合年鉴的质量和使用价值。  相似文献   
本文主要依据档案资料对北洋政府的蒙古教育政策进行了概要探讨。认为虽然蒙古地区的情况比较复杂,但北洋政府还是出台了一些与蒙古教育有关的政策。这些政策尽管缺乏系统性,但继承了清末教育变革的精神,继续推动了传统教育和现代教育的接轨。这一时期蒙古教育的发展受到了社会动荡的严重影响,但热河、绥远、察哈尔三个有蒙古族分布的地区,其教育还是在困境之中维持或有一定程度的发展,这种发展更多的是来自于上述地区内部的发展要求。  相似文献   
郭敏 《中原文物》2007,37(2):25-31
依据考古发掘和文献资料,认为史前先民对头部的装饰手法多种多样,这在一定程度上反映了早期人类审美意识及淳朴的原始宗教信仰的多样化,同时也说明了古人对美的追求并非有了丰厚的物质条件才萌生的。  相似文献   
浙江平湖庄桥坟遗址出土的石犁是史前考古的新发现,属于痕迹文物。出土时木构件痕迹饱水,为暗褐色、开裂严重、整体呈腐蚀状,非常脆弱。针对器物的保存状况,因地制宜地制定一系列保护方法:木构件痕迹的脱水保护、底托的加固制作、木构件粘贴复原等,使文物得以长期保存。  相似文献   
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