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Spatial heterogeneity has been regarded as an important issue in space–time prediction. Although some statistical methods of space–time predictions have been proposed to address spatial heterogeneity, the linear assumption makes it difficult for these methods to predict geographical processes accurately because geographical processes always involve complicated nonlinear characteristics. An extreme learning machine (ELM) has the advantage of approximating nonlinear relationships with a rapid learning speed and excellent generalization performance. However, determining how to incorporate spatial heterogeneity into an ELM to predict space–time data is an urgent problem. For this purpose, a new method called geographically weighted ELM (GWELM) is proposed to address spatial heterogeneity based on an ELM in this article. GWELM is essentially a locally varying ELM in which the parameters are regarded as functions of spatial locations, and geographically weighted least squares is applied to estimate the parameters in a local model. The proposed method is used to analyze two groups of different data sets, and the results demonstrate that the GWELM method is superior to the comparative method, which is also developed to address spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Despite high prevalence of Trichuris trichiura infection, PCR-based analysis on T. trichiura from archaeological samples has not been established so far. In the present study, we sought to perform PCR-based amplification of T. trichiura aDNA using the sediments from medieval tomb of Korea. The presence of Trichuris eggs were first detected by microscopic observation; then confirmed by PCR-based aDNA analysis. Obtained sequence showed 100% homology to that of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSUrRNA) gene of T. trichiura but distinct from that of other Trichuris species. PCR-based aDNA analysis in this study can serve as effective method to confirm the presence of T. trichiura eggs in the soils or coprolites collected from archaeological sites.  相似文献   
<正>2006年12月,根据吕遵谔提供的线索,北京师范大学历史学院与洛阳市文物钻探办公室的考古人员,在洛阳市进行了为期一个多月的旧石  相似文献   
崔岷 《安徽史学》2021,(5):37-45
咸丰三年后京内外官员对于团练效果的激烈批评使得实际承担办团使命的钦派在籍绅士承受了无以救时的沉重压力.在咸丰六年镇压太平天国的军事行动严重受挫的背景下,急于改善团练效果的清廷从相对易于调整和见效的"治法"入手,尝试在10个形势紧要省份推行团练"任官督率"方案,以期收回从地方官员转移至钦派绅士的团练控制权.然而,十省督抚对"任官督率"方案的变通和迁延表明,尽管此前数年对钦派绅士多有不满,责重事繁的"办理团练"事宜务须统合官绅之力仍属共识.咸丰六年的"任官督率"尝试是嘉庆年间首次广泛兴办团练以来清廷从"顶层设计"上探索社会动员策略过程中的重要节点.揭示其背景和意蕴,不仅有助于进一步认识咸同时期团练的作用与角色,亦可加深对于晚清时期的官绅关系和国家如何实现社会动员的理解.  相似文献   
Lime mortars have played an important role in constructing ancient Chinese masonry structures, including city walls, buildings, and tombs. A tomb built with lime mortars and stones belonging a Ming high-ranking official, Xu Jie, was discovered in Huzhou City of China. Eight different samples from Xu Jie’s tomb, representing four types of lime-mortar-based materials: joint mortar between stone bricks, bedding mortar, grouting mortar, and plaster mortars were collected for analysis and comparison. The characterization of the construction materials has therefore become of primary importance. The function of each mortar was reported and studies into the micro-textural features and mineralogical compositions of those mortars were performed via a multi-analytical approach. The joint mortars were all found to be aerial lime mortars with predominately lime. The bedding mortar was found to consist of lime, soil and sand, typical of a tabia mortar. The grouting mortar was found to consist of lime and ground contact metamorphosed limestone. Analysis of plaster sample taken from the roof of the main tomb identified the presence of calcium stearate/palmitate, indicating the usage of plant-based tung oil as an additive. The analytical results will promote our understanding of Ming architectural technology and craftsmanship, and provide critical information for the conservation of Xu Jie’s tomb.  相似文献   
高敏 《史学月刊》2000,(6):34-41
《嘉禾四年吏民田家莂》中的内容反映出嘉禾四年吏民田家莉中的“州吏”具有不同于其他租田的五大特征,在与五年田家莂的比较中,“州吏”的情况发生了许多变化,即“州吏”在嘉禾四年为特殊租田的优异身份在五年消失了,而与其他租田趋于同化。嘉禾五年“库吏”、“仓吏”人数的增加反映出嘉禾五年有加强仓库管理的举措。嘉禾五年的改革,使租佃制度得到发展,租佃土地的地区扩大、租佃数量增加、仓库的管理也大为加强,田家莂书写的错误率大大降低了。  相似文献   
为了长久保存馆藏青铜文物,有效转化深层有害锈氯化亚铜,以仿古青铜试样为对象,应用循环伏安法、恒电位极化法等电化学实验来研究青铜在模拟中性土壤介质溶液中的电化学行为,应用X-射线衍射(XRD)、共聚焦激光Raman显微分析检测其腐蚀产物的主要物相。结果表明,氧化过程是生成有害锈氯化亚铜的反应,还原过程是氯化亚铜还原成铜的反应。运用扫描电子显微镜和能谱仪(SEM-EDS)进行形貌观察和微区腐蚀产物成分分析。对氯化亚铜在不同湿度环境下的变化进行了跟踪观察。由此,为除去青铜文物深层有害锈氯化亚铜所做的一系列探讨将在博物馆藏品保护方面具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   
In this paper we show the results of a study concerning 42 axes, mainly discovered in the Copper Age pile dwellings of Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia) and in the neighbouring areas of Caput Adriae. The studied shaft‐hole axes, characterized by homogeneous typology but slightly different raw materials, have been called ‘Ljubljana‐type’ axes (Lt). The raw materials show a common OIB‐like signature and metamorphic and spilitization features that recall oceanic conditions. The typological and geochemical characteristics and the very high percentage of Lt axes among the polished stone axe assemblages of Ljubljansko barje suggest that the raw material was probably gathered from one or more relatively small outcrops close to Ljubljansko barje. Similar igneous rock types outcrop in the presumably Palaeozoic diabase/shale complex (Eisenkappler Diabaszug), intruded by the northern Karawanken plutonic belt. A probable provenance from this area, particularly rich in copper ore deposit, would confirm the important role of Ljubljansko barje as a metallurgical district, as well as a strong relation between lithic raw materials and Cu cultivation districts during the Copper age.  相似文献   
考古学属人文科学的范畴,考古学是历史学的有机组成部分。考古学研究的对象繁杂,涉及的学科甚广,受相关学科(地质学、生物学等)的启发而逐渐形成相对完整的考古学方法论。考古类型学是考古学的基础方法论之一,在考古学研究中发挥着重要的、不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
蒋介石应对两广六一事变大体上有一整套方针与步骤。事变初露端倪时,蒋静观其变。针对两粤之军事部署以防备为主,取监视与待机方针,欲利用两广之争和广东内部的文武内讧,以政治方式和平解决。事变爆发后,蒋为拆分粤桂,先专对粤。广东问题解决后,冒险撤换李宗仁、白崇禧。借口李、白抗命不服,趁机派兵入粤。待中央军转至西江布防后,开始对桂谋求和平解决。蒋处置两广之方针与步骤虽无明显之失算,为两广问题得以和平解决之关键,但其所运用之手段没有超出中国传统政治术之羁縻反侧的范畴。  相似文献   
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