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综合花粉、炭化种子等生物指标记录可以提供有关早期植被与农业活动方面的信息。研究显示,下河遗址地区在距今5300~4700 cal a BP之间植被类型以草原为主,仅在河谷地区与山区有少量乔木生长;该地先民在仰韶时代晚期农业活动以旱作农业为主,广泛种植粟类作物,伴随少量黍类作物;另外,较多数量草木犀植物种子的出现可能暗示该地先民利用植物资源饲养牲畜,但仍需进一步研究,以获得更多证据的支持。  相似文献   
新四军史料的搜集整理,抗战时期即已开始,新中国建立后发展迅速。70年来,新四军史料的整理工作,在综合性史料、专题文献、回忆录等的编纂方面取得了一定的成绩,但尚未编纂出一套完整、系统、全面地包含中外政府档案、文献、报刊和口述史料的新四军大型史料集,在史料整理的基础上展开考证、辨伪、校勘、注释、编写目录提要等史料研究工作尚处于起步阶段,全面开展这项工作,是一个崭新的新四军史料整理和研究过程。  相似文献   
本文通过地下发掘的实物与典籍记载相印证,探索华夏创世之谜。论文认同炎、黄二帝与蚩尤并列的华夏三祖地位,并指出:"三祖"地位的确立,其重要意义在于,不仅拨正了以往"独尊炎黄"的偏颇,又填补了历史传承的缺失。  相似文献   
边境地区阿勒泰由于历史特殊性,修志中沿用常规篇目,初稿出现越境而书、地理混乱、纲领门类脱节等问题。这些问题通过篇目调整可以得到解决,历史特点也得以完美展现。本文从有机联系、科学性和继承发展等方面对形式结构严谨性问题作了探讨。  相似文献   
A series of pottery samples excavated from the Xigongqiao site in Tengzhou city of Shandong province was determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Together with excavation data and archaeological analysis, the potential for provenance and technology of unearthed ancient pottery was studied by using multivariate statistical analysis and X-ray powder diffraction pattern (XRD) analysis. In order to characterize and classify these earthenware samples, the major and minor/trace element concentrations were studied with both cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that there were three different groups in cluster analysis dendrogram in good correlation with their colors. This indicated that the potteries were made from clays of different composition. These results were in agreement with the results of principal component analysis. XRD analysis further assessed the validity of multivariate statistical analysis.  相似文献   
With the networking of urban rail transit and the large-scale development of bike-sharing, metro and bike-sharing connection has become the preferred way of daily travel for residents of Xiamen. Current studies mainly identify metro station types based on node and place orientation, lacking behaviour-based investigation. To fill this gap, this study aims to explore the classification of metro stations based on transfer purposes by combining bike-sharing and point of interest data in Xiamen, using buffer analysis, kernel density estimation, and DBSCAN clustering algorithm comprehensively. The results indicate the following. (1) Distinct transfer purposes have significant agglomeration characteristics and present poly-centric spatial pattern, an authentic portrayal of Xiamen's land use function. (2) The heterogeneity of connection flow between different transfer purposes and metro stations is apparent. The distribution of flow and flow direction within the same transfer purpose is also in non-equilibrium. (3) Based on traffic connection analysis, metro stations are divided into seven types: transportation hub, employment-oriented, residence-oriented, job-housing balance, school-oriented, traffic-tourism integration, and business connection types. The obtained results assist in improving the transportation connection environment, perfecting urban land use planning, and enhancing low-carbon and green travel.  相似文献   
Increasing attention has been given to geographical contributions to cultural heritage in religion. However, comparative quantitative research remains scarce. As a first attempt, this study presents findings from comparative spatial and statistical analyses of the geographical distribution and features of mountains in China sacred in Taoism and Buddhism. Because both have strong orientations to natural environments, we find more similarities than differences between them, even though the two religions have different origins, philosophies, and doctrines. The results empirically support the influences of Taoism on Buddhism in China, findings that supplement current understandings of Buddhism in China in terms of the geographical dynamics of integration and sinicisation of Chinese culture. The findings also enrich current debates, including in this journal, emphasising the importance of environmental symbols in studies on geography and religion. Connecting humanity with physical geography in light of the changes, including grief, being wrought in the Anthropocene, we hope to inspire more geographically grounded and methodologically eclectic studies on religions.  相似文献   
在对明代进士进行考证的过程中,我们曾对明代科举文献作了细致而艰苦的整理.我们发现,相关文献对明代进士的记载存在这样的情况:各榜进士的总数多有确切的记载,且各种文献之间能够相互吻合,基本可信,即使小部分科次的记载出现不一致,只要对相关文献进行甄别和互证,我们仍能还其本来面目[1].但由于种种原因,明洪武十八年乙丑榜进士的相关文献收录不全或存在错误,成为缺失人数最多的一榜.现在成为我们考证的难题.  相似文献   
城市文化资本与文化旅游发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市文化与旅游发展的关系需要从文化资本即文化因素不断积累和文化价值增值的角度进行考察。城市文化资本传承和累积受到文化资本的基础差异、获取能力和保障力度三个方面因素的影响,其综合作用的结果,决定了城市文化资本的质量及其势能强弱。文化资本质量高的城市,文化旅游无疑会有更好的发展。作为文化资本价值实现的一种具体形式,文化旅游同文化资本之间存在着一种双向选择互动关系。由于文化所具有的公共属性以及市场选择的某些消极作用,互动过程中就需要公共调节机制的介入,以保障城市文化资本和文化旅游发展的永续性动力。从文化资本的视角来看,可以从城市文化资本积累、文化的传承与创新关系、文化旅游系统化开发、城市旅游形象整体定位等方面考虑旅游目的地建设的措施。  相似文献   
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