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南宋“行在榷货务都茶场”铜印,经中国印学博物馆鉴定并释文,现藏杭州南宋钱币博物馆(插二下)。 这方铜印,红铜质。宽48,高52,厚16mm。印面镌有阳文篆书三行,每行四字,为“行在榷货/务都茶场/中门朱记”共12字;背面阴刻楷书二行,每行四字,为“绍兴十年/文思院铸”八字。  相似文献   
从海上丝绸之路文物看世界多元文化融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂师平 《收藏家》2012,(10):37-41
海上丝绸之路是国际公认的丝绸之路三大分支之一,和陆上丝绸之路密切相关,是联接古代中国和中亚、波斯以及欧洲、非洲和东北亚地区的贸易大通道。海上丝绸之路起始于西汉,至"大航海时代"逐渐衰落。"海上丝绸之路"文物属于世界贸易文物,其文化特点是既有输出也有输入,体现了世界多元文化的融合。  相似文献   
The persistence of factory strikes in Vietnam has strained the country’s industrial relations system. This paper examines workers’ strikes from a regulatory perspective to evaluate the effects and limitations of labour law in establishing harmonious labour relationships. In Vietnam, the Labour Code regulates employment relations on a contractual basis, stipulating certain rights and obligations for both employers and employees. Workers’ struggles for their rights and interests triggered some administrative measures by the state and unions, yet these measures were insufficient to tackle business non-compliance with the law. Based on a case study of a strike-affected enterprise, the analysis shows that employers and workers appeal to different aspects of labour law, which complicates the regulatory effects of strike settlement. The paper argues that labour tensions are symptoms of regulatory loopholes stemming from weaknesses in law enforcement and the ineffectiveness of the law in defending workers’ rights. The outcomes of strike settlement therefore further perpetuate workers’ subordination and workplace injustice.  相似文献   
Here we present new excavation data from the urban site of Cerro Jazmín, Oaxaca, Mexico. Based on a comparative analysis of ceramic, faunal, botanical, and architectural evidence collected from a prominent city sector and a contemporary residence, we argue that feasting took place in the Sunken Patio Sector in the Late and Terminal Formative periods. Feasting strategies in an earlier occupation of the city sector employed a largely exclusionary strategy, giving way to a more corporate strategy in a later occupation. We take the findings from the Sunken Patio feasting complex as evidence of the formalization of Cerro Jazmin’s urban, regional role as a site of civic-ceremonial activity. Participation in this meaningful act of food consumption may have served to cement communal ties in a nascent urban society.  相似文献   
“历史记忆”“历史-记忆”“历史与记忆”以及“记忆史”等概念或议题看似相近,实则有着不同的意涵。“历史记忆”最初是莫里斯•阿布瓦赫在《集体记忆》中提到的概念,意在强调历史带有记忆的性质。随着后人对此术语的发展,“历史记忆”的含义被拓宽为“人们对过去的记忆与表述”。“历史-记忆”是皮埃尔•诺拉提出的术语,用于指称现代之前“历史与记忆”的联合体。“历史与记忆”是西方历史学家辩证地看待历史与记忆之间关系时所讨论的核心议题。面对记忆研究的挑战,西方历史学家之所以讨论历史与记忆的关系,其目的是为历史学正名。“记忆史”则是将记忆作为历史研究对象的领域,研究记忆随着社会历史发展的历时性变化。因此,在涉及这些概念的时候应认真加以区分,避免误用。特别是在翻译、引用西方学者的观点时应力求准确,以免造成误解。  相似文献   
古有金砖,以金块造型像砖而得名。早在宋代,金砖一词已见于著录。但关于宋代金砖的形制和特征,文献一概阙如,以至后人难以索骥。近年,见有实物及相关著录介绍,宋砖形金块六、七叶,全都早年被截,所幸残存部分形体、铭文大多清晰可辨,兹据实记录在后。  相似文献   
内史亳觚铭记成王赐内史亳酒醴以用于祼祭,且銘中有"弗敢虒"字样。所谓"弗敢虒",即不敢懈怠废事。由于酒醴长期放置会酸败不堪用,结合文献所载古代帝王崩逝后的停殡之期,因此,可以推测,内史亳在受赐之后宜于及时用祼,而不可能在成王生前受酒醴赐,而用祼却在成王崩薨将葬得谥之后。综上,说觚铭中的"成王"为生称可无疑。  相似文献   

Education-motivated migration from East Asia is regarded as a family capital accumulation project where middle class families reproduce their socioeconomic advantage at a transnational level. This study focuses on one-child generation migrants from mainland China who came to study in the UK as teenagers or young adults but remained to work as professionals after their education. Caught between the British social/employment system and the Chinese family system, the one-child migrants showed a fragmented sense of belonging and a high level of uncertainty in the migration plan. The pervasive Confucian family culture in these transnational families also calls for an expanded conceptualisation of the term ‘children’ and a long-term observation of their mobility curve in the project. This paper incorporates rational motivation with human complexity in the context of transnational reality, thus it contributes to a more nuanced understanding of changing intergenerational relationships in the transnational family capital accumulation project.  相似文献   
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