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不同国家在政治体制、经济发展水平、社会文化习俗等方面存在巨大差异,使得中国境外经贸合作区嵌入东道国时产生了制度和文化方面的冲突,出现“水土不服”的窘境,因此境外经贸合作区如何克服文化差异以更好地融入东道国成为研究的科学问题。本文以中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区为例,基于文化尊重、融合和创新等原则,从物质文化、行为文化、制度文化和精神文化四方面探讨合作区的文化适应性。研究发现:①合作区的文化适应性不能一概而论,需要先识别文化类型,再明确各类文化的属性与特征,最后选择恰当的文化适应路径。合作区在物质文化、行为文化、制度文化和精神文化方面的有效适应,可以凝聚成推动其嵌入东道国“土壤”的文化合力,为合作区可持续、高质量发展提供动力。②中埃·泰达苏伊士经贸合作区遵循求同尊异、创新融合的理念,在文化适应性方面取得良好的效果,但也存在属地化管理困难、制度文化有待优化等问题。  相似文献   
D. Zhu  Q. Meng  Z. Jin  W. Hu 《Geofluids》2015,15(4):527-545
Well TS1 reveals many uncemented pores and vugs at depths of more than 8000 m in a deep Cambrian dolomite reservoir in the Tarim Basin, northwestern China. The fluid environment and mechanism required for the preservation of reservoir spaces have yet not been well constrained. Carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope compositions and fluid inclusion data suggest two types of fluids, meteoric water and hydrothermal fluid, affecting the Lower Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs in the Tarim Basin. Based on simulation using a thermodynamic model for H2O‐CO2‐NaCl‐CaCO3 system, meteoric water has the ability to continuously dissolve carbonate minerals during downward migration from the surface to deep strata until it reaches a transition depth, below which it will begin to precipitate carbonate minerals to fill preexisting pore spaces. In contrast, hydrothermal fluid has the ability to dissolve carbonate in deep strata and precipitate carbonate in shallow strata during upward migration. Based on the dissolution–precipitation characteristics of the two types of fluids, the ideal fluid environment for the preservation of preexisting reservoir spaces occurs when carbonate reservoir is neither in the CaCO3 precipitation domain of meteoric water nor in the CaCO3 precipitation domain of hydrothermal fluid. Taking the Lower Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs in the north uplift area as an example, the spaces in the deep Cambrian dolomite reservoir near well TS1 were seldom filled because thick Ordovician deposits blocked meteoric water from migrating downward into the Cambrian dolomite reservoir and because the Cambrian dolomite reservoir has been in the domain of hydrothermal dissolution since the Permian. The deep carbonate layers in basins elsewhere with a similar fluid environment may have high uncemented porosity and consequently have good hydrocarbon exploration potential.  相似文献   
朱秋丽 《收藏家》2015,(3):60-62
写竹,《诗·卫风》中已有"瞻彼淇奥,绿竹猗猗"的美好句子,画竹,南北朝时期的艺术品中已有表现,从竹的品性中抽离出的高尚、气节、君子等象征,尤为士人所推重。王翚画竹,并不为奇,但这两幅画的题跋却暗合王翚及其友人们的几段经历,翩翩青竹,自然成就了当时王翚和他的友人们在相同的境遇和相同思绪下的情感寄托。1.《竹林独坐图》图右上自题:幽人种竹漫多情,一夕春雷看笋成,别有高怀那解识,小窗和雨听秋声。丙子  相似文献   
孟君 《收藏家》2015,(3):69-74
舍利,梵文Sarira的音译,又译"设立罗"、"室利罗",意为"尸体"或"身骨"。佛教经典《金光明经·舍身品》曰:"是舍利者,即是无量六波罗蜜功德所重。"又曰"舍利是戒定慧所薰修,甚难可得,最上福田。"佛教原来特指佛祖释迦牟尼遗体火化后,结成的坚硬、透明、颗粒、结晶、珠状物体和遗骨,结晶物体犹如五色宝珠,有圆形、椭圆形、或成莲花形,有的像珍珠、玛瑙或水晶,所以又称之为"舍利子"。后来佛教对有德行的大德高僧死后的遗体和烧剩的骨头,也称之为  相似文献   
碧霞元君由汉唐泰山玉女这一文学意象发展而来,宋元时期在道教的逐步吸纳和国家认同的共同推动下,其完成了从民间俗神到道教神仙的转变。明清时期碧霞元君不仅多次得到帝王致祭、赐额,成为国家“准正祀性”神灵,其信仰也从泰山一隅扩展到全国大部分地区,庙宇亦由山东等地向全国近20个省区扩展,形成了不同的核心、扩展、边缘区。碧霞元君信仰地域的扩展,与“岳镇海渎”之祭及朝廷推崇;其神职及信奉民众均多;流动官员、士商、移民的传播及道教的推动等诸多因素有关。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国小城镇的建设问题从作为“大问题”提出,到形成经济社会发展的“大战略”,其间经历了艰苦的探索、创新过程,最终实现了一个发展思路上的飞跃,积累了极为宝贵的经验。在中国城镇化的进程中,小城镇的恢复和发展占有十分重要的地位。建设小城镇的主要目的并不仅仅在于建设一批现代化的城镇,而且在于通过城镇发展过程中资本的聚集和人口的集中逐步解决“三农”问题。  相似文献   
This paper develops a mixed, combined, and stochastic user-equilibrium model for urban location and travel choices with variable origin and destination costs. Different types of travelers will be considered explicitly, including: workers with fixed residences seeking jobs, workers with fixed job locations seeking residences, and workers with both fixed residences and jobs. The costs or benefits of residing or working in a zone are described by appropriate location functions. In order to reflect effects of activity congestion the location function includes variables such as the total number of persons residing in a zone and of persons working in a zone. We prove that the proposed model is equivalent to a convex optimization problem that can be solved by a convergent method of successive averages. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the application of the model and algorithm.  相似文献   
对中国城市化道路的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在阐明中国人文生态特点并分析中国城市化特征的基础上,以可持续发展理论为依据,提出了中国可持续发展的城市化新道路,及在城市化新道路中所采取的措施,促使“人口—城市化—资源与环境”这一人文生态系统持续、平衡、协调发展。  相似文献   
“离土不离乡”是我国乡镇企业发展初期提出的一项总战略,其实质是农村剩余劳动力在没有空间迁移的情况下进行产业转换。本文从理论和实践两方面论证了空间迁移与产业转换之间的关系,指出在乡镇企业已经有了很大发展的今天,应适时调整这项战略,变“离土不离乡”为“先离土后离乡”,即引导有条件的乡镇企业向中小城镇集聚,以取得规模经济效益与集聚经济效益,并由此而完成乡镇企业向现代化企业的转化。  相似文献   
文物领域利用数字化文物通过网络媒介传播文物信息已经成为一种文物交流的新趋势。如何更好地利用采集的文物数字化档案,发挥数字文物的作用是进行文物数字化的最终目的。为此,针对新津观音寺明代壁画各种病害造成的不同程度的缺损状况,利用数字图像修复技术对其进行了计算机自动虚拟修复研究。研究表明,Criminisi基于样本的图像修复算法可利用图像小波域的小波系数优化因子,保证算法对不同纹理程度的图像采用适当的优化因子值以实现修复策略的调整,其采样的"素材"同实际壁画修复一样来自于画面已知区域,在观音寺壁画数字图像上有较好的虚拟修复效果。  相似文献   
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