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唐朝在突厥降户中贾胡的处理上采取把他们安置在适合生活的地方,并对之进行驱使的办法。这典型的表现在"六胡州"州城的建置及其运用之上。六胡州设于"河曲"之地的中西部一带,介于六州中的灵州、夏州之间,是指鲁、丽、塞、含、依、契等六小州。在突厥降户中,主要是贾胡降户被集体安置在这些州城之内。这些州城位于今内蒙古自治区河套地区的最南段一带,以及长城以北较为狭窄的地区,属于北方著名的湖泽地区,利于养马。六胡州民之所以主要由贾胡降户来组成,是因为他们具有养马等技术特长。他们在六胡州的州城内受到统治,并受驱使从事养马的工作。六胡州在高宗调露元年建置,这时唐朝正好遭遇养马大量丧失的危机,这是建置六胡州的重要原因。此外,六胡州因"以唐人为刺史",而不称羁縻州。六胡州民居于州城内的"坊"里。他们不一定都一直活动在州城之内,但应"编籍"在州城中一定区域的名称之下。  相似文献   
方志系统地情资料数据库建设取得了不小的成绩,但仍有不少需要发展完善的地方。方志工作者应该结合二轮修志编纂资料长编,以电子卡片的形式分门别类建设新型地情资料数据库。方志系统地情资料数据库属地情二次性资料文献数据库,资料具有权威性、存史性、使用广泛性。新型资料数据库需建立以地方志门类为框架的资料入库系统和编制以门类代码分类检索为主的多元性检索系统,要进行地方志门类要素的研究,从而提高地情资料数据库的质量。  相似文献   
伴随唐宋文化转型而兴起的“正统”论,扬弃了天人感应、五德终始之说.以法则性、道德性“天理”取代主宰性、意志性“天命”,经宋儒精心阐发的文化价值理想、社会政治理想“天理一王道”再次构成统合历史兴盛衰亡之变的“贞一之理”。而北宋时代的正统之辨呈现出儒家历史哲学、政治哲学在因应时代变化之际曾具有的复杂、深刻的思想面貌。  相似文献   
作者用比较方法对2000多年我国中央政府的修志命令,包括封建社会的诏令,民国政府的《训令》、《概要》、《办法》,中华人民共和国20世纪50年代至首轮修志国务院的《通知》、中指组的《规定》,再至新近由国务院颁布的《地方志工作条例》进行分析,认为相互间具有继承与创新的关系,这种继承创新包括文化传承与社会管理两个方面.认为封建社会中央政府的修志命令开创了官修的先河,确立了方志在中国历史文化中的地位,初步建立了中央政府对地方修志较为松散的管理.民国年间中央政府的修志命令,使地方志管理进一步系统和规范,增加了方志的科学性和实用性.中华人民共和国成立后,20世纪50年代至90年代的国务院《通知》和中指组《规定》,仍属行政命令和准行政命令组织修志,自90年代后期开始已逐渐难以适应市场经济的社会机制.作者认为《地方志工作条例》是方志编纂里程碑式的文件,由原来的依靠行政命令组织修志转入依法修志的历史新阶段.  相似文献   
梅森 《中国地方志》2006,3(12):21-25
我们应该采用什么样的哲学原理去思考方志性质这一方志学核心理论?文章认为单一依赖形式逻辑去界定方志性质是不够的,形式逻辑只能是研究的辅助手段。方志学基础理论研究应该用科学的哲学原理去统领。科学的哲学原理就是马克思主义辩证法。  相似文献   
This edited volume argues that China's development poses the greatest ever environmental challenge for the modern world in terms of speed, size and scarcity. The volume is organized around the greening of the Chinese state and society: can the inclusion of sustainable development principles into governance, management and daily practices by social actors lead to sustainable development per se? This introduction sketches the different scholarly camps around greening and sustainable development, ranging from sceptical to radical environmentalism. The contributions demonstrate that China is showing clear signs of greening as new institutions and regulations are created, environmental awareness increases and green technologies are implemented. However, the question remains whether this is sufficient to effectuate long‐term sustainable development. The key factors here are the sheer speed of China's economic growth, the size of its population, and the relative scarcity of its natural and mineral resources. Chinese development presents compelling reasons for rethinking the viability of greening. It is necessary to move beyond both alarmist visions of an environmental doomsday, and optimistic notions that incremental changes in technology, institutions and lifestyles are sufficient for sustainability. It might be more fruitful — and not only for China — to consider ‘precautionary’ rather than ‘absolute’ limits to growth.  相似文献   
Although China is one of the world's largest producers and consumers of genetically modified (GM) crops and derived food products, little is known about the level of Chinese consumer awareness, understanding and acceptance of GM food. Initially, China pursued relatively aggressive policies for biotechnology development, but in recent years, the central government has become more sensitive to the potential environmental risks of transgenic food crops. To protect domestic biotech industries, the state plays a critical role in the politics of biotechnology, and does not allow GM food to become a prominent public issue. This contribution reports on a survey of 1,000 urban respondents. It demonstrates that most consumers lack the most basic understanding of biotechnology and its potential risks. The majority of the respondents (60 per cent) were either unwilling to consume GM food or were neutral about the idea, but when given neutrally‐worded information about potential GM food allergenicity, the willingness to buy dropped sharply. This might point to future scenarios of consumer resistance against GM food as has happened in European Union member states. This effect demonstrates the malleability of the Chinese consumer in a context of limited understanding and inadequate access to information.  相似文献   
本文以新疆的产业结构、投资、科技、旅游为突破点,全面分析新疆尤其是北疆经济发展中存在的问题,并集中探讨了促进新疆经济可持续发展的途径。  相似文献   
Book reviews     

MURRAY A. RUBINSTEIN (ed). Taiwan: a New History . Armonk, NY and London: M. E. Sharpe, 1999. 536 pp. Illustrations, maps, photographs, index. US$27.95, paper.

CLARA WING‐CHUNG HO (ed). Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women Vol 1: the Qing Period 1644–1911. Editors in Chief Lily Xiao Hong Lee and A. D. Stefanowksa. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. 424 pp. Bibliography, index. US$87.95, hardcover.

JUN JING. The Temple of Memories: history, Power, and Morality in a Chinese Village. Oakleigh, Victoria: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 217 pp. Illustrations, introduction, notes, references, character lists, index. A$29.95, paper.

LISA ROFEL. Other Modernities. Gendered Yearnings in China after Socialism. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1999. xvi, 330 pp. 3 b/w illustrations, 2 maps, notes, bibliography, index. US$16.95, paper.

HAIPING YAN (ed). Theater & Society: an Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama. Armonk: M. E. Sharpe, 1998. xlvi, 328 pp. Introduction, notes on translators. US$ 62.95, hardcover; US$ 24.95, paper.


MICHAEL J. GREEN. Arming Japan: defense Production, Alliance Politics and the Postwar Search for Autonomy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. 206 pp. US$19.00, paper.

T. J. PEMPEL. Regime Shift: comparative Dynamics of the Japanese Political Economy. Idiaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1998. 263 pp. £13.50, paper.

IAN NISH (ed). The Iwakura Mission in America and Europe: a New Assessment. Surrey: Japan Library, 1998. 226 pp. Foreword, list of contributors, introduction, appendix, notes, index. £40.00, hardcover.

SUGIHARA SEISHIRO (trans. Norman Hu). Between Incompetence and Culpability: assessing the Diplomacy of Japan's Foreign Ministry from Pearl Harbour to Potsdam. Lanham: University of America Press, 1997. xxv, 227 pp. Appendices, glossary, bibliography. No price given, hardcover.


JOHN DOWSON. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, 1998. 430 pp. Rs. 100, paper.

SURES CHANDRA BANERJI. A Companion to Dharmasastra. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, 1998. 265 pp. Rs. 350, hardcover.

ANIL KUMAR. Medicine and the Raj: British Medical Policy in India 1835–1911. New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 1998. 246 pp. £27.50, paper.

VTVEK PINTO. Gandhi's Vision and Values. New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 1998. 176 pp. Index. Rs. 225, hardcover.

MINA SWAMINATHAN (ed). The First Five Years: a Critical Perspective on Early Childhood Care and Education in India. New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, London: Sage Publications, 1998. 313 pp. £35.00, hardcover.


PETER SEARLE. The Riddle of Malaysian Capitalism: rent Seekers or Real Capitalists? St Leonards: Allen & Unwin, 1999. xvii, 318 pp. Tables, introduction, notes, bibliography, index. A$29.95, paper.

KATHERINE A. BOWIE. Rituals of National Loyalty: an Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. xxii, 391 pp. US$49.40, hardcover; US$18.50, paper.

MICHAEL A. AUNG‐THWIN. Myth and History in the Historiography of Early Burma. Ohio University Center for International Studies, Athens, Ohio. Monograph No. 102. 1998. US$25.00, paper.

ANNE BOOTH. The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. A History of Missed Opportunities. Basingstoke: Macmillan, in association with the Australian National University, 1998. xvi, 377 pp. A$49.95, paper.  相似文献   

为考察丙酸钙作为新型脱酸溶质、水-乙醇作为混合溶剂用于纸质文物脱酸效果.针对不同质量丙酸钙的水-乙醇饱和溶液、不同的水与乙醇的质量比、去酸溶液的量及纸张在溶液中浸泡的时间等因素,对纸张脱酸效果的影响做了系列研究.结果表明,内酸钙为3g的水-乙醇饱和溶液用于纸张脱酸具有较好的效果,纸张在该溶液中浸泡后pH值为7左右,且自然干燥速度快,基本不发皱、不变色.  相似文献   
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