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Abstract.  This paper analyzes the impact of employment and population shifts in U.S. metropolitan areas from 1970 to 2000 on a spatial mismatch index to determine how metropolitan residents reacted to changes in metropolitan employment distributions. In particular, it seeks to determine whether suburban employment growth created new areas to which access is valued or whether it repelled metropolitan residents and sparked population growth in more distant suburban locations. The results show that residents tended to move away from areas gaining jobs. Black residents, on the other hand, appeared to be attracted to areas that are experiencing employment growth.  相似文献   
This article argues that wives occupied a more central place than mothers in the early nineteenth-century American temperance movement, and that temperance literature portrayed them in two ways. First, temperance writers depicted the drunkard's wife as a pitiable example of the dire effects of male drinking on women and families. Second, they cast wives as potent moral influences on their husbands, capable of preventing the sober from faltering and reclaiming the drunkard. These portrayals coexisted with overtly misogynist views of women within the temperance movement that accused women of making men drunkards through perverted influence and blamed drunkard's wives for their own predicament. The temperance movement's depiction of wives' gender both reflected and contributed to the large ambivalence toward women in American society.  相似文献   
Kein touristisches Segment ist derzeit durch eine so massive Angebotsexpansion gekennzeichnet wie der Gesundheitstourismus. Allein in Deutschland versuchen sich heute mehr als 350 Heilbäder und Kurorte auf dem Markt der heiß umworbenen Selbstzahler zu positionieren. Aber auch außerhalb der Kurorte entwickelt sich das kur- und gesundheitstouristische Angebot dynamisch. Der nachfrageseitige Markt für gesundheitstouristische Dienstleistungen ist vielversprechend und hat eine weltweite Mobilisierung um den gesundheitsbewußten Touristen in Gang gesetzt. Um in diesem stark wachsenden Markt überhaupt wahrgenommen zu werden, müssen Anbieter mit einem klaren Profil erscheinen, vor allem Heilbäder und Kurorte, die ein eher traditionelles Image aufweisen. Zudem verlangen Investitionsvorhaben oder Wirtschaftsförderungen klare Entscheidungsgrundlagen der langfristigen Positionierung und Spezialisierung. Nicht zuletzt stellt sich die Frage, wie Heilbäder und Kurorte auf Destinations- bzw. Landesebene am Markt präsentiert werden müssen, um sich von anderen Bäderdestinationen zu unterscheiden. Für diese komplexe Aufgabenstellung hat das Europäische Tourismus Institut (ETI) ein abgestimmtes Erhebungs-, Bewertungs- und Analyseinstrument entwickelt, das konsequente Produkt- und Positionierungsentscheidungen für den einzelnen Kurort wie auch das Landes- oder Regionalmarketing ermöglicht. Die Vergleichende Kurortanalyse (VKA) berücksichtigt dabei sowohl die Bedürfnisse des Marktes als auch die spezifische Angebotsausstattung bzw. -attraktivität in den Orten.  相似文献   
Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is increasingly used in spatial analyses of social and environmental data. It allows spatial heterogeneities in processes and relationships to be investigated through a series of local regression models rather than a single global one. Standard GWR assumes that relationships between the response and predictor variables operate at the same spatial scale, which is frequently not the case. To address this, several GWR variants have been proposed. This paper describes a route map to decide whether to use a GWR model or not, and if so which of three core variants to apply: a standard GWR, a mixed GWR or a multiscale GWR (MS-GWR). The route map comprises 3 primary steps that should always be undertaken: (1) a basic linear regression, (2) a MS-GWR, and (3) investigations of the results of these in order to decide whether to use a GWR approach, and if so for determining the appropriate GWR variant. The paper also highlights the importance of investigating a number of secondary issues at global and local scales including collinearity, the influence of outliers, and dependent error terms. Code and data for the case study used to illustrate the route map are provided.  相似文献   
In recent years, scholars have begun to highlight American influences upon New Zealand's religious history. They have demonstrated that even at the height of the British Empire, many non-episcopal churches maintained close ties to their coreligionists in the United States. This article contributes to this field of research by analysing American influences within the Anglican Church of New Zealand, usually portrayed as a thoroughly English institution before the Second World War. It takes as a case study the activities of the American Brotherhood of St Andrew in the Diocese of Dunedin from 1906 to 1915. The article demonstrates that Bishop Samuel Tarratt Nevill invited the Brotherhood because he had great admiration for the Episcopal Church, and that many of his flock accepted the Brotherhood for the same reason. Eventually, the Brotherhood was eclipsed by an English rival, the Church of England Men's Society. But this transition took place not because local Anglicans lost interest in America, but because the Edwardian Era witnessed a surge in imperial loyalty and because the local leader of the CEMS, Canon William Curzon-Siggers, deliberately sought to undermine the influence of the Brotherhood.  相似文献   
Using General Social Survey data from Japan and the US (N?=?5101), we examine the effect of non-standard or non-regular work status on men’s fertility. We employ a cross-national comparative approach to explore how this relationship differs both within and across the two countries. Consistent with features of the Japanese context which make it challenging for non-regular workers to realise the breadwinner role we find a negative effect of non-standard work status on men’s fertility in Japan, but not the US. Specifically, Japanese men employed as non-regular workers have the lowest chances of having a child. Non-regular work status has no such effect on men’s fertility in the US. We also find that the difference in the non-standard work effect between the two countries can be accounted for by differences in the effect of marriage, which illustrates the close connection between marriage and fertility in Japan.  相似文献   
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