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八旗索伦的编旗设佐早在其南迁内徙之前即已开始进行。八旗索伦旗佐组织的编设有一个发展过程,从清太宗崇德年间开始至清世宗雍正年间一直没有停止过,其旗佐组织的编设大致经历了三个发展阶段,并有如下几种不同的情况:南迁之前索伦牛录的编设、顺治初年南迁之后布特哈八旗佐领的编设、黑龙江将军设镇后驻防八旗佐领的编设。清政府八旗索伦编旗设佐,其根本原因主要是考虑清朝北部边疆防务的需要,以及八旗索伦精于骑射、骁勇善战的民族特点。清政府对八旗索伦大规模的编旗设佐、实行八旗制度,不仅对清朝巩固和稳定东北边疆并防范沙俄侵略有着现实意义,而且对清代八旗索伦的历史发展也产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
茹孝宏先生的兴趣广泛,且爱好写作。最近,他的《生命本色》一书付梓出版,辛勤的耕耘,终于结出了丰硕成果。作为一名教师,他总结自己的教学经验,在有影响的报刊杂志上发表多篇教学方面的论文已不寻常。他的事业心和执著追求,除了对本职工作的热爱和投入,还表现出对音乐的爱好,对  相似文献   
D. Han  L. Ma  S. Ma  J. Zhang 《Archaeometry》2020,62(1):200-212
The No. 2 Qin bronze chariot unearthed from Qinshihuang's Mausoleum is world famous for its huge size and colourful painted patterns. However, since it had been buried for a long time and was affected by its harsh environment, its painted patterns have been severely damaged. The traditional restoration methods, which mainly rely on expert experience, are manual, inefficient and lack scientific support. Moreover, to protect the important cultural relics, any invasive operations, such as sampling analysis, are strictly prohibited. This paper presents a method that combines hyperspectral imaging and computer technology for the digital virtual restoration of the bronze chariot's patterns. It is non-destructive, more efficient and more scientific. The method reproduces the damaged patterns with the following approaches: restoring the missing edges of the patterns; and distinguishing the different pigments. The obtained result implies that the method can digitally reproduce some of the damaged patterns, and that it can be used as a reference for recreating the patterns of the other painted bronze.  相似文献   
A new archaeological project in the western al-Hajar Mountains in northern Oman involves a systematic survey of the small valley of Qumayrah and excavation of selected sites. Two field seasons revealed a number of Neolithic settlement traces. Three newly discovered sites were excavated, two of which proved to be stratified. The most intensive fieldwork focused on QA 2, a Stone Age campsite that contained stone structures, numerous lithic tools, stone and shell beads and marine shell fragments. Radiocarbon dating provided a c.4200 cal. BC age, corresponding with the prevalent lithic evidence. Two other excavated sites yielded fewer materials, that were, however, diagnostically relevant. They indicate a diachronic occupation ongoing probably since the Late Neolithic till the end of that period, but some materials point to other stages of the Neolithic period as well. The appearance of marine shells suggests seasonal occupation and connections with coastal areas. It raises questions about the reasons for the settling of the Qumayrah valley.  相似文献   
撒拉族是一个古老的民族,主要生活在青海省循化撒拉族自治县。撒拉族刺绣是撒拉人以勤劳和智慧创造的一门艺术,不仅形式多样,工艺精湛,更因其丰富的内涵而大放异彩。没有文字的撒拉族,天才地运用了刺绣,表达民族迁徙、民族生息繁衍的历史,再现风情民俗,寄其精神向往。  相似文献   
服务蓝图:国际上最新旅游服务设计方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
服务设计是服务质量管理的重要环节,良好的服务设计是保障服务质量的先决条件。服务蓝图是现今国际上极为流行的服务设计方法,本针对旅行社的具体情况,以案例形式介绍这种先进方法。  相似文献   
马杰  李刚峰 《攀登》2005,24(6):26-29
本文通过对青海省十个五年计划(“一五”-“十五”)的简要回顾,指出中长期规划在全省国民经济和社会发展中具有重要作用。进而提出对“十一五”乃至今后中长期规划编制的几点有益的启示。  相似文献   
上世纪后半叶西安郊区出土四批八件银香球,其内部结构设计奇巧,设计原理与现代陀螺仪中的万向支架相同。在马穆鲁克王朝统治下的埃及和叙利亚,金属匠师对唐代香球进行了非常精确的仿制。13-15,世纪香球及其制造技术西传欧洲,对其时的科学技术发展产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
唐李进忠墓志是新出材料,志主作为昭义军的中级军官,其志文为研究唐中后期藩镇割据形势及藩镇的军队组织体制提供了宝贵的材料,志文中所保存下来的古村名也为地方志研究提供了重要线索。最珍贵的是,此墓志为我们提供了一个史籍上未见记载的折冲府——涬源府,是对唐代折冲府研究的一个重要补充。  相似文献   
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