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波臣派是明末曾鲸创立的肖像画派别,在明末、清初画坛影响深远。曾鲸弟子众多,再传弟子更是遍布于当时画坛。本文对波臣派创始人曾鲸的生平、艺术及其影响作了简要的论述,并对波臣派画家体系的构成进行了简单地梳理,以期对波臣派有一个更全面的了解。  相似文献   
我同王文泸先生的交往虽不多,但对先生的为人风范和学识才华极为敬仰。对先生的更进一步了解是在我担任青海日报社常年法律顾问之后,进而对先生所著文章必先睹为快。近日又有幸从先生处索得他写深秋之夜孤灯夜读的旧体诗一首,诵读之后欣喜不已,便很冲动地用书法形式书写并装裱成幅,试图以书法的线条之美和用墨布局的章法造势,形成一种纵横交错、浓淡相宜的风格,进而表现出这首律诗意境之美;虽对自己的  相似文献   
土族创世神话以较长的篇幅讲述宇宙的起源、日月星辰的形成和人类的繁衍。 甘肃省天祝县土族民间艺人更登什加唱述的土族史诗中讲道:最初的宇宙一片漆黑,茫茫是水,只有三位大仙,老大叫什当拉谦,老二叫哇仁谦,老三叫斯玛鲁日见,三位大仙在一只浮在水面上的叫热卜萨(鳖)的巨大躯体上造就了阳世(地球)。三位大仙还用神箭把13个太  相似文献   
马洪波 《攀登》2007,26(6):68-71
可持续发展思想源远流长,但其作为一种系统理论产生于20世纪80年代末90年代初。本文回顾了可持续发展思想在西方经济理论中的演变过程,认为只有从根本上认识和接受可持续发展的新理念,人类才能迎来充满希望的未来。  相似文献   
白廷举  马天山 《攀登》2006,25(3):110-116
发展经济既是建设和谐社会的根本手段之一,也是解决民族地区现实问题的根本手段之一。民族地区构建和谐社会,要从构建和谐的政治与法律制度入手,研究民族地区的特殊性。要坚持以经济建设为中心,完善基本的法律制度,营造有利于民族地区政治、经济、文化发展的执法环境,追求好的执法效果,以促进和谐社会建设。  相似文献   
马洪波  李广泳 《攀登》2008,27(6):48-51
如果不能实现社会公正,包括社会性别平等和代内代际公平,我们就不可能实现环境保护与可持续发展。本文对环境保护与可持续发展背景下社会公平的实现途径,如公众参与、生态补偿、文化适应、体制创新、健全法制、性别平等及解决三江源环境保护与可持续发展中社会问题的关键环节进行了梳理和评价。  相似文献   
试论区域民俗地理的研究内容与方法——以苏州为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对苏州民俗的考察,从区域地理的角度探讨了区域民俗地理应研究的内容及其方法,以更好地认识各地区人文地理特征.  相似文献   
Excavations at Soba, the capital of Alwa, between 2019 and 2022 yielded more than 30 glass fragments in addition to a glass cosmetic bottle. An analysis of 30 glass samples has identified glass belonging to a number of compositional groups. The majority of fragments were made of plant ash-soda glass produced in the Middle East (Iran, Iraq) between the 9th and 10th centuries, and in the Eastern Mediterranean (Levant and Egypt) between the mid-10th and mid-12th centuries. Seven fragments were made of mineral–soda-lime glass produced in 9th-century Egypt and three high-lead glasses find analogies in the 9th- to 11th-century glass. Archeological evidence, as well as textual sources, leave no doubt about Alwa’s intense transcultural connections. This article provides the first insight into the chemistry of glass shards from medieval Nubia, and the results of analysis contribute to evidence for long-distance contacts of Soba, the capital of one of the medieval kingdoms of Sahelian Africa.  相似文献   
In this article, we present the results of application of petrographic and neutron activation analyses to a group of pottery fragments dating to the 12th century BCE deriving from ancient Eleon (Boeotia, Greece) as a means of investigating regional and interregional networks in which the site participated. Production centres in Boeotia and central Euboea provided, as could be expected, the majority of sampled pottery across various shapes. A number of more distant areas, however, such as eastern Attica, the Cyclades, Macedonia, and western Crete, are also documented in the present study, suggesting their products were available to local consumers at ancient Eleon. These results are discussed with reference to consumer preferences and exchange networks operating at that time. Finally, some of the identified petrographic and chemical groups can be securely identified at the macroscopic level, allowing us to arrive at conclusions pertinent to a substantial part of the entire pottery assemblage.  相似文献   
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