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The article focuses on the topic of clustering, which has become a popular concept, both from the academic and political perspective, and as an efficient business model. The distinction between clusters, understood as geographical concentrations of specific industries, and cluster initiatives, understood as more formalized actions undertaken by regional actors, is proposed. The primary objective of this study is to verify if these two types of structures are overlapping each other. This problem arises because the motivation for forming some cluster initiatives may be different economic policy instruments rather than existing market potential of a specific regional economy. The study finds that not all of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) cluster initiatives in Poland represent real concentration of ICT-related divisions included in statistical classification of economic activities in the European community Rev. 2 classification, as measured by location quotients (LQs) for indicators on employment, firms' incomes and number of enterprises. However, there is a visible pattern that the LQs are higher in smaller geographic areas (NUTS 4 (Nomenclature of units for territorial statistics)), which usually represent big cities, being the cores of cluster initiatives. The study also discusses the phenomenon of the internationalization of clusters and the value added to that process from forming formalized cluster initiatives, which create favourable institutional framework for transborder cooperation.  相似文献   
The paper presents the analysis of organic and mineral sediments filling the depression, which developed over the landslide located at the slope (767–773 m a.s.l.) of Lubań ridge decscending to the Ochotnica river valley in the Polish Flysch Carpathians. The landslide formed in an early stage of the Subatlantic Phase (2490 ± 35 BP). The top of peat is dated at 1360 ± 50 years BP and is covered by 72 cm of clayey silts with some sandy intercalations, which indicate slopewash after deforestation. The pollen of ruderal plants and Cerealia (undiff.) reflect agricultural activity in the surroundings. The fragments of charcoal indicate the age of the forest clearance to the first half of the 17th century. The late forest clearance at the elevated north exposed slopes followed 200–300 years later in relation to the foundation of the village at the valley floor.  相似文献   
马潇 《民俗研究》2006,(4):113-130
一、导论春节“传统”是什么样子的?从文献到文献的抄录、对内在涵义的穷索将春节变成了专家学者的“内部知识”。研究者们忽视了的问题是,所谓的春节“传统”在普通的民众当中呈现出什么样的实践形态?他们的春节实践都是整齐划一的吗?是什么导致人与人之间在春节实践上的不同?即使是同一人的春节实践是否随着时间而变化?是什么影响了这些变化?他们如何看待这些不同和变化?本文拟使用与文献研究相别的另一种史料——口述史材料,主要以个人及其家庭实践的视角来观察1949~1989年之间的春节习俗变迁。  相似文献   
本文概括论述了成吉思汗经略西北边疆的出众文略,指出他组建新的依靠力量,经略中西驿路交通,短短几年便统一中国西北边疆,达到了建立欧亚帝国和促进人类古代最广大的一次“握手”的一代辉煌,以及成吉思汗处理西北民族关系和塑建开放性民族结构之成功。同时剖析了他因文化的局限性而造成的两大失误给他本人和子孙带来的悲剧。最后,剖析了领土观念、制度文化、利益依附关系如何成为边疆分裂的根本因素。  相似文献   
虞舜是我国历史上著名的“五帝”之一。他曾先后建都于蒲坂和平阳,这是两种不同性质的国都,蒲坂为有虞氏古国的王都,平阳则是华夏联盟的帝都。平阳城为尧所筑,虞舜继尧为华夏盟主后,由蒲坂而徙都平阳。考古发现的陶寺城址,规模巨大,布局合理,从其时代和地望来看,很可能就是尧、舜建都的平阳所在。  相似文献   
唐李进忠墓志是新出材料,志主作为昭义军的中级军官,其志文为研究唐中后期藩镇割据形势及藩镇的军队组织体制提供了宝贵的材料,志文中所保存下来的古村名也为地方志研究提供了重要线索。最珍贵的是,此墓志为我们提供了一个史籍上未见记载的折冲府——涬源府,是对唐代折冲府研究的一个重要补充。  相似文献   
珠玛 《四川文物》2006,(4):71-74
长沙走马楼三国吴简中可见为数不少关于“钱”的记录,应反映三国孙吴所征各项税收。本文试结合史料,对其中“荩钱”的含义进行探讨。“荩钱”可能就是秦汉时常见的刍稿税。李均明先生提出简文原为“刍钱”而误作“荩钱”,更加证明了这种可能性。  相似文献   
国内五十年来左宗棠在西北活动研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对新中国成立以来的左宗棠研究尤其是左宗棠在西北活动的研究进行了总结与评介,概括出50年来左宗棠研究的三大特点,指出了存在的问题,提出了若干改进建议,以期为深化左宗棠研究、推进近代西北边疆史的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   
20世纪后半叶与21世纪之初,在河南省登封市告成镇的王城岗遗址,先后发现了两座河南龙山文化晚期小城与一座大城,根据碳十四测定的城址年代数据,结合历史文献记载,可以认为王城岗小城为鲧作之城与禹避舜子商均所居的阳城,王城岗大城则是禹都阳城.  相似文献   
马争鸣 《收藏家》2008,(3):79-85
陶瓷是土与火的完美结合,是自然与智慧的结晶。中国历史悠久,陶瓷文化更是不断发展与积淀,由小到大、由少到多、由低到高、由简到繁,给我们留下了难以忘怀的艺术魅力和工艺技法。  相似文献   
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