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The paper measures the rate of profit and its components in Canadian manufacturing for 1950 - 1981. The rate of profit has been reduced by rises in the real wage and the technical composition of capital, partially offset by a devaluation in the means of production and a reduction in turnover times. The value of labour power and therefore the rate of exploitation have not changed. The rate of profit has consistently fallen throughout the period. These results are consistent with a theory that the falling rate of profit is endogenous to capitalism.  相似文献   
This paper examines the forces underlying the development and form of the Brasilian steel industry since the 1930s. Foreign direct investment has been limited by Brasilian nationalist policies and by higher costs of steel production, but large scale, integrated plants could not be built by private capital due to insufficient resources. Thus the Brasilian steel industry combines large scale state owned plants (financed by foreign capital) and smaller scale privately owned plants. The operations of the plants are coordinated to reduce market uncertainty, permit the steel sector to advocate its own expansion plans, and delimit the spheres of public and private capital while excluding foreign commodity and productive capital. Even so, in the 1980s the steel industry in Brasil has faced a crisis of declining local demand, prompting a rapid expansion of exports.  相似文献   
By the mid-1820s the landscape of the north shore of Lake Ontario was rapidly being filled by a swelling tide of European immigrants. However, as the European frontier expanded, that of the Mississaugas, who had inhabited the region, had rapidly diminished to almost nothing. Many of the Mississaugas chose one of two alternatives to this changing world. Some elected to accept the counsel of itinerant Methodist missionaries and settle in a mission village on Crape Island. By all accounts, the new mission was very successful, but the documentary record hints at resistance to the ‘civilizing’ agenda of the missionaries and the teachers. This resistance found articulation in the Kingston hinterland, where groups of Mississaugas attempted to maintain familiar lifestyles. In this paper I explore sites of power, resistance, and accommodation associated with both these groups. Dés le milieu des années 1820, la région de la rive nord du lac Ontario acceuillait des immigrants européens venus en nombre toujours croissant. Au fur et à mesure que s'agrandissait le territoire occupé par les Européens, celui des habitants de la région, les Mississaugas, se rétrécissait rapidement pour devenir presqu'inexistant. En réponse à ce changement, beaucoup de Mississaugas choisirent ?une des deux solutions. Certains décidérent de suivre les conseils des missionnaires méthodistes itinérants et acceptérent qu'on les installe dans un village établi par les missionnaires sur Crape Island. Au dire de tout le monde, la nouvelle mission fut couronnée de succés, mais les documents laissent entendre qu'il y a eu une certaine résistance aux efforts des missionnaires et des enseignants en vue de « civiliser » les autochtones. Cette résistance s'est exprimee dans ?arriére-pays prés de Kingston, oú des groupes de Mississaugas ont tenté de maintenir leur style de vie traditionnel. Dans cet article, jétudie les centres du pouvoir, de la résistance et de lcar;adaptation au sein de ces deux groupes.  相似文献   
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