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基于区域合作的徐连旅游带建设   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
文章首先提出了区域旅游合作是我国旅游业可持续发展的必然之路,认为区域旅游合作是资源导向型旅游开发的基础,是市场导向型旅游开发的内在要求,也是旅游产业化发展的必然趋势。从区域旅游合作的机制、旅游产业化组织、旅游合作的技术支撑、旅游合作的空间体系四个方面构建了区域旅游合作的理论框架。接着对徐(州)连(云港)进行旅游合作开发进行了实证研究,分析出徐连两市具有城市共生、旅游资源互补、旅游市场共扼等,有利于旅游联合发展的条件。并在此基础上,提出了建设徐连旅游带的总体思路。最后指出了徐连旅游带建设应重点实施的五大战略:政府主导、系统开发、联合促销、结构演变、信息化推进。  相似文献   
非摩擦经济是不同于传统经济模式的一种低成本、无摩擦、高效率的全新的经济形态。网络经济是一种典型的非摩擦经济。非摩擦经济不仅对传统的经济学理论提出了严峻的挑战,而且以最为鲜明的力量对社会制度、法律、政府和人们的观念形成巨大冲击,尤其是对企业的运作机制和竞争策略提出了更高要求。因此,现代企业应遵循非摩擦经济的运行规律,重视新技术的应用,提升经营理念,以增强竞争能力。  相似文献   
马勇 《安徽史学》2012,(3):13-27
在辛亥传统叙事框架中,袁世凯重出江湖后一味搅局:先是利用武昌危机与清廷讨价还价攫取权利;继则用清军打压南方,威逼革命;终则利用南方革命党人逼退清帝,进而交换中华民国大总统宝座,"窃取"辛亥革命胜利成果。这个传统叙事框架在过去特殊年代自有其解读的合理性,但显然不是从史料发出,用事实论证,多少带有以袁世凯后来帝制自为倒推其重出江湖时的心情和作为,与历史事实具有相当差距。本文根据新旧史料最大限度还原袁世凯在武昌起义后的一段心路历程,重建袁世凯从君宪到共和的踌躇、无奈、顺势及转变的限度。本文认为,作为晚清重臣,袁世凯从维新到新政,再到仿行立宪,一路走来,基本上充当着晚清政治变革重要推手,他们那一代政治精英能够认同的也就是君主立宪,所以袁世凯重出江湖后的政治选择就是利用政治危机推动政治变革,实现君主立宪,只是当君主立宪被各方面抛弃后,袁世凯方才顺势而为,变成一个有限的共和主义者。  相似文献   
The analysis of pigments on painted ceramics excavated from the Yangqiaopan Tombs of the late Western Han Dynasty was undertaken using optical microscopy (OM), micro‐Raman spectroscopy (μ‐RS), scanning electron microscopy with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometry (SEM–EDS), X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy spectra (FTIR). The pigments were identified as red lead (Pb3O4), carbon (C), malachite [Cu2CO3(OH)2], Chinese purple (BaCuSi2O6) and illite {[K,H3O]Al2Si3AlO10(OH)2}. Fibrous materials were observed in some pigment samples. When observed by SEM, one showed a large amount of fibre in solidified gum, which indicated that gum of ramie could have been used as the binding medium to make the pigment particles adhere together. These results provide significant insights into the characteristics of these pigments in the Qin and Han Dynasties.  相似文献   
马新  齐涛 《史学集刊》2012,(4):3-12
魏晋南北朝时期,既是中古宗族势力发展的顶点,也是其由盛而衰的转折点。各王朝在巩固与发展的过程中,一方面虽然必须借助于宗族与士族势力的支持;另一方面,它们都与异己的宗族与士族势力进行着强力的较量,并开始清理宗族势力在乡村社会中的根基。就其宗族政策而言,魏晋以依托为主,南北朝以收拢为主;收拢之力度南不如北。至隋唐时期,旧式宗族逐渐消解,新式宗族开始登上历史舞台,隋唐王朝则从制度上完成了对宗族这一社会力量的有效分解与钳制。在隋唐宗族政策的冲击下,中古宗族的政治与军事功能逐渐消退,经济互助功能以及血缘凝聚力的效能与影响明显逊于前代,宗族威权发生蜕变,开始了向近古新型宗族的演进。  相似文献   
寓乐于会:近代博览会与大众娱乐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代博览会的兴起固然主要是源于商品经济与科技传播的需要,但大众娱乐文化又始终与各类博览会形影相随,成为其不可或缺的构成要素。大众娱乐是将博览会传播科技、文化功能与群众"找乐子"心态连接起来的最好形式之一,并使博览会能够吸引成千上万民众参与其中。近代中国举办的博览会充分借鉴了西方博览会的做法,加入了大量的娱乐活动,寓乐于会,寓教于乐。大众娱乐活动不仅丰富了博览会的内涵,增强了博览会对大众的吸引力,而且使博览会本身成为研究近代城市大众文化时不容忽视的重要内容之一。  相似文献   
马新 《民俗研究》2010,(1):57-66
民间信仰是一个历史性概念,主要存在于民间社会所存在的历史时段中;它发生于文明诞生的过程中,与民间社会共同萌发、共同形成。同时,民间信仰也是一个动态的、不断发展变化的精神世界,不同时代的民间信仰因其信仰群体以及社会环境的不同而各具特色。民间信仰的研究范围是民间社会所发生与传承的种种信仰,对于官方社会中所存在的民间信仰的行为,可视之为民间信仰的影响与延伸。  相似文献   
Community of Practice (CoP) is a relatively new concept in the Middle East and North Africa. The concept has been used for a number of years in the business sector; however, the use of CoPs in the health sector has not been as widespread. The aim of this study is to provide insights into the status of CoPs in the health sector and the knowledge sharing practices that take place among members of such CoPs in Kuwait. Ninety‐eight questionnaires were distributed among medical practitioners. Results showed that the majority of members perceived the CoP as a source of increasing professional knowledge. Respondents focused mainly on the COPs fostering social interactions at the workplace or during task‐oriented activities. They mostly discussed specific problems and immediate concerns. The desire to learn and the desire to help others were the main motivators for doctors to share their knowledge. Lack of time and lack of technology and knowledge transfer mechanisms were reported as the primary obstacles to sharing knowledge. Nearly 65 percent of the CoP members responding to the survey stated that they did not receive any financial support from their management. In recent years the role of communities in learning and knowledge sharing has attracted much attention among those interested in knowledge as a situated practice. The concept of Communities of Practice (CoP) was originally developed by Lave and Wenger (1991 ), who suggested that learning took place in social relationships rather than the simple acquisition of knowledge. Lave and Wenger's observations have formed the basis of the “situated learning theory,” which describes that learning takes place in a setting functionally identical to a space where the knowledge is applied ( Lave & Wenger, 1991 ). The CoP concept has been used in the business sector for over 20 years, but the use of CoPs in the health sector has been recent ( Li et al., 2009 ). In addition, results of two studies, conducted by Traboulsi (2002 ) and Johnson and Kalidi (2005 ), revealed that the CoP is a relatively new phenomenon in the Middle East and North Africa. This article aims to provide insights into the status of CoPs in the health sector and their knowledge‐sharing practices in Kuwait.  相似文献   
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