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千百年来,国家起源一直是伟大哲学家和思想家们关注的一个话题,从亚里士多德、孟德斯鸠、霍布斯、卢梭、弗格森、孔德到摩尔根、马恩和列宁,都有过经典性的系统论述。时至今日,在新资料、新方法、新技术的支持下,在吸收过去理论成就的基础上,国家起源更成为当今国际学术界的三大课题(人类起源、农业起源和国家文明起源)之一,并且产生了很多既有实证性又有理论性的研究成果。卡内罗在这篇经典文章中,对当今各种理论流派做了比较详细的概括总结。就他自身而言,是持强制论或者说战争论的观点,认为战争是国家兴起的主要动力。他甚至认为,世界各地的历史学和考古学证据都毫无二致地证明战争是早期国家形成的根本原因,战争以这样或那样的形式在国家兴起中起到了决定性作用。当然,他也认为,战争并非国家起源的唯一因素。尽管战争可能是国家兴起的必要条件,但却不是充分条件。国家的兴起还需要一些特殊条件,经过一些具体的过程,例如自然的限制、社会的限制、资源的集中、政治的演化等等。卡内罗的战争论虽然是一家之言,但由于它对历史的继承和现实的尊重而有巨大的合理性,对包括中国在内的国家文明起源研究有重大影响,而且今后仍然有十分积极的意义。本文写作于1970年,从时间上看观点已显陈旧,但是作为国家起源理论的一种重要流派,仍然值得介绍和回顾。  相似文献   
这是我做的一个噩梦:我女儿跟一个家伙回到家里,跟我说:“老爸,我们要结婚了。”那家伙是个说唱歌手,满口大金牙,头戴说唱巾,胳膊上大块肌肉风起云涌,一副流氓无赖样。更可怖的是:你还没回过神,已经听到小脚板的啪嗒啪嗒声——他们的后代降临了。那声音长驱直入我的起居室,在我的生活里四下乱撞,把我淹没在自己的虚伪声音中,因为我年轻那会儿也曾是这么个傻瓜蛋,沉迷于我自己的音乐、自己的声音。为此,我诅咒看见他脸的那天,那张脸简直就是我的翻版;我悔不该在那天听见他的名字,因为我惊恐不安地明白过来,一种似乎没有旋律、情感、乐器、歌词、和弦、没有序曲、没有尾声、没有高潮的音乐,一种根本就不像是音乐的音乐——说唱,统治着世界。那不再是我的世界。那是他的世界。而我生活在其中,生活在一颗嘻哈行星上。  相似文献   
英国的哈里王子是否拥有濒临灭绝的红发基因?今年报刊上纷纷报道,地道的红发人将在2100年彻底灭绝。因为在全球大融合的时代,两个红发人结合的几率越来越小。通常,只有父母都携带红发基因,子女才可  相似文献   
Buddhist culture was officially introduced into Ti- betan-inhabited areas in the 7th century A.D.Until that time,the influence of Bonpo culture on Tibetan society had been all-pervasive.However,its teachings and disciplines were less systematic and perfect,which offered Buddhism a good opportunity to infiltrate.So like any other foreign culture,Buddhism began its  相似文献   
The appointment of Alois Alzheimer to Emil Kraepelin's clinic and laboratory at the Royal Psychiatric Hospital, University of Munich in 1903 offered new opportunities for clinical and pathological studies of the brain. At the opening of the facility in 1904, Alzheimer selected five foreign visiting students as his graduate research assistants, among whom was an American, Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller. A glimpse of Fuller's background as an African-American (born in Liberia) at the turn of the century, his continuing research after leaving Germany in 1906, and his critical view of the Alzheimer dementia entity are recounted. He was held in high esteem as a practicing neuropsychiatrist and teacher in the Boston area.  相似文献   
"Dysfunctional domesticity" contributes to the growing reevaluation of the importance of the history of the family to understanding the history of insanity. Using patient case histories from the West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, this article examines representations of family life among poor in England in the 1830s and 1840s. Among the so-called moral causes of insanity, family relationships held a prominent place. Female patients more than male patients had their mental illnesses attributed to their domestic circumstances: the poverty of their home lives, grief over a death of friends and family, love and marital relationships gone wrong, and violence in their homes. The case histories reveal that poor women experienced many pressures in the domestic sphere, and insanity may have been one way to escape dysfunctional domesticity.  相似文献   
In 1885, Dr. Guilio Melotti published an Italian translation of a lecture on "Convulsive Tics with Coprolalia and Echolalia" given by Jean-Martin Charcot. Although this lecture often has been cited as an authoritative statement of Charcot's view, until now it has not been translated into English. The lecture presents a number of statements that appear nowhere else in Charcot's published corpus, including some that seem to contradict Charcot's other pronouncements on maladie des tics. Although the Melotti-Charcot lecture may portray Charcot's position accurately in many passages, the article most likely is a compilation from a variety of sources.  相似文献   
This paper examines what marriage may have meant to African men within the Christian elite of Southern Rhodesia. Using mission and government sources, it argues that domestic, Christian marriage was important to elite African men as a way of allowing them to achieve adulthood while remaining in good standing with mission sponsors who generally objected to or feared indigenous ideas of patriarchal male adulthood. Tracing life histories of two American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions ministers, one who succeeded in remaining within the mission system and one who left, blacklisted, it explores how domestic, Christian marriage defused many of the missions' suspicions of elite African men, while providing a way to acquire the economic, social and political power associated with full adulthood within the local context.  相似文献   
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