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Three head injuries are described in the Bible: the death of Sisera at the hands of Jael, the skull fractures inflicted on Abimelech near the walls of Thebez, and the slaying of Goliath by David. The various attempts to understand the mechanisms of these head injuries are reviewed. We shall try to identify the site of the mortal blow on Sisera's head, to understand why Abimelech, still conscious, asked to die, and to clarify whether the Philistine giant from Gat was a rugged warrior or just an endocrinological cripple.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to find out whether bromide was able to cause conversion of epilepsy to psychosis i.e., so-called paradoxical normalization such as has been seen in treatment with modern antiepileptic drugs. Spontaneous conversion has been known for three hundred years. Locock introduced bromide in the treatment of epilepsy in 1857. Belgrave wrote in 1868 on its effect on epileptic attacks and concommitant insanity. In 1868 Holm observed reduction of the frequency of seizures at the same time as psychotic symptoms or just dysphoria. In 1875 Voisin described a dose-dependent intoxication with psychosis and/or neurological signs. Stark in 1875 and Bannister in 1881 were the first to clearly describe the antagonism between epileptic seizures and psychotic symptoms, an antagonism or conversion described by many authors, both in cases with high and low dosage, and with and without intoxication. Thus, the title of this paper should be answered in the affirmative. Bromide has been used as a sedative and has rarely caused intoxication. Thus the presence of epilepsy is not a condition for the development of bromide intoxication. A case with epilepsy and fatal massive bromide intoxication is reported. It is discussed whether the pathological findings give support to Wolf's hypothesis of latent epileptic activity in subcortical pathways during "normalization".  相似文献   
尕藏寺全称尕藏班觉西周达吉林,位于朵堆康巴地区,现届青海省玉树藏族自治州称多县称文乡。古代把称多县一带叫嘎瓦隆巴,它是通往内地与西藏的交通要道。由于孕藏寺地处这种特殊的地理位置,因此对内地与西藏政治、文化等交流方面曾起过重要的作用。如今寺庙在满足信教群众的正常宗教活动,在宣传民族宗教政策、法制教育、精神文明建设等方面发挥着重要的作用,曾多次获得省、州、县、乡级“先进”、“文明”寺庙的荣誉称号。京藏寺的创建孕藏寺一带居民早期信奉本波教,后改信宁玛派,公元1268年元朝帝师八思巴途经该地区时又改信萨迪派…  相似文献   
在闻名于世的冈底斯雪山西麓的色雄(金盆)滩中,矗立着一根奇高无比的风马旗柱(藏语叫“达庆”),它高24米,直径一尺多,带毛的生牛皮裹着往身,看上去像一支巨大的船桅。旗杆底部深深埋于土中,并有许多大石块堆在底部用以加固,还有几根粗长的绳子将往身向四方拉紧固定,以防狂风吹倒。旗杆顶部有个黄铜顶子。柱身上下包括拉紧用的绳子,缠满了五彩风马旗,都是上年挂的,经过四季的风吹日晒,色彩已经不那么艳丽了。每年藏历四月十五日,来自四面八方的朝圣僧俗民众、前来考察的学者,乃至海外游客纷纷抵达雪山脚下,参加大旗往每年…  相似文献   
江西万年两处新石器时代洞穴遗址出土陶片的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国国家文物局、北京大学考古系、江西省文物考古研究所和美国安得沃考古基金会正在对江西境内两个洞穴遗址进行联合发掘。我们今天将要讨论研究的陶片,就来自这两个洞穴遗址。我们正在发掘的这两个洞穴遗址,即仙人洞和王洞,其时代跨度从旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代早期,而这个时期对于我们考察从更新世向全新世的转变,研究中国南部稻作农业的起源及早期制陶技术的发展,具有至关重要的意义。我们所讨论的两个洞穴遗址位于万年县城东北方向约20公里处,距大源村不远。洞穴所处的大源盆地四面环山,这些山上现在有许多采石场正在紧张地…  相似文献   
Samers M 《对极》1997,29(1):32-64
The extensive literature on migration within a Marxist framework tends to focus on the difficulties migrants face in labor markets of "receiving countries." This paper adopts a different approach, arguing that more attention should be paid to the historical production of diaspora, rather than the continued analysis of the problems of "integration." It suggests that articulation of modes of production theory set within the transition from colonialism to neo-colonialism offers an appropriate means to reverse this analytical lens; further, that to understand contemporary "post-colonial" concerns such as hybridity or migrancy, we need an economic approach which is itself hybrid. An historical narrative exploring the processes of emigration and immigration between Algeria and France shows the emergence of an industrial, and more particularly an automobile diaspora.  相似文献   
正嚈哒与辽东鲜卑族源相同,属于东胡族,讲阿尔泰语系蒙古语族的语言,西方史料称之为"Hephthalitai"。~①公元1世纪末,在东汉和南匈奴的联合打击下,北匈奴西迁中亚,嚈哒与辽东鲜卑诸部落则借机西迁塞北(今内蒙古汉长城以北)草原。公元126年,嚈哒8个主要部落从塞北草原西迁天山北麓,协助东汉王朝抗击阿尔泰山北匈奴呼衍部,史称"八滑"。嚈哒在天山北麓与车师后部长期为邻,故史书称嚈哒为"车师之别种"。嚈哒主力西迁天山北麓之后,仍有残  相似文献   
社会发展速度的加快以及经济水平的提升为各级政府文化工作的开展,提供了充足的支持,乡镇文化作为重点的文化建设区域,也需要不断提升其自身的文化水平,积极主动的进行文化水平的提升,获得上级的扶持,可根据当地的实际情况充分利用各类资源,提升整体乡镇文化群众基础建设质量,通过村镇文化精神水平的提升,促进整体农村环境的优化发展。本文主要从乡镇文化站工作情况以及基础工作开展方面入手,分析了乡镇文化站在乡镇企业建设中的作用性以及优势,以确保党文化建设发展的有效推进。  相似文献   
随着房屋建筑的不断发展,建筑行业的竞争也不断加剧,工程质量是其竞争中的核心内容,想要使工程质量得到加强,需要对相应的施工质量管理要点进行全面分析。此次研究对施工质量管理的重要性进行明确阐述,从而使其能够在房屋建筑工程中得到重视,进而为房屋建筑工程行业的发展提供保障。  相似文献   
随着我国经济技术的发展,国家基础建设的大力推进,建筑工程产业得到了极大的扩张,由于建筑工程是属于高能耗的产业,而且目前人们越来越关注能源问题,所以如何在建筑工程中推广应用节能方案成为了如今的研究趋势。本文主要探究的就是如何在建筑设计中应用节能技术构建节能建筑以推进我国绿色建筑产业的发展,降低建筑工程行业的能源消耗问题。  相似文献   
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