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羅志田 《中华文史论丛》2013,(1):61-82,392,393
中國古人敬天而不曾尊崇一位絕對全能之神。在這樣的世界裏,歷史和史學具有特出的文化地位。通過歷史記載和敍述,史學說明並論證着關於天道、人世,以及文化和政治認同等各項基本理念,也驗證着君主統治的正當性。漢代獨尊儒術後,史學的功能有所變化,但仍注重記録和傳承,並越來越帶有守先待後的含義。歷史撰述的體制化帶來相應的約束,爲野史和傳說留下了發展的空間。不間斷的正史、相對隨意的野史,以及伸縮靈動的民間傳說,共同構成了今天的"歷史知識"。這一切都因19世紀西方對中國的入侵而改變,不僅史學的社會地位摇擺不定,學校和公衆所關注的歷史内容也有很大的改變,出現了一些帶有西方特色的中國歷史言說。  相似文献   
羅新 《中华文史论丛》2013,(1):155-165,395
已知的高句麗的語言資料主要見於金富軾《三國史記》,而中國史書也保存了一些寶貴的語彙,其中最重要的就是《三國志》所記"溝漊者句麗名城也"。研究者已發現,《三國史記》記高句麗地名最常見的"忽",以及高句麗之"句麗(驪)",都是"溝漊"之異譯,其語源就是"城"。而高句麗之"高",是高句麗語的"山",在《三國史記》所記地名中常作"達"。因此"高句麗"的語源應該就是"山城"。  相似文献   
试论商周青铜器族徽文字不同于一般铭文的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与商周青铜器一般铭文相比,族徽文字具有象形性和标识性较强、美化装饰色彩明显、书法色彩浓厚、词位和句法不固定、章法布局不合文字排列常规等特点。深入了解这些特点,对于族徽文字的正确隶定、考释及其性质认识,具有较为重要的意义。  相似文献   
革命的形成:清季十年的转折(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗志田 《近代史研究》2012,(3):4-27,160
清季十年间,朝廷正以前所未有的速度和广度推行全面改革,并无太多特别明显的暴戾苛政和"失道"作为,却爆发了革命,且能较为轻易地速成。对于从帝制到共和的"五千年之大变",应有更深层的梳理、分析和诠释。帝国主义的全面入侵,造成中国权势结构前所未有的巨变。中外竞争的新局面使朝野面临着政治方向、政治结构和政治伦理的根本变革。一个推行了数千年的小政府政治模式,被迫走向必须展现政府作为的"富强"新路;而制度的困境,则使新政带有自毁的意味。更因政治伦理的转换远不如条文制度那样可以速成,政治体制的转型便遇到进一步难以逆转的困境,终不得不让位于被认为更迅捷更有效的革命。  相似文献   
Recent archaeological field surveys and excavations at Qiaojiayuan, a platform 40 km west of the Yun County in present-day northwestern Hubei Province (central China), revealed four tombs (M3, M4, M5 and M6) dating back to around 6th to 5th century BC. The grave's layout, artifact assemblages and burial practice indicate that the owners of these four graves were aristocrats of the Chu state. Five turquoise-inlaid bronze artifacts (two swords and three dagger-axes) were excavated. The sword from M4, imbedded with pieces of well-cut and finely-polished turquoise on its handle, was in a very bad state of preservation and underwent conservation treatment. Some sticky, whitish pastes were exposed when the inlaid turquoises dropped off. The pastes were supposed to be residues of unknown binding agents. Samples of the pastes were collected for FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) analyses to determine the chemical component(s). The results revealed that the pastes were composed of almost pure beeswax. This indicated that beeswax was used as binding agent in turquoise-inlaid bronzes as early as the 6th to 5th century BC in China. Review of recent technical studies suggested that beeswax was used in early China in several different regions (mostly southern part of China) for at least two different purposes (binding agent and lightening).  相似文献   
根据国家文物局的统一部署和要求,黑龙江省于2002年全面开展了文物、博物馆机构普查工作.笔者作为省文化厅普查工作领导小组办公室成员,在具体组织、参与的同时,做了大量调查研究和资料整理工作.现将普查情况做一综述.  相似文献   
对共和体制的失望:梁济之死   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在很多国人寄予希望的1918年秋,前清京官梁济却选择以自杀警示国人。他看到的社会大问题是实行不久的共和体制不仅未能改善社会风气,反而使之恶化,有可能因“国性不存”而“国将不国”。梁济对其为何要“殉清”的解释体现出比同时代许多人更清醒的国家意识,而他对一些民初社会问题的观察和分析也相当深刻。然而,当时社会对他的自杀反应并不强烈,主要报道局限在报纸的戏剧和余兴版面;而少数作出反应的知识精英也未曾充分认识到梁济思想的重要,这一状况要到后来他更多遗著出版才有所改变。  相似文献   
1990年,我在湘赣革命根据地所在地的江西省安福县收集到数枚罕见的中华苏维埃共和国湘赣省工农银行1932年壹元银元券。券的正面图案为马克思、列宁头像,背面印“工农银行五大任务”,尤其是采用“亚、欧、非、美、澳”的编号,独具特色。在整理这些纸币过程中,我发现一枚编号为“澳14081”的壹元券,背面左上框内加盖“永新”方形印章,不解其意(图1)。带着这一困惑,在与同好交流时,均未能见到类似的加盖券,故认为是苏区银行工作人员或他人随意加盖上的,未向外界披露。无独有偶,2003年,我又收集了几枚湘赣苏区货币,再一次发现湘赣省工农银行壹元…  相似文献   
"有虞氏"谱系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗琨 《中原文物》2006,(1):28-32
对夏代以前有虞氏谱系的记忆和流传,反映了这个古族在尧舜禹时代所达到的较高文明程度,史籍中往往“虞夏商周”并提并非偶然。加强对有虞氏历史的研究,探索他在中国古代史上的地位是在文明探源研究中的一个重要课题。  相似文献   
In late Ming China, a large concentration of Guards and Battalions were stationed in the city of Nanjing. The registered guard population constituted a significant percent of the urban population. This paper discusses the living status of Nanjing guards within the framework of urban studies, and reveals the special model of urbanization of this political center. The guard population was driven by “policy migration,” and showed a high tendency of localization. Soldiers worked in various lines of business, and their living places were no longer confined to military camps. The Nanjing Constabulary broke the administrative boundaries of military and civilian households, and further pushed the localization and urbanization of the guard population. Soldiers were frequently involved in acts of violence and put pressure on local security. However, guard storehouses also provided extra supplies for the local grain market, and stabilized local society at times of crises. This study of the Nanjing guard population not only illustrates the unique urban environment of this political center, but also reminds us about the complexity of urbanization in the Ming-Qing period.  相似文献   
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