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Historically-speaking, centuries of interactions between Han Chinese newcomers from the north of China and indigenous Tai-speaking ethnic minorities in the south have left deep, indelible traces in the language and culture of the latter and raise questions of identity and language policy in modern times. The language and culture in this study is Zhuang, one of many Tai languages and the largest minority language in China today. Using kinship terms as an example, we employ the analytical tools of Geographic Information System (GIS) to map and analyze the spatial pattern of sinification of kinship terms and attempt to explain the process of cultural and linguistic interaction that may have led to such distribution in the Zhuang domain. We use published data on Zhuang kinship terms from thiry-four representative locations in Guangxi and border areas (four in eastern Yunnan and one in western Guangdong) and semi-quantify them according to their pronunciations: three for Han-like pronunciations, one for more clearly Zhuang, and two for linguistic forms in between. The spatial pattern of kinship term sinification scores based on interpolation of the sampling locations shows that high degrees of sinification are located in areas close to the coast or international border with Vietnam, with gentle land slope and close proximity to major transportation hubs, reflecting the importance of both physical features and economic development in those areas in facilitating interactions between the two cultures in the sinification process. The degree of sinification of kinship terms also varies with their positions in a family kinship tree, perhaps reflecting Han social customs and male dominance in society more than traditional Tai kinship systems, which are generally more bilateral in nature.  相似文献   
罗红侠 《文博》2011,(1):19-21
咸阳博物馆新征集的一方北周《梁府君墓志》。本文通过对志文本身和相关史料的研究,考释了墓志主人生平及其家族情况,对珍贵的古地名提出了自己的见解,对涉及的历史人物及事件,特别是北周时期出现的"双授"制度进行了考证,为人们了解研究北周历史、地理、人物、官制等增添了新的实物资料,具有十分重要文献价值、地位及意义。  相似文献   
罗自刚 《攀登》2011,30(1):77-82
对行政价值的纲领问题的普遍忽略以至"集体失语",是目前行政价值研究的"软肋"。行政价值纲领问题,亦即政府在价值建设中"举什么旗、走什么路"的问题,无疑是一个国家公共价值建设中首要的、不可绕行的问题。中国政府应该以社会主义核心价值体系作为行政价值的"纲领"乃至"母法",以社会主义核心价值体系为纲领,扎实推进未来我国公共行政价值建设。  相似文献   
目前有关社会文化史的讨论中,论者偏重于汲取西方新文化史理论和方法,而对中国史学资源甚少提及。本文认为,20世纪初年新史学的研究取向和方法仍可资借鉴。社会文化史内容丰富,论题亦不限于大众文化一隅,可从多方面拓展和深化。  相似文献   
罗宏祥 《神州》2011,(3X):161-161,164
以新形势下学校教育管理的意义为基础,提出了加强教育管理的方法和途径。教育从本质上来说是一种培养人的活动,教育管理是教育的重要组成部分,一定程度上又为教育目标的实现提供保证。  相似文献   
罗现良 《神州》2011,(3X):172-173
本文从实践和理论的角度详细讨论了电容器串联电路的特点,特别对电容器串联电路的酎压值计算等难点问题进行较为深刻的探讨和摸索。  相似文献   
本文通过新整理的中正殿火场残档资料,证实了清宫中正殿一区重要的佛堂香云亭的建筑年代当在乾隆十三年之前,其内部陈设反映了具有藏传佛教色彩的《金刚界曼陀罗》和《法界语自在曼陀罗》合一的主题。这里是清帝上香的主要地点之一,其中所供的宗喀巴像与永安寺的宗喀巴纪念活动有密切的关系。  相似文献   
罗志欢 《文献》2006,(2):165-170
广东地区雕版技术,在南宋时已称极精,刻印过《九家集注杜诗》和《附释文互注礼部韵略》等"惊人秘笈"①.就刻印质量而言,足以抗衡吴、越、闽三方之盛.降及明清两代,广东地区刻印书籍进入了鼎盛时期.雕刻印刷业十分普及,有些地区男女老少皆谙悉雕木刻字技术,因而受到外地的重视.  相似文献   
西宁卫是明朝边陲要地,系河西走廊的屏障,军事战略地位十分重要。故此,有明一代极为关注对此地的经略。本文运用大量文献资料梳理了明朝于西宁卫所辖地的军事戍防、政治管控等种种施政方略,对于我们正确认识明朝西宁卫的战略地位,全面评价明朝在这一地区维护社会稳定、推进边疆地区发展等方面的所作所为,均有裨益。  相似文献   
本文援引现场发掘材料和有关考古及古文献资料,阐述了在磁山遗址发现的108处灰坑应为房址的观点,从而认为磁山遗址是一处古人类生活居住的遗址,而非祭祀遗址。  相似文献   
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