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Historically-speaking, centuries of interactions between Han Chinese newcomers from the north of China and indigenous Tai-speaking ethnic minorities in the south have left deep, indelible traces in the language and culture of the latter and raise questions of identity and language policy in modern times. The language and culture in this study is Zhuang, one of many Tai languages and the largest minority language in China today. Using kinship terms as an example, we employ the analytical tools of Geographic Information System (GIS) to map and analyze the spatial pattern of sinification of kinship terms and attempt to explain the process of cultural and linguistic interaction that may have led to such distribution in the Zhuang domain. We use published data on Zhuang kinship terms from thiry-four representative locations in Guangxi and border areas (four in eastern Yunnan and one in western Guangdong) and semi-quantify them according to their pronunciations: three for Han-like pronunciations, one for more clearly Zhuang, and two for linguistic forms in between. The spatial pattern of kinship term sinification scores based on interpolation of the sampling locations shows that high degrees of sinification are located in areas close to the coast or international border with Vietnam, with gentle land slope and close proximity to major transportation hubs, reflecting the importance of both physical features and economic development in those areas in facilitating interactions between the two cultures in the sinification process. The degree of sinification of kinship terms also varies with their positions in a family kinship tree, perhaps reflecting Han social customs and male dominance in society more than traditional Tai kinship systems, which are generally more bilateral in nature.  相似文献   
历代王朝对云南少数民族地区的统治,大致可以分为两个时期:自汉代始中央王朝就对该地区采取了一整套特殊的羁縻统治措施,历经魏晋南北朝以及唐宋时期;元实行的是羁縻之治下的土司制度,经明清两朝而不衰,一直延续到民国时期.云南土司制度的嬗递变化,既表现为在元明清时期国家在追求利益最大化和产出最大化目标下,通过实施政策法令的强制性变迁,也表现为民国时期制度不均衡时追求潜在获利机会的渐进的诱致性变迁.  相似文献   

Analyzing data of a merged sample of two Chinese student surveys conducted in two rural counties of Hunan province and in the capital city of Guangdong province, this paper examines the impact of parental migration on rural children’s involvement in delinquent behaviors. We compare delinquency of non-migrant and left-behind children in the countryside, rural-to-urban migrant children, and urban local children. Both rural children left behind by one migrant parent and those left behind by both migrant parents are similar to rural children without parental migration in terms of delinquent involvement. The situation of rural-to-urban migrant children is noticeably worse, as they are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors than rural children without parental migration. Nevertheless, rural-to-urban migrant children are not more prone to delinquency compared to their urban local peers. We also found an acculturation impact in the study because the odds of engaging in delinquent behaviors first increases and then decreases for rural-to-urban migrant children when they stay longer and learn some local language in the hosting city.  相似文献   
罗冠群 《史学月刊》2020,(4):103-113
1182年,拜占庭首都君士坦丁堡城内爆发了一起拜占庭人针对拉丁人的大屠杀行动。通过幸存者、信使、旅行家、路人、十字军等群体的传播,中世纪拉丁作者对这一历史事件进行了详细的记录。他们从不同角度描述了君士坦丁堡大屠杀的全过程和对拉丁人生命、财产和精神所造成的巨大伤害,认为这场大屠杀具有全民参与的特征。拉丁作者从受害者的角度试图对该事件发生的原因作出解释,认为这是拉丁世界和拜占庭帝国矛盾激化的产物,是拜占庭人长期以来仇视情绪的结果。对照拜占庭文献,我们就会发现,拉丁史籍对"1182年君士坦丁堡大屠杀"的记述既有一致性,也存在着明显的偏差。拉丁史籍所塑造出的安德罗尼库斯与穆斯林相勾结、背叛基督教的形象,与历史事实并不相符。这种带有偏见的记载显然是受到了当时社会环境尤其是拉丁世界长期丑化拜占庭帝国心理因素的影响。  相似文献   
罗超  高春常 《世界历史》2020,(2):140-159,I0007
书写内战史有助于美国人内战记忆的形成,记忆的调整又推动着内战叙事的演变。通过南部老兵与妇女的努力,“失去的事业”从一种地方记忆上升为民族记忆。从20世纪开始,这种南部记忆主导了美国史学界对内战史的书写。直到越战后期,学界才从社会文化与政治需要的角度剖析“失去的事业”记忆的兴起及其影响,其研究对象主要为群体记忆、英雄记忆,以战场旧址、军事公墓及其纪念碑为中心的有形记忆场。因服务于国家重聚与民族和解之需,存在多种面相的“联邦事业”记忆被美国人长时期遗忘。直到20世纪80年代末,为突出黑人对美国历史的贡献,学界开始重新评析这一强调联邦统一与解放黑人的内战记忆。总之,美国学界对内战记忆的探究总体遵循“失去的事业”与“联邦事业”这两种叙事路径,但其研究并未完全摆脱意识形态的干扰。从21世纪开始,内战记忆史的研究逐步走向了多元社会化的发展方向。  相似文献   
近些年来,帝王作品受到众多买家追捧,以艺术家名世的宋徽宗不论,清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三代"盛世"之君,日前的拍价也屡创新高,在书画拍卖价格波动时成为风险避风港。帝王作品受到追捧,自然有藏于深宫、得之不易的因素,一般藏家鲜有收藏帝王作品的机会,一旦拥有,就会成为一种品位、荣耀的象征。另一方面,历代帝王不少从小就受到书画名家的  相似文献   
罗敏 《近代史研究》2007,14(5):59-78
本文主要利用新近出版的《胡汉民未刊往来函电稿》,辅以相关档案、报刊资料,尝试跳脱已有研究循单一线索演进的模式,通过还原国民党四届五中全会前后胡汉民及其周围相关人群的活动轨迹,呈现西南内部错综复杂的政治生态环境,揭示胡汉民等人在尴尬境遇下的矛盾心情。1934年年中,为应对西南的被动局面,胡汉民欲于"矛盾政策"中找寻出路。既欲从军事上攻蒋,同时又注重与蒋交涉;既欲倒蒋以抗日,又思假日以倒蒋。"内忧"(对实力派而言)相煎益急,"外患"(对蒋介石而言)又侵逼不已。胡汉民于重重矛盾环绕纠缠中,身不由己。无奈之中,胡欲借五全大会召开之机,"从党找办法","以党取攻势"。未料,"自行开会"之举,锋芒所向,未曾伤及中央,却几令西南"散伙"。这一情形应是西南反蒋"表象"背后的真实底蕴。  相似文献   
从古到今,历代封建统治都十分重视自己死后的陵寝修建,他们极尽虔诚为自己选择风水宝地,作为“万年吉壤”,并不惜民脂民膏把自己的陵寝修建得富丽堂皇,供后人景仰,因而,“风水”之中充满了种种神秘色彩,陵寝建筑更成为我们今天研究当时社会,历史,化,艺术等的宝贵资料,本即从普陀峪定东陵(即慈禧陵)的修制规模及建筑风格入手,对慈禧为政期间的复杂心理做出分析。试图对其陵寝中逾制之处做出某些合理的解释,共分三个部分:1,遵依祖制下的越制。2,“凤在上,龙在下”-慈禧对传统男女地位的挑战。3,独一无二的“金龙蟠柱”-透出慈禧未称帝的遗憾。  相似文献   
本分析东西方思维方式差异对饭店现代化管理的影响,提出外资饭店涌入,人才资源本土化进程中,管理要适合不同的化生态的观点。  相似文献   
佛、道造像碑是五、六世纪时期流行于中国北方地区的一种特殊的宗教文化遗存。长期以来,对于它的研究多限定在宗教性质、民族融合、历史价值以及整体图像艺术风格等诸多方面,而通过题名、位序规律对雕凿图像的像师、工匠等相关人物的居里、族属、师承关系等问题进行检索、整理,进而着眼探讨某一地域佛、道造像碑的艺术风格并遵循美术考古学的理念、方法,建构复原某一地域曾经存在过的一种独具特色的宗教艺术样式的研究却较为鲜见。因此,本文期望尝试在这一领域内,运用新的理念与方法来作以探索研究。  相似文献   
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