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现藏于河北曲阳北岳庙的唐李克用题名碑是李克用所书。唐中和五年(885年),幽州李克举等犯易定,李克用领兵救援时题字勒石于曲阳北岳庙,其内容可证史,并补史书之遗误。  相似文献   
Sino–American relations encompass a highly complex array of cooperative and competitive dimensions. Recently, they have evolved around the question of ‘China's rise’ or (as Chinese analysts would state it) ‘peaceful evolution’. This article surveys both the cooperative and competitive structural elements of this important bilateral relationship. It tracks recent transitions in that relationship, arguing that China's new-found status as a ‘responsible stakeholder’ in American eyes will present a new set of American expectations and new forms of strategic collaboration that will seriously test both sides’ policy creativity and ability to adapt to a rapidly changing global environment.  相似文献   
本文由胡适对晚清以来中国现代化进程的历史评价、中日现代化历史进程的比较研究两个层面,梳理和阐释了胡适对中日现代化进程问题研究的历史深度和理论贡献。胡适立足于中日两国历史的比较,进而归纳出两种截然不同的现代化反应类型:发散渗透型与中央控制型。在众说纷呈的抗战思想论观中,胡适独树一帜,其在抗战时期初步成型的中日现代化历史比较研究理论模型探讨,有着强烈的时代特征。胡适没有局限于对日本帝国主义侵略战争的一般性揭露,而是通过对长期流传的所谓日本现代化成功论的历史分析,揭示日本社会深层次的文化危机和历史困惑。胡适对19世纪中期以来尤其民国建立后中国现代化进程中所取得成绩的肯定,是其思想复杂性中占主要方面的一个认识;他所归纳的文化冲突的理论及规律模式,与他对近代中国现代化历史进程的阶段性成绩观察紧密关联,也为我们认识近代中国历史的诸多重大事件,提供了一个新颖而独特的历史新视角,其理论价值不容忽视。从胡适所已经尝试的由现代化视角进行中日现代化进程历史比较研究来看,抗日战争与中国现代化进程研究确是一个历史时期已存在的学术主题。笔者认为,此方面学术研究成果的继续挖掘,于当今的抗日战争研究,仍有启发意义。  相似文献   
尉迟寺出土陶鬶的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕琪昌 《江汉考古》2006,(1):38-43,93
史前陶鬶发展的主流看法是起源于海岱地区,然后向周围传播。但是,蒙城尉迟寺遗址出土的陶鬶现象给这种观点带来了难解的课题。本文通过对尉迟寺出土陶鬶的验证,再次肯定了陶鬶应该发源于太湖地区。并且,尉迟寺遗址也是陶鬶发展过程中的关键区域,为陶鬶的传播研究提供了宝贵的资料。  相似文献   
基于考古资料并结合前人研究成果,梳理了乡宁之鄂、沁阳之鄂、随州之鄂、南阳之鄂的地望变迁。西周早期为南控南淮夷、荆蛮,周封鄂于今随州。周夷王时,将鄂迁徙到今河南南阳市宛城区新店乡西鄂故城一带,周代南土防线亦随之收缩。约在春秋早期楚将南阳盆地纳入政治版图之时鄂国已消亡。战国中期前后,西鄂为楚封鄂君之地。垂沙之役后,鄂君东迁大冶鄂王城,始有东鄂。秦及汉初于东鄂故地设鄂县,其后又在南阳鄂国故地设县,因江夏先有鄂县,故称南阳之鄂为西鄂。湖北简称鄂与西周时期随州鄂国或南阳西鄂并无直接关系,而是与行政区划变迁及武昌九省通衢的地位日渐重要有关。武昌有“鄂”之别称,是湖北省简称鄂的直接原因。  相似文献   
中国古代书画,因其年代久远,递藏情况复杂,多数屡经裁切割补、修复重装,故而有很多历史信息或被叠摞或被遮蔽,导致今人不能以肉眼直接观察而获得,而纸绢接补,墨迹、颜料、印鉴的残损也为书画研究者带来诸多悬而未决的问题。近年来,高光谱技术作为一种非侵入式的光谱成像技术,已逐步应用于各类彩绘文物中,该技术可为中国古代书画研究和保护提供更丰富的信息。本工作以文献调研为基础,简要介绍了高光谱成像的原理及技术特点,对高光谱技术在中国古代书画研究的实践进行总结,梳理了国内外研究者利用高光谱技术在书画、档案及相关彩绘文物的增强显示、物质识别、虚拟修复方面的应用案例,以期为相关研究者提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   
同敏  许鹏 《西夏研究》2020,(1):59-63
以往学界认为有关西夏汉文文献中的"头项"意为"头领、首领",也是西夏的一种军事组织,这一认识并不准确。传世汉文西夏文献中的"头项"乃是"头绪、种类"等义,而西夏文文献中的"头项"则是"事宜、事项"的意思,可以用作"同位语"。同一常用词在夏汉文本中词义的不对等,说明西夏语在词义衍生的思维模式层面与汉语是不一致的。  相似文献   
Choosing individual private entrepreneurs to be members of the People's Congress (PC) or the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is one of the most important mechanisms for ‘cooperative capitalism’ in China. This article aims to answer two questions: First, what are the differences between factors for winning a seat at the PC and a seat at the CPPCC, respectively? Second, is there any difference between factors that have a significant impact on winning a seat at the county-township level and the prefecture-and-above level of the PC or CPPCC? Based on empirical findings, I have coined the term ‘wealthy-gentry politics’ to conceptualise the fact that behaving as a member of the socially responsible ‘gentry’ plays an increasingly significant role at the higher level and in the PC compared to the lower level and the CPPCC, while economic wealth is just a threshold and party membership is not a guarantee.

挑选私营企业家个体进入两会是中国“合作型资本主义”的一个最重要机制。本文回答两个问题。1)获得人大代表的因素与获得政协委员的因素有何区别?2)获得县镇级两会代表和地级以上两会代表的影响因素是否有区别? 根据实证研究,笔者发明“财—绅政治”的概念来描述一个事实:负有社会责任的社会贤达在高一级的人大较之低一级的政协发挥了越来越大的作用,财富仅仅是门槛,党籍也不起决定性作用。  相似文献   
The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay curve is assumed to consist of a number of first-order exponential components. Improper estimation of the number of components leads to under-or over-fitting of the curve under consideration. Hence, correct estimation of the number of components is important to accurately analyze an OSL decay curve. In this study, we investigated the possibility of using the Bayesian Information Criterion to estimate the optimal number of components in an OSL decay curve. We tested the reliability of this method using several hundred measured decay curves and three simulation scenarios. Our results demonstrate that the quality of the identification can be influenced by several factors: the measurement time and the number of channels; the variability of the decay constants; and the signal-to-noise ratios of a decaying component. The results also suggest that the Bayesian Information Criterion has great potential to estimate the number of components in an OSL decay curve with a moderate to high signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   
本文以陕西唐宋时期的石窟寺建筑为主要研究对象,从典型石窟寺建筑实例入手,与汉地木构佛寺建筑群体进行对比、分析,主要从以下几点进行研究:一、对比分析陕西唐宋石窟寺与汉地木构佛寺建筑的营建背景:二、进行陕西省内唐宋时期石窟寺与汉地木构佛寺在建筑群外环境的对比研究;三、进行陕西省内唐宋时期石窟寺与汉地木构佛寺在建筑群形态发展方面的对比研究。通过上述的研究方法,探讨出:陕西唐宋石窟寺在营建背景、建筑选址、建筑构成、建筑布局方面的发展规律及特点。  相似文献   
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