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正For most people living in Lhasa,no matter what may be forgotten about their childhood,they always have clear memories about what foods and snacks they came across.What makes them so remarkable?Here,we shall see one of the fascinating local foods and snacks that used to pervade the area.  相似文献   
文章从考释“九族”在今古文经学中的差异入手,对中国古代氏族、家庭制度进行了详尽的考证,为了解中国古代社会提供了一把钥匙。  相似文献   
Chang'an (now Xi'an) was the capital of the Western Han Dynasty and the starting point of the Silk Road. In the light of the importance of Chang'an as the centre of politics, economy and cultural interaction, the overarching question proposed in this paper is focused on its role in the mirror production and distribution network during Han period. On the basis of chemical and lead isotopic analyses of 34 Han mirrors, this paper discusses the potential existence of a mirror production centre in Chang'an. Meanwhile, a comparative study with mirrors uncovered from the south‐western frontier and from Central Asian and North‐East Asian countries offers new insight into these related issues.  相似文献   
The Algarve region in southern Portugal has one of the most significant rammed earth construction legacies in the country. This construction method is characterized by its high susceptibility to water damage and external renderings are essential to the longevity of these constructions. This study collects and organizes data that provides the basis for the conservation and repair of renderings. Five earth buildings from western Algarve were selected to represent this heritage and its diversity of composition and susceptibility to water damage. Some of their commonest anomalies result from the interaction between the earth substrate and the traditional external renderings, given their distinct characteristics and behavior. The selected sample is described and the mechanical strength of the rammed earth walls and their renderings are evaluated through in situ tests. Samples of the external renderings and earth substrate of the five buildings comprising the sample were also collected and characterized in the laboratory. The characteristics of these two materials and their behavior as an assembly were analyzed. The results of the in situ and laboratory tests are compared and the viability of using a method based on in situ tests for the wider characterization of the type of construction under analysis evaluated.  相似文献   
路智勇 《文博》2015,(3):89-94
分析发现,丝绸文物的形变源自纤维在外力或环境因素作用下产生的形变,其形变可分为急弹性、缓弹性和塑性形变,其中塑性形变是因外力负荷大且作用时间长而形成的无法自行恢复的形变。通过提升纤维的吸湿水平,可以提升纤维形变回弹率,回弹率的增加意味着纤维塑性形变恢复的可能性增加。本文对利用纤维湿度调节技术,恢复丝绸文物形变的技术操作进行了探索。  相似文献   
《顶蛳山遗址出土蚌刀的动物考古学研究》是篇动物考古学的研究论文。文章从动物考古学的视角对广西邕宁顶蛳山遗址出土的600余件蚌刀进行了整理和分析。采用的研究方法包括:对贝壳标本有针对性的选择、贝壳的分区及其记录、蚌刀方位的确立、蚌刀的加工工艺、蚌刀形状的记录、测量数据、资料的录入等,这种全新的研究方法对今后开展类似研究具有很高的借鉴价值。研究的结果也值得关注,例如,通过分析发现,顶蛳山古代先民在制作蚌刀时,对材料即蚌类品种是有选择的,材料的不同甚至蚌壳的部位不同,所制作的器物也不同。通过分析还发现,顶蛳山原始居民将日常生活中所习见的鱼的形象在蚌刀上体现出来,很可能隐含着他们对于鱼类或渔业兴旺的希愿。  相似文献   
一、三晋兵器铭文中的冶尹 在反映三级监造制度的战国时期的三晋兵器铭文中,最后一级往往称作冶,如[1](释文均用宽式): 1.十五年守相(木土)(廉)波邦右库工师韩币冶巡调[2]剂·大攻尹公孙桴.<集成>11701 这件兵器是赵孝成王时期的制品.所谓三级监造制度,第一级是监造者,一般由国家的相邦、司寇或地方县令负责;第二级是主造者工师,他负责器物的具体生产过程,包括技术指导等事务.工师是跟官府手工业生产活动有关的官吏;第三级制造者是指直接制造器物的工匠,他们一般称为冶或工[3].  相似文献   
本文对清代设置直隶厅地区的民族构成变化和直隶厅行政管理体制进行了解构,认为直隶厅是清朝在大量汉族移民进入边疆民族地区后而创设的一种特殊的行政区划。直隶厅直隶于各省布政司,由朝廷派出抚民同知为主官,具有掌地、治民、控土司、兼汛防、理刑案等职权,抚民同知偏重对辖区内汉族移民的管理,同时直隶厅内部保留了原有的土司机构,因此,清代的直隶厅具有行政双结构、民族构成多样性、户籍管理分类性、赋役征收的差异性和军事控管等特征。  相似文献   
2007年,河南省焦作市中站区发现了我国唐至五代时期名门望族范阳卢氏一支的家族墓地.墓地共出土墓志两方,一方为卢真启墓志,一方为其子卢价墓志.其中卢价墓志已发表,而卢真启墓志史料价值也颇高,为了解和研究唐至五代时期卢氏家族的历史,增添了新的实物资料.  相似文献   
对文物价值的认识直接关系到文物保护、修复、研究工作者的工作理念及工作质量。从文物的历史及艺术两大价值着手,分别就文物上历史信息的增减及历史价值与美学价值的关系进行了详细的探讨,提出了增加历史信息可取、减少历史信息不可取以及历史价值第一性、美学价值第二性等观点。  相似文献   
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