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陶质文物表面析出物中含有机酸盐的现象在国内鲜有报道。本研究采用离子色谱仪(IC)、扫描电子显微镜-能谱仪(SEM-EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶变化显微红外光谱仪(FTIR)、超景深显微镜(DM)对一件馆藏汉代“华仓”瓦当表面析出物进行了表征和检测。结果表明,瓦当表面析出物主要由少量的二水硫酸钙和大量有机酸钙盐[Ca3(CH3COO)3Cl(NO3)2·6H2O]组成,两种盐的形成与瓦当的制作过程、埋藏环境和灰尘有关,有机酸盐的形成还与馆藏环境中的乙酸有关。这种析出物不仅影响瓦当表面的真实文物信息,还会进一步腐蚀瓦当本体,建议从展柜中取出瓦当进行脱盐处理,存放在无酸的环境中。本检测分析为这件瓦当的保护修复方案的制定提供理论依据,也为类似文物样品的分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   
卢鹏程 《中国地方志》2016,(4):41-47,63,64
安东卫自明初设置,未有官方志书成书,现存最早的《安东卫志》为康熙十二年(1673)刻本,由安东卫当地士绅秀才赵自修等人在赵应元、苏敷生私家旧本的基础上修订而成,经今人整理,成为研究安东卫城的重要史料。康熙《安东卫志》的材料以明嘉靖、万历之后较为可信,并无明初筑城的准确记载,仅能确定嘉靖年间卫城曾有修缮,但志书自监修以下均采信"青鸾衔旗,汤和筑城"的民间故事,并为后续史志沿用。安东卫背山面海,不适耕种,设卫主要目的在于发挥其海防备倭的军事功能。乾隆七年(1742)安东卫并入日照县,由军事防卫单位转变为基层行政单位。  相似文献   
困境中的菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界文化遗产菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田位于菲律宾吕宋岛科迪勒拉山脉沿线的伊富高省,由分布在4个市的5个梯田群组成,分别为基安干市(Kiangan)的Nagacadan梯田群、洪都安市(Hungdun)梯田群、梅奥瑶市(Mayoyao)梯田群以及巴纳维市(Banaue)的Bangaan和Batad梯田群组成。  相似文献   
路尧 《丝绸之路》2009,(22):63-66
甘肃影戏在其漫长的发展过程中,积淀了深厚的民俗文化内涵,产生了多方面的价值和功能。作为一种民间戏曲,影戏不仅具有较高的审美和娱乐价值,还具有特定的教化和祭祀功能,在其上千年的发展演变中,正因与民俗的紧密联系和相互影响,最终形成了这一弥足珍贵的文化遗产。  相似文献   
1978年7月28日,胡乔木在国务院务虚会上作了《按照经济规律办事,加快实现四个现代化》的发言,发言经过两次重大修改,在《人民日报》发表后出版单行本。文章发表后在国内外引起轰动,被认为在经济理论方面为中国吹响了改革开放的号角。文中部分观点融入后来由胡乔木主持起草的十一届三中全会"主题报告"及全会的公报中,文中的改革主张为党的决策提供了启迪和参考。  相似文献   
Domestic horses played a pivotal role in ancient China, but their exact origin remains controversial. To investigate the origin of Chinese domestic horses, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 35 horse remains, aged between 4000 and 2000 years, excavated from nine archaeological sites in northern China. The Chinese ancient horses exhibited high matrilineal diversity, falling into all the seven haplogroups (A–G) observed in modern horses. These results suggest that several maternal lines were introduced into the gene pool of Chinese horses in the past. Haplogroups A and F were more prevalent in ancient horses than the other haplogroups. Interestingly, only haplogroups A and F were present in the samples older than 4000 years, while the more recent horses (between 2000 and 3000 years BP) fell into all seven haplogroups. Comparison with DNA data of present-day horses suggests that haplogroup F is like to be an ancient haplogroup of East Asian origin. These analyses also suggest that the origin of Chinese domestic horses is complex, and external mtDNA input occurred after initial domestication. Our results indicate that the Chinese ancient horses are more related to the modern Mongolian horses. Lastly, our results cannot support the previous hypothesis that early Chinese domestic horses were derived from the Przewalski horse.  相似文献   
In Archaeology, geophysical methods had been applied usually in a qualitative form, limited only to the use of filters that enhance the data display. The main objective in this work is the implementation of a modelling technique that allows us to reconstruct the geometry of buried bodies and the determination of their depths. This is done by means of the estimation of the magnetic moments of archaeological objects using a three-dimensional mesh of individual magnetic dipoles using the least squares method and the singular value decomposition of a weighted matrix to solve the linear problem. The distribution and shape of the underlying archaeological remains can be inferred. This methodology was applied to an archaeological site called Los Teteles de Ocotitla, in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. A high-resolution magnetic prospection was carried out in three selected areas (terraces). The most important total field anomalies found on each area were inverted, obtaining results that were corroborated by archaeological excavations. This investigation demonstrates the potential of quantitative geophysical methods for the characterization of archaeological structures, in extension and in depth.  相似文献   
We examined by Rietveld refinement of X-ray Diffraction patterns a series of 61 human and animal fossil bones in an age range from present time to Middle Triassic (around 245 Ma). This approach, supplemented by elemental analysis according to X-ray Fluorescence, has permitted to obtain a quantitative evaluation of the mineralogical phases in the specimens, thus allowing to reconstruct the mineralization process involved. Concerning the apatite phase, after adopting a monoclinic geometry for the unit cell, the method permits to determine with fair degree of precision the unit cell volume, which is found to decrease in relatively short geological times as a function of the fluorine substitution process for the hydroxyl group –OH. After excluding the role of a high-temperature fire treatment to the bones, it is found that a certain linear correlation may exist over the geological time scale involved between the age of the specimen and the average crystallite size. This observation permits to use the XRD pattern as an evaluation of the age of the fossil, although the stratigraphic observations, where available, remain as the main reliable source for dating such biomaterials. The uncertainty related to this age estimation may be hardly better than 15–20% in absolute, because of various assumptions involved in the XRD methodology used and in the variability of the burial environment that may be subjected to discontinuous changes over the very long time of deposition.  相似文献   
《行都司所属五路总图》是台北故宫博物院收藏的数种彩绘本边防图之一,全图设色鲜艳、浓笔重彩,具有典型明代官绘本舆图特征,文物收藏价值很高。本文结合图绘内容与文献记载,考订其成图年代当在明清鼎革的17世纪中叶。由于原藏于清内阁大库,再加上鲜明之官绘风格,推估此图极可能是边官按例绘送兵部的,功能在说明边墙之内外防御体系、城堡分布、驿路主干线与支线,以及附载的职官记述皆可能成为第一手资料,对于厘清现存明、清典籍边防的相关记载颇有助益。  相似文献   
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