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1492. Un monde nouveau? Por BARTOLOME Y LUCILE BENNASSAR. Paris: Perrin, 1991. Pp. 276.

1492. “L'année admirable”. Por BERNARD VINCENT. Paris: Aubier, 1991. Pp. 228.

L'Amérique de la conquête peinte par les Indiens du Mexique. Por SERGE GRUZINSKI. Paris: UNESCO/Flammarion, 1991. Pp. 240  相似文献   

The article concerns the Shore/Freeman controversy about the terms aga and amio. Shore sees aga as the Samoan category for ‘culture’ and amio as the category for ‘nature’ in the Hobbesian sense. Freeman says that Shore has his terms backwards. I argue that Freeman is correct in his assertion that aga cannot be equated with ‘culture‘. However, Freeman wrongly defines aga as innate essence. In fact aga is the term for identity, which in Samoa is external and social. Amio is best understood as a derivative of that part of the self which Samoans call the loto and which we call subjectivity.  相似文献   
The Third Congressional Districts of Oregon and Washington face each other across the Columbia River. It is not surprising that for more than a decade each district had been represented in Congress by the same representative or that they were both Democrats. Though Oregon's Third District is much more urban and compact than Washington's, they share some of the demographic and economic characteristics which are usually associated with Democratic constituencies outside of the South, namely, a relatively high proportion of persons employed in manufacturing or other heavily unionized occupations, who are relatively mobile, or of fairly recent ethnic stock. What is not so expected is that both incumbent Congressmen were Congresswomen — Edith Green of Oregon and Julia Butler Hansen of Washington. Mrs Green and Mrs Hansen were chosen as the specific subjects of this study because they had both demonstrated political longevity in retaining Congressional office throughout see‐sawing political changes in party domination in both their states and the national administration. They were both longstanding members of the Democratic Party. They were both from the Pacific Northwest, giving them common regional interests, and indeed, while from different states, their districts are continuous with the Columbia River as a common boundary adding specific common district interests. Each had attained what are generally recognized as powerful positions within the structure of the Congress as chairpersons of important subcommittees: Mrs Green as Chairman of the Special Subcommittee on Education of the House Committee on Education and Labor; Mrs Hansen as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Appropriations for the Interior and Related Agencies of the House Appropriations Committee. And finally, both women were in their early sixties.  相似文献   
There is currently a myth in the making: that women are less corrupt than men. Recently some aid donors have cited statistical evidence that countries with larger numbers of women in politics and in the workforce have lower levels of corruption. That this finding can be explained by the fact that there are more women in politics and the workforce in liberal democracies that are anyway less corrupt than poorer less liberal regimes does not detract from the eagerness with which some development actors are seizing upon the potential role women might play in fighting corruption. The myth of women's incorruptibility is not, of course, new. It is grounded in essentialist notions of women's higher moral nature and an assumed propensity to bring this to bear on public life, and particularly on the conduct of politics. After demonstrating that some of the recent studies about gender and corruption record perceptions about propensities to engage in corrupt behaviour, this contribution suggests rather that the gendered nature of access to politics and public life shapes opportunities for corruption. In addition, corruption can be experienced differently by women and men, which has implications for anti‐corruption strategies. A gendered analysis of corruption is in fact a useful entry‐point to the examination of the gendered nature of accountability failures, and of gender‐specific gaps in current attempts to promote good governance.  相似文献   

Undersøgelsen af areal‐ og ressourceudnyttelsen omkring udvalgte mindre, marginalt beliggende nordbogårde i Vesterbygdens centrale del fokuserer især på gårdsanlæggenes vegetationsressourcer med henblik på beregning af deres bæreevne og foderværdi.

På grundlag af biomasseberegninger synes en kronologisk og/eller social betinget bebyggelsesekspansion fra “gode” områder mod mere marginale områder at kunne påvises.

Analyser af forholdet mellem græs‐ og husarealer tyder på, at gårde med begrænset græsareal i nærheden kompenserer herfor enten ved at holde flere får eller geder (fremfor køer), som kræver mindre græs som foder og som oftere huses i fritliggende udhuse, eller ved at have større udhuskapacitet til oplagring af hø høstet længere borte fra gårdene.

En veldokumenter et gård bliver brugt som eksempel til beregning af vegeta‐tionspotentialets bæreevne, det faktiske dyreholds størrelse og husstandens størrelse.

Desuden bliver udnyttelsen af højlandet søgt belyst i forbindelse med betragtninger over forekomsten af anlæg og ressourcer relateret til sæterdrift og rensdyrjagt.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper offers an ethnographically grounded examination of the intersections between work, employment and identity for Indigenous people living in a country town in far western New South Wales, Australia. It argues that work, employment and labour are locally deployed categories that meet mainstream discourse in a precarious fashion and, that this disjunction has clear material and ideological repercussions. For most Aboriginal people in Wilcannia, you are who you are, not by virtue of what you have ‘become’ in any economic, professional or educational sense. Who you are is not a becoming, it is established at birth. These genealogical forms of being through kinship see a construction of self which in many ways is at variance to the standard ‘autonomous self‐regulating individual’ (Sennett 1998:215). This sense of self, for most, is not determined by engagement in the capitalist division of labour; indeed, the greater the engagement in the capitalist economy, the more problematic and fraught a sense of self and of belonging can become.  相似文献   
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