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Recognition and respect for sexual minorities in Hong Kong is still a contested area. Public sexual identity politics in Hong Kong has been framed by traditional Chinese gender ideology and imported Christian beliefs which are profoundly negative. Focusing on the interpersonal relationships in three spheres of life, the research adopted the sociological perspective of personal life and the feminist geographers’ idea of spatialization of identity management to analyze how the sexual self of sexual minorities has been marginalized and excluded in intimate social spaces of family, church communities and schools in Hong Kong with specific spatial practices and different forms of power/knowledge. By examining overlooked intimate injustice in personal life, this study illustrates that identity conflicts between Christianity and non-heterosexuality in everyday life is constructed through misrepresentation, misrecognition, harassment and exclusion in intimate relationships. Different types of knowledge are being used to reiterate pre-existing norms and institutionalized patterns of cultural value that constitute the sexual minorities as comparatively unworthy of respect. These micro-political processes involve both conformity and resistance to gender and sexual stereotypes. Participants managed to develop spatial coping strategies such as concealment, compartmentalization, confrontation and alternative sources of support to manage their lives with dignity and self-esteem.  相似文献   
The quick and accurate identification of post-earthquake rescue objects can minimize the casualties and property loss caused by earthquakes. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, rescue objects can be identified through high-resolution remote sensing images. There are two main categories of approaches to identify rescue object through high-resolution images: automatic extraction by a computer and visual judgment by professionals. Although results can be obtained quickly by using automatic extraction, the accuracy of the results is unacceptably low. For visual judgment, the large demands for time and professionals restrict its wide practical application. In this study, we introduce crowdsourcing into the identification of post-earthquake rescue objects. First, we integrate the advantages of the computer and crowdsourcing, which means that the computer takes advantage of the speed of information processing, while crowdsourcing makes full use of human recognition capabilities. Second, we take visual judgment tasks out of the hands of professionals and entrust the tasks to workers in a crowdsourcing platform. Not only are the human resources infinite, but we can also improve the efficiency of identifying rescue objects. Third, we propose a crowdsourcing model that improves the quality of the results and saves human resources. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our solution is feasible.  相似文献   
The oldest extant musical instruments in the world are stone chimes. This music was created by the ‘eight tones’ that could be produced by these ‘stone’ voices. Although many of these stone chimes have been unearthed from sites predating the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, their discussion in archaeological reports is usually not very thorough. In this paper, the ancient and modern samples are analysed from the point of view of lithology. The aim is to explore how the ancients chose to make these stones, and to check that the type of stone from which these ancient Chinese stone chimes are made is actually those recorded in previous studies. The results show that most of the ancient stone chimes in China are made of limestone. These chimes required a material with a single, homogeneous and compact mineral composition. Lingbi chimes (a kind of ‘lithophone’ produced in Lingbi county, China, are pure in composition and have a fine microcrystalline structure, which is the best choice for making stone chimes. This paper makes a systematic study of the lithology of Chinese stone chimes. The results supplement a significant lacuna in the study of ‘lithophone’ and ancient stone instruments both in China and on a more global scale.  相似文献   
尉氏元代壁画墓札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尉氏县张氏镇壁画墓在最近的报道中被断为宋代。本文结合相关考古资料,从墓葬形制、壁画布局、仿木结构、人物服饰、墓门题记等几个方面进行对比分析,将该墓订正为元代。又依据文献记载和图像资料,对该墓壁画中“曾参行孝”和“焦花女哭麦”两组孝子图加以考证。并进一步梳理了考古所见二十四孝图像,发现其组合形式在宋金时期比较稳定,而元明时期则逐渐转向多元。  相似文献   
Until the 19th century, most pigments were based on naturally occurring colored minerals and dyes, with three significant exceptions: Egyptian Blue, Chinese Blue/Purple and Maya Blue. The former two are alkaline-earth copper silicates, and because of this similarity it has been proposed that the Chinese pigments were derived from Egyptian Blue. Herein, we analyzed clumps of pigment from the Qin warriors and discovered that in spite of the structural similarity to Egyptian Blue, the micro-structural morphology of Chinese Purple is very different. Therefore, we believe that the synthesis technology for the Chinese pigments was a by-product of high-refractive index glasses (artificial jades) produced by Taoist monks. Further, the disappearance of these pigments from Chinese art and monuments concurrently with the decline of Taoism not only substantiates the link between the two, but also gives a striking example of how cultural changes in the society affected the scientific developments in ancient China.  相似文献   
平底碟是晚期定窑瓷器中的一种非常常见的器型,也是最传统、最保守的一种器型,自北宋晚期以来直至金代,平底碟在各地不同时代的早晚均有发现,体现了一定的演变规律,这也为我们整体上探讨其发展演变提供了可能.对其进行探讨,从中也可以体现同时期整个定窑器物演变上的某些线索.  相似文献   
近代中国具有现代意义的投票选举制度虽然率先在清末的民间工商社团商会中实行,但各地商会的具体实施过程却并非同步进行。上海、苏州等商会正式成立后即开始制订并实行这一制度,天津商会则在清末坚持采用"公推"的方式推举总理、协理和会董,没有真正实施"票举"。到民国初期,天津商会依然认为"公推"优于"票举",直至明定商会必须实行投票选举制度的《商会法》公布之后,天津商会还希望政府"准予特殊办法,仍行公推"。但实施"票举"在当时已是大势所趋,1918年天津商会也在章程中拟订了投票选举制度,并由此进入"票举"会长和会董的新时期。自清末至民国时期天津商会从"公推"到"票举"的曲折演进历程,说明在选举制度的建设中,天津商会的领导人在思想认识和实践操作两个方面都偏向于保守,不仅自身缺乏创造性的举措,而且很少主动借鉴和学习其他商会已有的投票选举制度,这种现象也表明了清末民初各地商会对现代投票选举制度的认识并不完全一致。  相似文献   
宋钱版别研究珍贵史料——读叶适《淮西论铁钱五事状》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘森 《中国钱币》2007,(3):17-21
叶适(1150~1223),字正则,学者称水心先生,浙江永嘉(今浙江温州)人,为南宋著名思想家、文学家、政论家,是与朱熹的道学派、陆九渊的心学派并列为南宋三大学派的永嘉学派的集大成者和主要代表。南宋淳熙五年(1178),叶适以进士第二名及第,后历任吏部员外郎、吏部侍郎、江东安抚使兼沿江制置使等职,官至宝文阁学士、光禄大夫。  相似文献   
洪业对崔述《知非集》、《荍田剩笔》等著作进行研究,系统梳理了崔述著作的版本流传、学术思想和生平事迹,这对顾颉刚整理和编订《崔东壁遗书》是有价值的。洪业主持的哈佛燕京学社引得编纂处支持了顾颉刚的《尚书》研究。在《禹贡》半月刊、禹贡学会的创立和以通俗读物的形式宣传抗日的工作中,洪业作出了自己的贡献,这些都对顾颉刚的学术产生了有意义的影响。  相似文献   
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