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麦积山石窟169、69窟间浮塑交龙装饰龛楣图像,长期被一些研究者误读为“伏羲女娲”,并与天水作为“伏羲女娲”故乡的人文背景相联系。本文在详细考察洞窟图像的基础上,结合佛教经典与文献的相关记载,并参照国内其它石窟的龙装饰图像的情况,指出交龙龛饰的石窟造型图像是佛教中“天龙八部”之一的护持佛法的龙众,是佛国世界的守护神。麦积山石窟交龙龛饰图像与中国传统文化中的“伏羲女娲”无关。  相似文献   
本文指出李献忠因当年参与剪除诸韦的宫廷之变而赢得了睿、玄两帝的垂青。李氏父子两代一门四人供职于唐廷之宿卫,且其父考李求“因公之效”获赠以司马。  相似文献   
作为认识世界的思维工具,哲学特别是辩证法为人们认识和掌握包括地方志等社会文化现象以及世间事物提供了功能强大的利器.掌握辩证思维方法,正确理解地方志事业的至上与非至上、发展条件、内容与形式、质量与数量、守成与创新等原理和范畴,有助方志人跳出自我封闭的狭小境界,更客观地评价地方志的社会功能,从社会发展和方志事业发展需要这一...  相似文献   
释迦牟尼舍弃王位,专心修道传法,为后世佛教僧人作出楷模.后世僧人效之,既出离世俗,则"不干世事,不作有为"(<洛阳伽蓝记>卷2).<遗教经>云:"持净戒者……不得参预世事,通致使命."<梵网经>甚至说"不得国王地上行,不得饮国王水."至于从军征战,尤为僧戒严禁,<梵网经>说"佛子不得军中往来."  相似文献   
萨满神歌与满族民歌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
满族的民间化中萨满神歌与民歌具有浓郁的民族特色.两又有紧密联系.本通过对萨满神歌和民歌特点分析,阐明了二之间互为交融关系.  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,中国共产党十分重视经济工作,尤其农业作为晋察冀边区经济的基础,对其发展的情况,边区政府从政策法令及具体实践的组织领导等多方面进行了干预,积累了一套颇具特色的工作经验,这些为今日中国农业的发展、农民收入的增加及农村经济的繁荣仍具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
During the Neolithic period, the Chengdu Plain was a key region where two important crops, rice and millet, were cultivated together. Millet was probably introduced from north-western China c.3500–3300 cal. bce , and rice came from the Middle Yangtze River c.2600 cal. bce . In this study, human and faunal remains, as well as charred crop grains, were collected from the Yingpanshan (3300–2600 cal. bce ) and Gaoshan (2500–2000 cal. bce ) sites where the dominant crop was millet and rice, respectively. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on human bones and the ecofact samples in order to reconstruct the subsistence at the sites. The results indicate that the diets of two individuals recovered from the Yingpanshan site consisted of both C3- and C4-based foods, predominantly the former. By contrast, Yingpanshan pigs consumed a large quantity of C4 fodder. This result, combined with the ecofact evidence, suggests that millet was the main crop at the Yingpanshan site. It also highlights the fact that the two Yingpanshan individuals might be non-locals and/or belonged to later periods. On the other hand, the diet of the Gaoshan community was dominated by C3-based foods. When considering the archaeobotanical evidence at Baodun, a site contemporaneous with and near to the Gaoshan site, it can be stated that rice was an important food resource for the Gaoshan community. This study also suggests how crops were managed at the two sites. The Yingpanshan people might have used manure for growing millet. Both manuring and irrigation might have also been practised by Gaoshan's rice farmers. However, more studies are required to understand the extent of manuring and irrigation in their agricultural economies.  相似文献   
2006年,黑龙江省文物考古研究所为配合松花江大顶子山航电枢纽工程建设,对位于宾县满井镇卜家口子屯东北约1公里处的索离沟遗址进行了抢救性发掘,发现房址3座,获得了一批重要文物。本文认为索离沟遗址与已知的庆华遗址的文化内涵基本相同,属一种新的考古文化,年代相当于战国~西汉时期;并认为,索离沟及庆华遗存就是古索离人的遗存,而索离沟之地名与索离沟文化遗存之属性完全相合,是古索离人的"化石"地名。  相似文献   
天津市发展会展旅游的SWOT分析及战略选择   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
会展旅游是一种高利润,高产出的旅游项目。西通过SWOT分析法,分析了天津市发展会展旅游的优势,劣势,机会和威胁,提出了在新的市场环境下天津市的战略选择及实施措施。  相似文献   
位于唐山市东矿区王辇庄乡任庄子村西北的多宝佛塔是一座八角七层的仿木构密檐实心砖塔,建于明万历二十二年,当时这一带属开平卫管辖,此塔的修建可能与戚继光主持修建的遵化永旺塔有关。  相似文献   
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