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在全面拨乱反正的背景下,理论工作务虚会第一阶段对新中国成立以来的若干重大理论与历史问题进行了热烈讨论,但是会议期间出现了一些不协调的声音,引起中共中央的注意,加之社会上出现的错误思潮,影响了安定团结的局面。在这种情况下,邓小平代表中共中央在全国理论工作务虚会上作了《坚持四项基本原则》的报告,明确提出了"四个坚持"。这个报告在全国理论工作务虚会和随后召开的中央工作会议上引起热烈讨论,各地也很快掀起了一场贯彻学习四项基本原则、进行真理标准讨论"补课"的热潮。随着改革开放事业的发展,四项基本原则作为立国之本的地位被确立起来,并不断被赋予新的时代内涵。  相似文献   
三角形石刀是长江下游地区良渚文化和青铜时代早期文化的一种特殊形状的石器,其功能众说不一,不少考古学家认为它是作为农业工具使用的"破土器"。通过对浙江湖州毘山遗址出土的两件商代三角形石刀进行微痕分析,并与采用复制石器进行实验考古后所得到的微痕进行比较,可知,毘山三角形石刀不是"破土器",而可能是用来切断植物茎叶的铡刀。  相似文献   
志书民族内容具有特殊的文化属性和政治属性,是志书的地方特色之一,尤其是民族自治地区所编志书。通过提高对民族篇章的地位和作用的认识,分析民族篇章编写存在的一些普遍问题,可以重新确定志书民族篇章的记述规范和要求,从而使志书功能得到更好的发挥。  相似文献   
对湖北省大冶市香炉山遗址采集的20个炉渣样品进行了扫描电镜检测,发现了炼制锑青铜、锡铅青铜、生铁的炉渣。重点对锡铅青铜的冶炼流程进行了推断,认为该遗址首先使用伴生有铅镍砷等元素的铜矿石进行还原冶炼,再添加锡料生产以锡铅为主要合金元素并含有镍砷的青铜,先后排出不含锡和含锡的两种高铁型炉渣。香炉山遗址出现的青铜生产证据,预示着大冶地区可能存在着相当规模的有别于中原的早期青铜产业,对探讨鄂东南地区早期冶金技术与当地文明的演进关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   
李宏图 《世界历史》2015,(2):135-143,161
在西方学术界,一直具有重视思想史研究的传统。通过对思想史研究学术史的考察可以发现,长久以来,虽然思想史研究一直是欧洲学术界重点研究的领域,但还没有真正形成"历史性"的考察。20世纪80年代,"剑桥学派"的兴起才改变了这一研究范式。与此同时,以昆廷·斯金纳和德国的考斯莱克为代表的一些学者又提出"概念史"这一新的研究范式。值得注意的是,最近几年,学者们又在新的全球化的背景下提出思想史的"国际转向"。目前,思想史研究一方面正在深化对具体内容的研究,另一方面,也同时展开了对思想史研究范式本身的反思和讨论。而对这种学术史的梳理和反思将会有助于我们理解欧洲学术界研究范式不断推陈出新的基础和动力,以及重构思想史研究未来的取向与学术特性。  相似文献   
This article introduces latent trajectory models (LTMs), an approach often employed in social sciences to handle longitudinal data, to the arena of GIScience, particularly space‐time analysis. Using the space‐time data collected at county level for the whole United States through webpage search on the keyword “climate change,” we show that LTMs, when combined with eigenvector filtering of spatial dependence in data, are very useful in unveiling temporal trends hidden in such data: the webpage‐data derived popularity measure for climate change has been increasing from December 2011 to March 2013, but the increase rate has been slowing down. In addition, LTMs help reveal potential mechanisms behind observed space‐time trajectories through linking the webpage‐data derived popularity measure about climate change to a set of socio‐demographic covariates. Our analysis shows that controlling for population density, greater drought exposure, higher percent of people who are 16 years old or above, and higher household income are positively predictive of the trajectory slopes. Higher percentages of Republicans and number of hot days in summer are negatively related to the trajectory slopes. Implications of these results are examined, concluding with consideration of the potential utility of LTMs in space‐time analysis and more generally in GIScience.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary literary and historical studies of late Qing vernacular are rare, and the vernacular texts of the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement have been overlooked by academics. This paper focuses on this topic, arguing that the discursive strategies in such texts revolved around the movement's aim of “breaking the agreement and protecting the railway,” and primarily included discourses on constitutionalism, financial interests, patriotism, cultural order, and the late emperor, as well the ideas of “ridding the emperor of evil ministers,” borrowed from traditional Chinese political discourses, and “national subjugation,” within the context of the national crisis. None of these discourses were “anti-Manchu” or “revolutionary,” yet they were able to mobilize the people of Sichuan to devote themselves to the Railway Protection Movement, as well as attracting the “sympathetic understanding” of high-ranking Sichuan officials, such as Wang Renwen 王人文 and Zhao Erfeng 赵尔丰, thus lending discursive power to the railway protection camp in its game of political chess with the Qing court. Meanwhile, the government's weak discursive power was an important factor in the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty by the revolutionary tide triggered by the Sichuan Railway Protection Movement. The discursive strategies in vernacular texts on railway protection (including the particularly strategic discourse on the late emperor) spread, transformed, and were reborn to varying degrees over the course of history.  相似文献   
刘增合 《历史研究》2016,(4):45-62,190
清代钦派专官巡查外省营伍和吏治夙有其例。清末新政期间,为督责外省开展各项新政改革,清廷逐步将过去个案性巡查活动转变为监理督查外省的常规化操作,财政层面则派遣监理官驻扎各省,监理督责清理财政,这是清季制度变动中引人注目的范例。监理官在外省监理权限的确定比较曲折,其官秩方面虽有提升,但实际授权仍存在诸多缺陷。监理官群体克服外官抵触和旧制惰性,基本实现了督责各省外销财政核实上报、建立近代预算制度的目标。清末财政监理制度虽具显效,却为其制度本身缺陷所限制,不可能挽救清廷财政颓势,然其鉴戒意义不应忽视。  相似文献   
The study implements the performance-based analysis and design methodology to assess the seismic vulnerability of a coal-fired power plant and to optimally design its equivalent pendulum-type tuned mass damper system such that the direct losses are minimized. A building-specific total loss ratio is developed to link the component level losses with the total repair cost of the original structure. The optimal system configuration is finally derived for cases with the minimum loss. The study demonstrates a systematic way of achieving the optimal pendulum-type tuned mass damper design with considerations of uncertainties in earthquake inputs and the combined component level damages.  相似文献   
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