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2009年,瑞安市文物普查队在高楼乡兴福寺遗址地下发现40多件宋代石塔遗构,初步考证为原兴福寺之石塔——宋代堵波式石构七佛塔。塔体平面呈六角形,由双重须弥座、六楞瓜腹塔肚、仿木构塔檐及塔刹四大部分组成。宋代堵波式小石塔主要流行于浙、闽地区,存世者寥寥,能完整保存七塔规制之实例者鲜见,而刻有七佛名号的石塔则更为稀少。兴福寺石塔的发现不仅丰富了浙南佛教文化内容,是研究宋代七佛石塔规制、民间石刻工艺和佛教在江南地区传播等方面的重要实物资料。  相似文献   
壁画制作工艺与材料研究既是壁画病害原因与机理研究不可缺少的数据,更是筛选壁画保护修复材料与工艺的重要依据。本文利用X射线衍射、X射线荧光、剖面显微、激光拉曼分析了库木吐喇石窟第34、45 46、50、56、58、60、63窟壁画颜料、白粉层、地仗。结果表明,库木吐喇壁画制作工艺是先在陡峭的砂砾岩崖壁上开凿成形洞窟,之后在洞窟围岩上用掺有麦秸的黏土泥抹平砂岩壁面,待这层泥质地仗层完全晾干后用石膏涂刷;最后进行线描添彩。所用颜料红色颜料是铅丹,蓝色颜料使用的是青金石;绿色颜料是绿铜矿;白色颜料是白垩、石膏;均为常见壁画颜料。  相似文献   
一般认为,扬州槐泗"隋炀帝陵"是清代学者阮元错误考证的,但这一说法并不准确。槐泗"隋炀帝陵"是明代认定的,造成错误认定的原因主要是与隋炀帝墓有关的地名雷塘所指范围发生了变化。自唐代起,雷塘或为政府用于灌溉漕运,或被民众占垦,时兴时废。作为重要的水利设施,数百年间雷塘不断被修浚,面积也随之缩小。虽然阮元是再次确认错误结果,但因他本人有较大的影响力,槐泗"隋炀帝陵"长期被广泛接受,直到2013年曹庄隋炀帝真墓的发现,这一结论才被推翻。  相似文献   
<正>淳熙十年(1183)的秋天,范成大得了一场不大不小的疾病。他自幼一直体弱多病,但这场病却让他郁郁寡欢了好长一段时间,以至五次上表求归,但均未获批准。又过了一段时间,他因政事与宋孝宗意见不合后,心灰意冷,索性卸了资政殿大学士一职,到临安府洞霄宫挂一份闲差,也不用上班(这是南宋王朝政策许可范围内的事,绝非现在的吃空饷)。然后,他就回到了家乡,在石湖之畔开始了心慕已久的退隐生活。这次回到石湖,直到绍熙四年(1193)去世,长达十年的时间里  相似文献   
建国初期,中国共产党在拥有2.6亿多农民的新解放区进行了规模宏大、内容深刻的土改运动,涉及的农业人口和土地面积都占全国总数的2/3以上.在土改实施过程中,党和政府汲取了老区土改的经验和教训,经过了周密的部署,坚持了审慎的步骤,注意调整政策和法规,对部分地区土改初期一度出现的"和平土改"及中期出现的过急过激的现象予以了及时纠正,推动新区土改取得了巨大胜利.  相似文献   
叶涛 《民俗研究》2006,1(4):161-194
在住宅或村落周边、桥道要冲等处树立石敢当或泰山石敢当的习俗,在我国具有悠久的传统。考察其历史,我们会发现其中存在着从石敢当到泰山石敢当、再演变出石大夫等各种变异形态的发展脉络。  相似文献   
The seismic performance of superimposed reinforced concrete (RC) shear walls is decreased by rocking behavior and damage concentration at the horizontal joint. An enhanced horizontal joint method is proposed to improve the corresponding seismic performance. To validate the reliability of the proposed method, three full-scale superimposed walls and a cast-in-place shear wall (for comparison) are designed and tested under the quasi-static load. The test results indicate that the rocking phenomenon can be prevented using the proposed method, and the seismic performance of superimposed RC shear walls with enhanced horizontal joints is comparable to that of the cast-in-place RC shear walls.  相似文献   
ZHENG, D., DONG, C., WANG, H., YE, Y., WANG, B., CHANG S-C. & ZHANG, H., May 2017. The first damsel-dragonfly (Odonata: Isophlebioidea:Campterophlebiidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Shaanxi Province, northwestern China. Alcheringa 41, 509–513. ISSN 0311-5518.

Campterophlebiidae is the most diverse family of fossil odonatans in China with ten genera recovered mostly from Middle Jurassic strata of Inner Mongolia. We describe a well-preserved campterophlebiid damsel-dragonfly from the Middle Jurassic Yanan Formation in Shanxi Province, northwestern China. This discovery adds to the diversity of Campterophlebiidae and identifies a new Middle Jurassic insect fossil locality in China. Within Campterophlebiidae, the new taxon most closely resembles Ctenogampsophlebia from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia but differs from other genera in having vein AA with four parallel posterior branches uncrossed in the anal triangle.

Daran Zheng [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PR China; Chong Dong [], He Wang [] and Haichun Zhang [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Yifei Ye [] Shannxi Non-ferrous Yulin Coal Co., Ltd, Yulin, PR China; Bo Wang [] State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 39 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, PR China; Su-Chin Chang [] Department of Earth Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, PR China.  相似文献   

Cai, C., Liu Y. & Huang, D., February 2017. A new species of Loricera Latreille from Eocene Baltic amber (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Loricerinae). Alcheringa xx, xxx-xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Loricerinae is a small, distinctive subfamily of ground beetles, comprising only one genus Loricera Latreille. Only one fossil species is known to date. Here, we describe a new species, Loricera groehni sp. nov., belonging to Loricera based on a well-preserved adult in Eocene Baltic amber. Loricera groehni is tentatively attributed to the obsoleta group of the subgenus Loricera s.str. based on the relatively long antennomere 3 and punctate elytral interval 7. The discovery of a new species morphologically close to the extant Loricera species from western China and northern India suggests that the obsoleta group was more widespread in the Eocene than it is at present. The distribution pattern of Chinese Loricera is probably relictual. The fossil species, possessing conspicuous stiff setae on the basal antennomeres, was probably a specialized predator of springtails.

Chenyang Cai [], Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Ye Liu [], Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, PR China; Diying Huang [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China.  相似文献   

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