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锦州地区的西晋至前燕时期的汉人墓葬有砖室墓和石室墓两种,其中侧壁外弧的顺长方形单室砖室墓为来自幽州的移民所遗留,带前、后室的砖室墓也来源于中原地区,砖室墓的年代在前燕建国前后;石室墓为来自辽东地区的汉人所遗留,年代在前燕建国前夕、前燕中晚期。锦州地区这一时期的汉人墓葬均以中原文化为主体,多数墓葬在一定程度上接受了慕容鲜卑的文化影响。  相似文献   
Qiao L. & Shen S.Z., September 2012. Late Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) brachiopods from the western Daba Mountains, central China. Alcheringa 36, 287–309. ISSN 0311–5518.

Fifteen brachiopod species in 12 genera are described for the first time from four intervals in the middle and upper parts of the Zhanpo Formation at the Huoyanxi section near Zhenba in the western Daba Mountains, southern Shaanxi, central China. The Zhenba brachiopod fauna is dominated by diverse and abundant species of Productida, together with some species of Athyridida, Orthida, Orthotetida and Spiriferida. It ranges from late Viséan to Serpukhovian in age based on the presence of Gigantoproductus species in association with diagnostic foraminifera and conodonts. This fauna generally shows palaeobiogeographical links with the palaeoequatorial realm, including Western Europe, the Moscow Basin, the Ural Mountains, Japan, eastern Tibet and South and North China. Its closest palaeobiogeographical affinity is with South China assemblages rather than those of North and Northwest China, therefore, indicating that the Zhenba area was palaeogeographically close to the South China Block and relatively far from the blocks in Northwest China (e.g., the Qilian Mountains and Qaidam Basin, Kunlun Mountains, Tarim Basin and Tianshan Mountains) during the late ViséanSerpukhovian.  相似文献   
本文采用荧光能谱仪(EDXRF)测试了杭州卷烟厂、严官巷、吴庄和太庙四处南宋遗址出土的官窑类瓷片的胎釉元素组成;并根据胎体元素分类情况,制备了光学薄片,运用偏光显微镜对部分官窑瓷片的胎体进行了岩相分析。在此基础上,本文对杭州这些遗址出土官窑类瓷片的窑口问题进行了初步讨论。结果表明四处南宋遗址出土的56块官窑类瓷片当中,有48块样品可能为杭州两窑烧造,而有8块样品的胎体元素组成更接近龙泉黑胎青瓷,结合判别分析和岩相分析结果,这八块样品为龙泉窑烧造的可能性更大,但具体窑口尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Shen, Y. & Wang, X.L., 24.6.2015. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Bei’an Formation (Visean–Serpukhovian) in the Pengchong area of Liuzhou, Guangxi, South China. Alcheringa 39,559–572 ISSN 0311-5518

The type section of the Mississippian Bei’an Formation is well exposed on both sides of the Beihuan expressway at Liuzhou in Guangxi, South China, about 700 m east of the Pengchong GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point) for the base of the Visean Stage. Foraminifers are abundant and diverse (at least 59 species and 39 genera) in this section, and five foraminiferal zones are recognizable in the Bei’an Formation. In ascending order, these are the Pojarkovella nibelis, Koskinotextularia, Bradyina, Janischewskina and ‘Millerellatortula zones. Based on the foraminifers, the Bei’an Formation is regarded as being of middle Visean to Serpukhovian age, i.e., equivalent to biozones MFZ12–MFZ15 from the stratotypes of Europe, and the Visean–Serpukhovian boundary is placed at the base of the ‘Millerellatortula Zone.

Yang Shen [] (Corresponding author) and Xun-Lian Wang [], School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), 29 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, PR China.  相似文献   

The family, as a leisure unit, is an important museum consumer group. The literature on family leisure in museums concentrates on the cognitive and the learning aspects in science museums and art galleries in western contexts. It provides limited explanation of the leisure outcomes acquired from visiting museums. This work addresses this lacuna by exploring the benefits perceived by Chinese parents who take their children to a cluster of museums along China’s Grand Canal, a world heritage site in Hangzhou. A review of museum and heritage research, combined with 17 on-site, in-depth interviews, generated information on a range of benefits which was used to design a questionnaire that was completed by 450 respondents. Five perceived benefits were identified using factor analysis. In order of significance, they are family bonding, community attachment, cultural awareness, restoration and personal growth. These perceived benefits have implications for museums and other public facilities catering to the family leisure market, as well as for governments, community organisations, the heritage sector and other stakeholders that are charged with managing cultural heritage.  相似文献   
广州八旗讲的是与满语、广州本地话不同的广州"满洲话",各地八旗军营说的话也与当地话以及满语有区别的"满州话".八旗驻防军的语言基本一致,都有北京话的语调、北方话的乡音、也有满语的词汇,还有本地话的混合.八旗军队的话就是八旗军话,是雍正皇帝推广的普通话的主要语言标准,是现代汉语普通话的祖先.  相似文献   
中日邦交正常化三十多年来,中日关系经历了许多波动和曲折,其原因既有国际政治环境的因素,又有中日双方在实际交往过程中的政策和措施上的问题。而在各种因素当中,日本的社会思想意识,特别是对华认识的变化应该说是最根本的影响和制约因素。本文仅以冷战后日本社会思想意识的变化与对外政策,特别是对华政策的相互关系为考察对象,从国际政治环境、社会体制、舆论的变化进行考察,并进而分析今后日本对华政策的变化趋势。  相似文献   
20世纪30年代以后,随着日本对外侵略战争的不断扩大,近代日本开始进入战时体制,为了保证粮食供应和确保农村的稳定,军部控制下的日本政府开始实施打击寄生地主、扶植自耕农和保护佃农的战时土地政策。随着战争的不断深入,日本政府不得不对土地和粮食推行严格的统制政策,进一步使战时的土地制度走向极端,同时消弭了农村的寄生地主制。日本战时的各项土地制度是决战体制下的非常手段,在一定程度上支持了法西斯战争。  相似文献   
抗战时期是四川近现代史上公共卫生事业大发展时期。从发展速度、规模,开展工作的数量、质量等方面看,战时四川公共卫生事业与全国其他省份相比更具特殊的地位和价值。经过抗战时期的发展,四川奠定了在全国的公共卫生事业大省的地位。疫病防控、空袭救护、医药治疗是战时四川公共卫生工作的三大主要内容。但受经费的短绌、质与量发展的不协调、卫生行政体制的弊端等因素的制约,战时四川公共卫生事业还远远不能满足社会和民众的需要。  相似文献   
沈平华 《收藏家》2009,(10):93-93
元明之际,江西景德镇瓷窑厂烧制的青花瓷器,由于造型丰富、胎骨坚致、釉色肥润、色彩艳丽、纹饰繁缛、富有传统民族文化特色而倍受世人青睐与关注。其中那些造型硕大、纹饰繁复、烧造工艺高超、有用进口“苏麻离青”钴料烧制的“至正型”青花器,更是国内外博物馆和收藏家竞相收藏的首选。此件元青花八棱鸳鸯戏莲纹梅瓶,  相似文献   
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