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锦州地区的西晋至前燕时期的汉人墓葬有砖室墓和石室墓两种,其中侧壁外弧的顺长方形单室砖室墓为来自幽州的移民所遗留,带前、后室的砖室墓也来源于中原地区,砖室墓的年代在前燕建国前后;石室墓为来自辽东地区的汉人所遗留,年代在前燕建国前夕、前燕中晚期。锦州地区这一时期的汉人墓葬均以中原文化为主体,多数墓葬在一定程度上接受了慕容鲜卑的文化影响。  相似文献   
现有的考古资料表明,虞夏时期中原地区的城址大量涌现.比较研究这两个时期城址的发展过程,可以发现二者既有内在的连续性,又有明显的阶段性,而这一过程正体现了文献记载的从"万邦"林立到夏王朝统一国家的出现的社会变革.  相似文献   
秦始皇陵封土高度问题试探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武丽娜 《文博》2009,(5):40-43
文献记载秦始皇陵封土高度是五十丈,约合116米,但无论如何测量封土的现高都与此数据相差甚远,本文在考察封土结构的基础上,选择合理的测点,排除水土流失的影响,认为封土的高度就是十五丈,文献对此记载有误。  相似文献   
依据盘龙城王家嘴遗址地层之间的叠压和各遗址器物之间的演变关系,该遗址中的第一期应以原报告中的城垣和城门叠压或打破的第一期文化遗存为代表;第二期应以原报告中的城垣和城门叠压或打破的第二期、王家嘴遗址第一和第二期、李家嘴第二期和杨家嘴第二期墓葬为代表;第三期应以原报告中的城垣和城门叠压或打破的第三期、王家嘴遗址第三期、杨家湾第三期和杨家嘴第三期文化遗存为代表。其中,第一期和第二期之间应有缺环,而第二期和第三期之间应是连续发展的。其第一期和第三期的相对年代应分别与二里头文化第三期和二里岗下层一期偏晚的年代相当,第二期文化遗存的年代应晚于二里岗H9而稍早于H17,即稍晚于二里岗下层一期偏早。相应地,其第一期文化的性质应属南下的夏文化,而第二和第三期文化遗存则应属于南下的早商文化。  相似文献   
The sorting of high‐ability workers is often advanced as one source of spatial disparities in economic outcomes. There are still few papers that analyze when human capital sorting occurs and whom it involves. Using data on 16 cohorts of university graduates in Sweden, we demonstrate significant sorting to urban regions on high school grades and education levels of parents, i.e., two attributes typically associated with latent abilities that are valued in the labor market. A large part of this sorting has already occurred in deciding where to study, because the top universities in Sweden are predominantly located in urban regions. The largest part of directed sorting on ability indicators occurs in the decision of where to study. Even after controlling for sorting prior to labor market entry, the “best and brightest” are still more likely to start working in urban regions. However, this effect appears to be driven by Sweden's main metropolitan region, Stockholm. We find no influence of our ability indicators on the probability of starting to work in urban regions after graduation when Stockholm is excluded. Studies of human capital sorting need to account for selection processes to and from universities, because neglecting mobility prior to labor market entry is likely to lead to an underestimation of the extent of the sorting to urban regions.  相似文献   
抗日战争时期顾颉刚的史学思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗日战争时期顾颉刚的史学思想较战前有明显的发展和变化。从重史料转变为辩证地看待史料与史观的关系,由重“求真”到尝试求真与致用二者的结合;打破了在古史研究中只“破坏”的原则,开始整理古史系统;其重视通俗读物的思想也发展到了寻求专门研究和普及学术结合。中华民族的抗日战争使顾颉刚的史学思想更为开阔、丰富和成熟了。  相似文献   
In the context of convergence and cohesion between the European regions, the promotion of innovation in regions that are in different phases of development has been a central objective of European regional policy. For this purpose, the European Commission has launched many innovation schemes and many European regions have conducted initiatives of this kind. In this article, based on the implementation of successive European regional innovation projects in three Objective 1 regions in Greece, namely Central Macedonia, Western Macedonia and Thessaly, the trajectory and the changes that have occurred in their system of innovation are examined. At the outset, considering the outcomes of the first phase of the RTP/RIS exercise, the obstacles in forming these regions' dynamic innovation systems are identified. Thereafter, upon the outcomes of the follow-up exercise of RIS+projects, an imminent change in these regions is observed, highlighting the marking of an innovation-oriented policy addressed to create a supporting institutional framework and shaping the regional innovation environment. Based on these observations, it is argued that European regional policy, via these innovation schemes, has significantly contributed to the reinforcement of innovation systems of participating regions.  相似文献   
论顾颉刚的史料学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾颉刚在古史研究领域的成就与他对史料的深刻认识有着重要关系。他把考辨史料作为古史研究的基础工作 ,认为实物材料、文献记载和传说都是古史研究的史料 ,提出实物材料与文献记载材料可以互证 ,应合理地运用伪材料等。正是运用了传说史料 ,他敢于对旧古史系统提出大胆质疑。他还强调指出史料的整理和考辨是运用唯物史观从事研究的基础性工作  相似文献   
薛家岗文化自从80年代命名以来.学界对薛家岗文化的研究主要集中在文化分期、分布范围,文化因素分析、葬俗、玉石器等方面,针对薛家岗文化石器的研究,上世纪80年代佟柱臣先生从制作工艺,功能等方面进行过探讨①。张弛先生在《长江中下游地区史前聚落研究》  相似文献   
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