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林鵠 《中华文史论丛》2012,(4):223-251,390,391
遼世宗耶律兀欲在位不足五年,本文對世宗其人、繼位始末、天祿間遼漢周關係及其遇弒作了考辨。以往學界論及世宗朝史事,一般只關注兩點:其一,認爲世宗繼位及遇弒都是契丹傳統可汗世選的反映;其二,認爲世宗遇弒的直接原因是諸酋反對南征,因而將世宗、穆宗皇位之更迭視爲契丹由進取中原轉向草原本位的標誌。本文對這兩個成說都有所質疑,指出世宗繼位與世選無關,天祿間的動蕩以至世宗遇弒,在很大程度上是其得國不正的直接後果。而所謂世宗死於南征的說法,是中原士人的附會,不能得到遼朝文獻的支持。  相似文献   
王琳 《华夏考古》2012,(3):62-66
沈子也簋是研究先秦古沈国的重要史料,根据其铭文推测沈国始封应与周初分封凡、蒋、胙、茅、祭等六国同时,而不应在昭穆时代,沈国地望应在今河南省平舆县射桥乡西。沈国地处西周王室与江淮诸夷之间,其独特的地理位置在历史上曾起到藩屏西周王室的重要作用。  相似文献   
徐琳 《收藏家》2012,(7):57-62
如果要在如今的文物艺术品市场中寻找历史最为久长,文化背景最为深厚的艺术门类的话,恐怕非玉莫属了。从新石器时代内蒙兴隆洼地区发现的早期玉器算起,中国玉器已经走过了8000多年的历程,如今依然是人们的至爱,尤其是国际拍卖市场上清代宫廷玉器的价格屡创新高,甚至过亿元人民币。  相似文献   
为了研究木构古建筑地震破坏状态评估的准确性,应用概率的方法,以结构损伤指数、最大层间位移角作为评价因子,建立了地震破坏综合评价模型,提出了基于概率法的木构古建筑地震破坏综合评价方法。该方法在综合现状分析与实验数据,在一定烈度下计算各种破坏状态等级中每一种破坏状态出现的概率,古建筑地震破坏状态应为概率最大的地震破坏状态,从而比较准确地判别木构古建筑地震破坏程度。并对经受过汶川地震的两种结构形式的古建筑进行了验证,从而验证了该方法的合理性和有效性。这一方法将提高木构古建筑震害预测的准确性,为古建筑抗震加固提供有效的理论支持。  相似文献   
赵子崧<朝野遗事>是一部历史琐闻类笔记,其中不乏赵氏亲历之史事,故为当时史学家重视.今搜集文献,对赵子崧其人其书作出考述,并辑录佚文二十条.  相似文献   
This article concerns the cross-interaction problem among multi-foundations on a linearly viscoelastic medium at very small shear strains. In the analysis, the foundations are discretized into a number of sub square-elements. The dynamic response within each sub-element is described by the Green’s function, which is obtained by the Fourier-Bessel transform and the precise integration method. Incorporating the displacement boundary condition and the force equilibrium of the foundations, it obtains the dynamic impedance and compliance functions of the foundations. Extensive results for two rigid circular foundations placed at different separations are presented. Parametric studies are carried out on the dynamic interaction among adjacent foundations. Illustrative results for several closely spaced foundations are also illustrated.  相似文献   
The colorful and controversial life of American artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler took many twists and turns. One of the most dramatic and least explicable of the turns came in 1866, when he traveled to Valparaiso, Chile. Generations of Whistler biographers have been puzzled by the reasons for this sojourn, but a recently discovered collection of documents provides significant clues for solving the mystery. Whistler, it seems, had become involved in a scheme to provide weapons to the Chilean navy in a war against Spain. The scheme turned into a fiasco, dashing Whistler’s hopes of handsome financial profits, but his weeks in South America significantly shaped his development as an artist.  相似文献   
Note on The Lake‐Dwellings of Europe.

The Realm of Nature—An Outline of Physiography. By Hugh Robert Mill, D.Sc., Edin., F.R.S.E. London : John Murray, 1892. Price 5s.

Galloway in Ancient and Modern Times. By P. H. M'Kerlie. Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons, 1891. Price 7s. 6d.

The Trade Policy of Imperial Federation from an Economic Point of View. By Maurice H. Hervey, Principal of Illawarra College, New South Wales. London : Swan Sonnenschein and Co., 1892. Pp. x. + 182. Price 2s. 6d.

Two Happy Years in Ceylon. By C. F. Gordon Cumming. Illustrated, in 2 vols. Edinburgh and London : W. Blackwood and Sons, 1892. Price 30s.

Travels in the Mogul Empire, 1656–1668. By François Bernier. Edited by Archibald Constable, M.As. Soc. Beng., F.S.A. Scot. Vol. I. of Constable's Oriental Miscellany. Westminster : Archibald Constable and Co., 1891. Pp. li + 498. Price 6s. net.

The Real Japan : Studies of Contemporary Japanese Manners, Morals, Administration, and Politics. By Henry Norman. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1892.

Japanese Girls and Women. By Alice Mabel Bacon. London : Gay and Bird, 1891. Pp. 333. Price 5s.

Coomassie and Magdala. The Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa. By Henry M. Stanley. New Edition. Pp. x + 402. Price 3s. 6d

The Great Lone Land: A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North‐West of America. By Colonel W. F. Butler, C.B., F.R.G.S. Fourteenth Edition. Pp. x + 386. Price 3s. 6d. London : Sampson Low, Marston, &; Company, Limited, 1891.

Untrodden Jamaica. By Herbert J. Thomas. Kingston : Aston W. Gardner and Co., 1890. Pp. 90.

The New Jamaica. By Edgar Mayhew Bacon and Eugene Murray Aaron, Ph.D. New York : Walbridge and Co. Kingston: Aston W. Gardner and Co., 1890. Pp. xi + 243.

The Statesman's Year‐Book, 1892. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, Assistant‐Secretary to the Royal Geographical Society. Pp. 1151. Price 10s. 6d.

The Northern Counties Red Book and Chronicle Almanac for 1892. Inverness: Northern Chronicle Office. Pp. 88. Price 3d.

Smith American Railways. Argentina and Uruguay. By J. K. Carter, F.G.S. London : Fred. C. Mathieson &; Sons, 1891. Pp. xii.+ 204. Price 2s. net.

Britannic Confederation : A Series of Papers by Sir John Colomb, Professor Edward A. Freeman, George G. Chisholm, Professor Shield Nicholson, Maurice H. Hervey, and the Bight Honourable Lord Thring. Edited, with an Introduction, by Arthur Silva White, Secretary and Editor, Eoyal Scottish Geographical Society. With a new map of the British Empire. London: George Philip and Son, 1892. Pp. 180. Price 3s. 6d.  相似文献   
中国保存有众多砖质文物建筑,目前这些文物多处于户外环境中,面临严重盐害导致的掏蚀损毁问题。因而,研究兼具脱盐功能的加固材料成为砖质文物等保护的一种创新思路,加固材料的研制和工艺技术的开发是其重点和难点,具有重大的社会需求和急迫性。为此,本工作从可溶性盐的破坏机制出发,研究出一种双组分无机加固材料,加固方法是Ba(OH)_2甲醇溶液与H_2C_2O_4、H_3PO_4乙醇溶液交替滴加,并模拟可溶性盐(NaCl、KCl、Na_2SO_4)分布的典型环境,进行加固、除盐,借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)和无线阻尼抗钻仪等现代科学仪器,追踪盐的流出与转化过程。结果表明,本材料不仅能够加固模拟样品,同时能对最具破坏性的盐Na_2SO_4实现不可逆转化,生成重晶石的主要成分BaSO_4,加固与脱盐一次完成,是一种具有实际应用潜力的新材料。  相似文献   
This article investigates the role of Canadian municipal governments in relation to the development of music industry policy. It examines two attempts by Canadian cities (Calgary and Toronto) to develop municipally based music policies. Both cases are examined in context of the policies of other levels of government in Canada, where municipalities have not generally played a significant role in addressing the music industry. Historically, music industry policy has been a concern of federal government policies. The article addresses how this creates a particular conception of the industry and the extent to which municipal policies need to challenge this in order to be effective. Further, the article examines some of the other factors that constrain and shape the ability of Canadian municipalities to intervene in this field.  相似文献   
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