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A bicycle tourism destination is composed of complexes of different attributes that are crucial for the determination of tourist satisfaction levels. However, the relative impact of sector-specific destination attributes on bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience and frequency has been both poorly understood and studied. This study is an attempt to fill this literature gap by exploring a demand-side perspective on the important contributors of overall satisfaction with cycling experience and the key determinants of cycling frequency. The 28 sector-specific destination attributes were drawn from the relevant literature, and then modified by a panel of industry experts. Using exploratory factor analysis, three destination-specific attribute-level satisfaction factors were identified in descending order of satisfaction degree: ‘provision of signage services,’ ‘provision of safety and emergency services,’ and ‘quality of bicycle routes.’ Among these factors, ‘provision of safety and security services’ and ‘provision of signage services’ were found to be the most important contributors to overall satisfaction. Finally, ‘monthly income’ was proven to be a significant predictor of cycling frequency. This study is of great importance as there is a growing body of evidence that the use of bicycle for leisure, recreation, and tourism is undergoing a resurgence worldwide. The findings of this study may be of interest to scholars in Western countries where bicycle tourism is mature and highly developed and in Asian countries where the sector is at an early stage of development. Since bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience and frequency can be increased by modifying destination marketing and management practices, the government and industry sectors should focus more attention on ensuring the provision of multi-functional grocery and convenience stores along designated bicycle routes, developing an informative and visible signage system for designated bicycle routes, and targeting middle- to high-income bicyclists with diverse bicycle touring and leisure cycling experience options.  相似文献   
Given significant variation in population turnover and stability across neighborhoods, this study examines why renters stay in or leave certain neighborhoods. It is the first to analyze how neighborhood characteristics influence renters’ decisions to move within the neighborhood as well as how these decisions are interrelated with their housing tenure transitions and race. Results demonstrate that homeownership rates have a significant, positive association with the probability that renters stay and/or purchase homes in the current neighborhood. Both the tenure composition of the housing stock and higher neighborhood satisfaction appear to be central in understanding this association. Results also suggest that nonblack renters are more likely to leave neighborhoods that experience growth in the percentage of the black population, while blacks are more likely to stay and purchase homes within such neighborhoods.  相似文献   
This paper examines modern Korean politics through the framework of Giorgio Agamben's theories of sovereign power, bare life, and the state of exception. Though his political analysis draws from the European history, we contend that the nature of his method attests to the possibility of analogical examples in non‐Western places. Thus, we argue that a postcolonial encounter with Agamben may enrich our understanding of sovereignty and political geography. In the Korean context, such an analysis needs to consider that sovereign power has been shaped by the itineraries of colonialism and empire. Korea's political space is deeply marked by the legacy of Japanese colonialism, the imperial interventions by the U.S., and the division of the peninsula. Thus, Korea offers a valuable lens through which to read Agamben's critique of sovereignty. Our paper offers such a reading to argue that a state of exception functions as the underlying nomos for postcolonial Korea.  相似文献   
20世纪60~90年代爱国卫生运动初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪60~90年代的爱国卫生运动尽管在"文化大革命"时期不同程度地受到"左"倾思想的干扰,但仍持续发展,特别是党的十一届三中全会以后,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,其内容更加丰富,已成为社会主义现代化建设事业的重要组成部分.爱国卫生运动的历史告诉我们党和国家对爱国卫生运动的重视和领导是我国卫生防疫事业取得不断胜利的根本保证;教育、动员和组织人民群众参加爱国卫生运动是我国独具特色的卫生防疫事业的有效工作方式;爱国卫生运动与其他工作相结合、突击性与经常性相结合、治本与治标相结合是推动卫生防疫事业发展的重要方法.  相似文献   
1997年底,江西省文物考古研究所在景德镇湖田窑豪猪岭宋代地层发掘出土了一块外底刻有“迪功郎浮梁县丞臣张昂措置监造”铭的青瓷瓶底。对这块瓶底刻铭的考证,关系宋代景德镇湖田窑的贡瓷地位与年代问题。本文从这块刻铭瓶底的出土地层及其共存遗物、历史文献中有关张昂的史料记载、宋代官制中关于迪功郎官阶的设置、关于县丞职位的设置等方面对张昂以迪功郎官阶出任浮梁县丞一职的时代展开全面探讨,得出张昂在景德镇监造贡瓷的时代约在北宋政和六年(1116)至重和元年(1119)短短三年之内的结论。  相似文献   
马潇 《民俗研究》2006,(4):113-130
一、导论春节“传统”是什么样子的?从文献到文献的抄录、对内在涵义的穷索将春节变成了专家学者的“内部知识”。研究者们忽视了的问题是,所谓的春节“传统”在普通的民众当中呈现出什么样的实践形态?他们的春节实践都是整齐划一的吗?是什么导致人与人之间在春节实践上的不同?即使是同一人的春节实践是否随着时间而变化?是什么影响了这些变化?他们如何看待这些不同和变化?本文拟使用与文献研究相别的另一种史料——口述史材料,主要以个人及其家庭实践的视角来观察1949~1989年之间的春节习俗变迁。  相似文献   
《史记》是一部具有历史和文学两个方面并以写人物为中心的纪传体通史著作,在内容上以记写人物为主,但又兼有政治、经济、军事、哲学、法律、天文、地理、医学等内容,其中还不乏对人的风俗习性的记写。但《史记》对人的风俗习性的记写,不同于对人物和其它内容的记写,有着其自身的记写特点。其一,分传记写。司马迁生活的汉王朝,是一个以汉民族为主的多民族统一的封建王朝,它疆域辽阔,人口众多,在其周边还有一些与其有着密切联系的当时少数民族建立的政权。汉族和一些少数民族在风俗习性上有着很大的不同,即使是汉族本身,由于生活地域的不同,…  相似文献   
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