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在清末民初的历史大潮流中,出身卑微的徐宝山,只能算是一个"小人物"。此人年轻时通过打拼成为青帮盐枭,并被清政府收编为缉私营管带。戊戌变法失败后,他参与自立军起义,支持维新派;辛亥革命时,他投身革命阵营,成为南京临时政府的重要武装力量;最后,他投靠袁世凯,成为资产阶级革命派的死敌。徐宝山政治立场的变化,一是使我们在研究孙中山等领袖人物对历史的作用外,可以比较具体地考察"小人物"对历史大潮的影响;二是使我们清晰地回看历史大潮澎湃而来时,除了宏观的正面冲击力、进步性和建设性外,还可以观察其微观方面的某些误缺性、破坏性和复杂性,观察某些政策对不同的小人物命运的主宰和其诉求的忽略;三是提醒我们如何在社会治理过程中,兼顾无数小人物的利益,使他们成为积极的因素,避免大潮流对小人物利益的损害。总之,每一个小人物身上都折射出了历史大潮流的另一个面相,正是无数个不同的面相丰富了我们对历史大潮流的认知。  相似文献   
谢良 《中国边疆史地研究》2020,(1):35-43,213,214
西汉时期夷夏关系的嬗变是从汉初迫于军事劣势所形成的政治上的“夷夏并尊”到汉武帝时期凭借国力主动“纳四夷于华夏”。汉初,在“并尊”格局下,汉廷想要通过“用夏变夷”和使匈奴“渐染华风”来改变当时的政治困境,并未成功。汉武帝即位后,通过对夷夏关系的反思,采取了“纳之华夏”与“夷夏之防”两种政策。进而认为我国古代的政策一直是南北不同,但总的趋势是在夷夏一体的大格局不变之下,南边逐渐华夏化,北边保持华夷秩序。  相似文献   
北宋后期,官府对太湖以东地区的治水由通盘整治转向局部开江,并进行圩田开发,这一治水策略在南宋到元代继续被沿用,官方默许地方加速围垦,并逐渐放弃大浚吴淞江的工程,而在吴淞江东北、东南两翼开浦。最后,太湖以东形成以东北泄水为主导的总体局面。南宋至元代官方的水利经营,实质上成为官府与富户之间利益妥协的结果。随着不同时期水利开发重心的转移,太湖地区水利学说的重点也随之变化。  相似文献   
刘立丽 《华夏考古》2013,(1):74-79,133
对于大连地区进入青铜时代的时间,多数学者认为是距今4000年左右,以"双砣子一期文化"为准始年,以大嘴子遗址发现的"残青铜戈"为标志。根据"青铜时代"定义,比照我国各地区进入青铜时代的标志,本文认为双砣子文化未进入青铜时代,大连地区的青铜时代始于"双房类型",该文化类型距今3000年左右,大致相当于中原的西周中晚期。  相似文献   
The M w7.9 Wenchuan earthquake produced a rich set of over 1,400 accelerograms, which helped us to better understand strong ground motions from such a large event. Using the abundant data, we investigated the characteristics of response spectral accelerations from this event. This study includes: the spatial distribution of spectral amplitudes at three periods selected to represent ground motions at short, short-middle, and middle-long period ranges; attenuations of response spectral accelerations at periods between 0.05 and 10 s; comparison between the observed ground motions and predicted motions from empirically based equations [Abrahamson and Silva,1997 Abrahamson, N. N. and Silva, W. J. 1997. Empirical response spectral attenuation relations for shallow crustal earthquakes. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 923. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Boore et al., 1997 Boore, D. M., Joyner, W. B. and Fumal, T. E. 1997. Equations for estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration from Western North America earthquakes: a summary of recent work. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 128153. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Campbell, 1997 Campbell, K. W. 1997. Empirical near-source attenuation relationships for horizontal and vertical components of peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudo-absolute acceleration response spectra. Seismological Ressearch Letters, 68: 154179. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Huo, 1989 Huo, J. R. Ph.D. 1989. Study on the attenuation laws of strong earthquake ground motion near the source, Dissertation, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration. (In Chinese) [Google Scholar]] commonly used in America and China; comparison between the average response spectra at three distance bins and the Chinese seismic design spectra under major earthquake (with the recurrent interval of over 2,000 years);, the vertical-to-horizontal ratio of response spectra and its dependence on the rupture distance, period, and local site condition; and comparison between the fault-normal and fault-parallel component spectral accelerations within the rupture distance of 60 km. Based on these analyses, we finally drew some conclusions regarding the engineering characteristics of spectral accelerations from large earthquakes, such as Wenchuan of M w 7.9.  相似文献   
A thorough investigation of earthquake-induced collapse of reinforced concrete frames is presented. The inherent correlation between the nonlinear behavior of key components and the collapse mechanism of overall frame is examined through concurrent collapse tests of both frame and key components. Important issues in the component models are investigated through calibration against experiments, leading to a comprehensive structural system model. Both test and simulation indicate that the seismic performance are predominately governed by the key columns, whereas the energy dissipation capacity is somewhat affected by the joints. This study offers systematic experimental data and numerical models for future collapse assessments.  相似文献   
More than one million shards of ancient Chinese porcelain were excavated at the Maojiawan pit in Beijing in September 2005. Among these shards, four types of ancient Chinese white porcelain were identified. The ages and provenances of three of these types of porcelain were accurately determined by archaeologists based on typology. However, different archaeologists interpreted the other/fourth type differently. According to the colour of the porcelain body, it was easily identified as the product of the Jingdezhen kilns of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD). However, based on the vessel shape, this fourth type of porcelain was also identified as the product of the Cizhou kilns of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368 AD). In order to determine the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain, 131 shards comprising the four types of white porcelain identified at the site were selected as experimental specimens and analysed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). After the processing of experimental data by principal component analysis and geochemical analysis, the results show that the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain is the Jingdezhen, not the Cizhou kiln.  相似文献   
旅顺博物馆收藏有陶屋、陶楼、陶厕所猪圈等类型的建筑明器。长期以来,未曾对此进行过系统地研究,以致在器物的类型、名称及用途上说法不一,莫衷一是。本文从考古类型学角度入手进行分析研究,以正模糊不清的分类模式,从而进一步探讨汉代大连与中原地区的关系。  相似文献   
谢跃平  蒋立科 《神州》2012,(27):58-60
随着全球港口海运的蓬勃发展,中国港机出口量越来越大。针对海洋环境下腐蚀和防腐蚀疲劳问题而展开卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀研究日益受到人们的关注。文中通过对国内外卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐现状的介绍,分析和展望海洋环境卸船机钢结构及配套件防腐涂装体系的发展趋势,并就存在的固形物污染物的治理提出简浅的动议供从事同行工作者在对卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀、增强该类设备寿命、实现在设备维护并提升我国同类产品机能和动力水平工作参考。  相似文献   
西汉初年,汉匈(奴)白登之战,规模巨大,历史影响深远。然而,“白登”其名及其地望所在,古今学界向说不一。笔者近年三度深入实地野外考察,发现汉匈之战主战场白登山,为当今山西省大同市、大同县、阳高县三县市交界处高拔而范围广袤之采凉山。古来以北朝郦道元《水经注》为代表所说而为晚近学界所宗之汉匈古战场白登台,即当今大比例尺地图上亦即当地习称之南坡顶及其略西南的白登山———今马铺山,都不过是采凉山———汉白登山伸向西南的小小余脉而已。  相似文献   
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