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宋良 《当代中国史研究》2020,(1):94-105,159
在东西方冷战的背景下,英国对台湾地区的政策受到多方面因素的影响,是一个棘手且无法回避的敏感问题。20世纪50年代,英国对台湾地区的政策呈现“政经分离”的特点:政治上保守慎重,强调与台湾当局保持距离;经济上积极主动,努力促进双方贸易的发展。英国政府之所以采取这一政策,不仅考虑到台海局势的严峻性、复杂性,也受英国重商主义传统与灵活务实外交思维的影响。英国对台湾地区的“政经分离”政策,使其在兼顾自身政治与经济利益的同时,也加剧了台海局势的复杂性。  相似文献   
宋德剑 《中国地方志》2012,(2):55-58,4,5
地名是人们在社会生活中给地理实体、行政区域或地点起的名称,地名往往带有强烈的延续性和稳定性,因而能够比较完整地保留命名时所反映的文化内涵。本文将粤东北山区梅州乡村地名为解读对象,探讨地名与生态环境,山区开发,地名与族群关系,地名与历史人物、历史事件,地名与军事设施及经济活动等的关系,以期再现客家聚落名称所蕴涵的丰富人文因素。  相似文献   
This study is focused on the constant ductility energy factors for bilinear system under the near-fault pulse-like ground motions. The variation of energy factors is studied in consideration of the earthquake magnitude, rupture distance, damping ratios, and post-yield stiffness ratios. The results indicate that the near-fault pulse-like ground motions would increase the energy dissipation of structures. The energy factors are significantly influenced by the earthquake magnitude. The damping ratios have more obvious influences on the energy factors than the post-yield stiffness ratios. A predictive model is proposed for the application of constant ductility energy factors for near-fault pulse-like ground motions.  相似文献   
土楼建筑作为中国传统民居中的一个典型代表,具有鲜明的地方特色和唯美的艺术形式。从入选“世遗”的南靖“两群两楼”共20座土楼来看,其祖先都是“客籍人”(又称客家人)。根据土楼家族的迁徙资料,客家人所在南靖的部分地区,现在成了河洛人的势力范围,被河洛人同化,如有的客家人,其客家方言逐步被河洛同化,这是客家、河洛两个族群互动的结果,是客家变迁的历史见证。  相似文献   
本文对四川中江县塔梁子汉代崖墓M3壁画榜题,结合文献记载、地下出土文字资料再次进行了考释,认为塔梁子M3应为荆氏家族之墓葬,墓中七幅壁画每一幅可能表现家族一代人的生活。  相似文献   
宋海洋 《收藏家》2010,(7):73-78
一.美石家族中的水晶和玛瑙 “美石”是一个很宽泛的概念,其中人们最为熟识的当属玉石。学术界对于“玉”有狭义和广义之分。狭义的“玉”是玉石中最常见.最受人钟爱的主流石材,光洁,温润,色美,含而不艳,以纯净温润为贵,品种包括白玉、青玉、碧玉、黄玉、墨玉等。而广义的“玉”,指涵盖多种质地的美石家族,不仅包括玉,  相似文献   
文化的核心体现在价值体系和价值原则上。先秦诸子围绕人与自然、人与人、个体与社会之间的关系等重大问题,通过激烈的论争,首先提出了人道原则、自然原则、个性原则和群体原则。这些重大价值原则是中华文化的根脉所在。先秦诸子在价值问题上的论争对中国文化有奠基之功。  相似文献   
宗室贵族作为金代的一种社会群体,在太祖、太宗、熙宗三朝的表现极为特殊,具体言之有三:一是在金朝的建立过程中贡献非常突出,二是所享受的政治、经济特权极其显赫,三是为左右朝政彼此间的矛盾斗争异常激烈。本文就这些特殊表现作了归纳阐述,并对造成的原因进行了必要的分析。  相似文献   
Consilience of genetics and archaeobotany in the entangled history of rice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Major leaps forward in understanding rice both in genetics and archaeology have taken place in the past decade or so—with the publication of full draft genomes for indica and japonica rice, on the one hand, and with the spread of systematic flotation and increased recovery of archaeological spikelet bases and other rice remains on early sites in China, India and Southeast Asia. This paper will sketch a framework that coherently integrates the evidence from these burgeoning fields. This framework implies a reticulate framework in the phylogeny of early cultivated rice, with multiple starts of cultivation (two is perhaps not enough) but with the key consolidations of adaptations that must have been spread through hybridisation and therefore long-distance cultural contacts. Archaeobotanical evidence allows us to document the gradual evolutionary process of domestication through rice spikelet bases and grain size change. Separate trends in grain size change can be identified in India and China. The earliest centre of rice domestication was in the Yangtze basin of China, but a largely separate trajectory into rice cultivation can be traced in the Ganges plains of India. Intriguingly, contact-induced hybridisation is indicated for the early development of indica in northern India, ca. 2000 BC. An updated synthesis of the interwoven patterns of the spread of various rice varieties throughout Asia and to Madagascar can be suggested in which rice reached most of its historical range of important cultivation by the Iron Age.  相似文献   
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