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廖群 《民俗研究》2006,(2):146-154
《山海经》是我国不可多得的一部上古典籍,近一个世纪以来,随着人类学、民族学、民俗学等各门学科文化考古的兴起,其中的所有信息,包括那些“怪”“放”,更都成为文化探秘的瑰宝。在此,本文仅拟就其中的原始征兆信仰及其民俗学价值作些考察和论析。  相似文献   
瞿昙寺回廊佛传壁画是明清之际壁画艺术的重要遗存,正在引起美术史界的高度关注。以往回廊壁画的研究多为当地考古工作者的概括描写,同时对壁画内容也未作一个完整准确的辨识,对壁画表现的艺术风格及其在中国美术史上的地位更少有涉及,本文考察了瞿县寺建寺史实,首次完整辨识瞿县寺回廊佛传壁画的内容,复原了不同时期壁画的次序,并就壁画风格进行分析。  相似文献   
英国战后马来亚政策的目的,在于加强和延长在马来亚的殖民统治,为此采取的各种政策,不仅影响着马来亚的独立进程,对独立后马来西亚的族群关系和政治发展也产生了非常深刻的影响。本文将着重探讨战后英国对马政策的目的,研究殖民政府为加强或延长对马殖民统治所采用的多种手法,及其对独立后马来西亚族群关系和政治发展的影响。  相似文献   
清华大学藏简《尹诰》篇是失传了的《咸有一德》,但不是古文《尚书》中的《咸有一德》,非常重要,其内容目前可以基本疏通。由其内容来看,其中已经有建立在"君权天授"、"天人合一"基础上的民本思想,这是孟子思想的源头。从其内容上也可以说明清华简《尹诰》篇不伪,其史料价值非常珍贵,古文《尚书》中的《咸有一德》则确系伪书。  相似文献   
上博楚竹書所謂的《子道餓》篇當稱之爲《魯司寇寄言游於逡楚》。此篇記載的主要是子游之事,與孔子無涉。簡文所謂"魯司寇寄言游於逡楚",子游辭行"至宋、衛之間"遇險,當是子游爲孔子"廬墓三年"以後之事。這是傳世文獻從來沒有過的新記載。以此與《荀子·非十二子》篇互參,可知子游在孔門中的地位,遠勝於子夏、子張之輩。上承孔子,下啓思、孟的,不是顔、曾,而是子游。  相似文献   
At first Gyirong promises to be endearing, if only because of its name. In Tibetan, Gyirong means "comfortable valley". As Master Padmasambhava came to spread Buddhism in Tibet, he passed through Gyirong and found it had wonderful scenery and pleasant views. So he gave it the name "Gyirong" and from then on, that name is still being used.  相似文献   
Literature and geography are closely related in the worlds of consumption and mobility, and literature is often used as a resource for the tourism industry. The reading and consumption of literature, therefore, are related to visitation of a real place, and the roles of readers and tourists merge. The case of one literary tourism site, the San Mao Teahouse in the ancient town of Zhouzhuang in China, is selected to explain the complexity of reading and geography consumption in literary tourism. Observations and in-depth interviews were used to collect the data, and then the thematic analysis method was used. The study finds that tourists can also actively participate in the construction of literary places at destinations where relevant texts do not exist. In this kind of literary place, consumption occurs in multiple spaces as a result of tourists’ reading combined with geographical consumption. This study proposes a conceptual framework to analyze the geography consumption of literature in tourist destinations. The results show that the main geography consumption is reflected in three aspects, namely text, reality, and imagination. Based on their previous reading experiences, readers explore both the literary text and the reality. In this process, their imaginations always have an effect. Two distinguishing features have been found: first, through actively reading and decoding literary geography, the readers recreate a new fictionalized reality based on their imaginations. Second, the readers pursue the imaginative process from the real Zhouzhuang back to an imagined place that San Mao wrote about. The study contributes to the current literary geography research field, especially from the perspective of consumption. The study also provides a new perspective on literature in the modern world and practical implications for the design of literary tourist products and literary heritage conservation.  相似文献   
廖祖义 《攀登》2005,24(2):77-81
1980年代中期以来,我国一些人竭力主张将《孙子兵法》应用于现代企业管理的经营当中。对此,本有不同看法。理由是:整部《孙子兵法》都是围绕“兵,诡道也”的主题展开的,是一部从头到尾专讲“诡道”的军事学专,一旦将其引入企业管理领域,市场竞争乃至整个社会经济生活势必会受到许多负面影响,市场经济也势必会蜕变成到处都是假冒伪劣、坑蒙拐骗的“诡道经济”。  相似文献   
一、黄冶窑的概况 河南省巩义市(原巩县)东北部的大、小黄冶村附近,是唐代烧造三彩制品的窑址。该窑址沿黄冶河两岸,长约3公里,宽约0.5公里。南北朝时期,此窑场便与黄冶河上游的白河、铁匠炉等窑场连成一片,主要烧制青瓷、白瓷。唐初开始烧造三彩制品,生产规模不断  相似文献   
略论广西房地产投资环境、前景与投资对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西地处华南、西南的结合部,又是沟通西南、华中部分地区与东南亚、南海的桥梁。有着发展房地产业的良好投资环境和优越的地理区位。随着大通道战略的实施和经济布局的展开,全区经济增长进入起飞阶段。商品住宅和三产用房前景可观,正处于房地产投资的黄金时期。从市场发展看,投资者在抢占大中城市市场的同时,要注意投资大通道干线上的新兴小城镇;在保证高档次房地产开发的同时,应注意中低档商品住宅的开发;在积极开发新区的同时,应注意以合作方式进占旧城区有利地段。  相似文献   
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