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Government support and commitment are of particular importance for renewable energy technology innovation activities, which are highly contingent on policy and market uncertainty. The research focus of this article is to examine the relationship between policy stability in public resource allocation and policy outcomes in renewable energy technologies. With time‐series cross‐sectional analyses, we test effects of both the stability and magnitude of federal R&D expenditures on patent applications in five renewable energy sectors (i.e., solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and bioenergy) from 1974 to 2009. The findings show that technology innovation is affected by both the magnitude and stability of government financial commitment. Nevertheless, when industries perceive government support over longer time frames, the magnitude effect loses explanatory power to the stability effect. In addition to federal R&D expenditures, policies pertaining to technology commercialization and marketization are a critical determinant of innovation activities. This study demonstrates that incremental, predictable, and credible expenditures facilitate renewable energy technology development. Conversely, a boom‐bust cycle of resource support fails to translate policy goals into intended results.  相似文献   
夏梁  赵凌云 《当代中国史研究》2012,(2):27-36,124,125
"以市场换技术"作为改革开放后一项重大的技术引进方针,对中国的技术引进与进步产生了重要影响。这一方针酝酿、形成于20世纪70年代末80年代初,主要源于中国希望在减少支出的同时达到引进先进技术和提高对外资吸引力的双重目的。在1984年被确定为加速国家技术进步的一项重大方针后,"以市场换技术"进入全面实施和调整时期,目标始终着眼于提高外商投资质量并促使外商转让先进技术。"以市场换技术"虽然在一定程度上加速了技术进步,但并没有达到"形成技术自生能力"的预期目标,2001年后这一方针逐渐淡出政策视野,向自主创新过渡。  相似文献   
苏北市镇工业的兴起改变了市镇经济结构,工业逐渐在市镇经济中占据重要地位,同时刺激了市镇手工业的发展,促进了苏北一批市镇的产生和发展,推动了近代市镇经济的转型。具有一定的典型意义。  相似文献   
As only a very limited number of earthquake strong ground motion records are available in southwest Western Australia (SWWA), it is difficult to derive a reliable and unbiased strong ground motion attenuation model based on these data. To overcome this, in this study a combined approach is used to simulate ground motions. First, the stochastic approach is used to simulate ground motion time histories at various epicentral distances from small earthquake events. Then, the Green's function method, with the stochastically simulated time histories as input, is used to generate large event ground motion time histories. Comparing the Fourier spectra of the simulated motions with the recorded motions of a ML6.2 event in Cadoux in June 1979 and a ML5.5 event in Meckering in January 1990, provides good evidence in support of this method. This approach is then used to simulate a series of ground motion time histories from earthquakes of varying magnitudes and distances. From the regression analyses of these simulated data, the attenuation relations of peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), and response spectrum of ground motions on rock site in SWWA are derived.  相似文献   
“史法”与“史意”是章学诚的重要学术术语,是研究章学诚与刘知几史学异同关系的关键,也是把握章学诚史学思想的关键。本从章学诚所界定之“史学”涵义入手,认为“史意”是针对一家述而言,“史法”是针对馆局纂修而言,“史法”与“史意”能够体现出章学诚与刘知几的分歧所在。  相似文献   
The diffraction of Rayleigh waves by twin circular cavities in a poroelastic half-space is investigated using the indirect boundary integral equation method (IBIEM). To satisfy the boundary conditions on the free surface, Green’s functions of compressional and shear wave sources in a poroelastic half-space are derived based on Biot’s theory. It is verified that the IBIEM has great accuracy and numerical stability. Then, the influences of the drainage boundary condition, incident wave frequency, porosity, and cavity spacing on the dynamic responses are investigated by numerical examples. The results show that the amplification effect of the twin cavities is greater in the case of undrained boundary conditions, lower frequencies, and smaller cavity spacings. The porosity of the saturated medium also influences the dynamic responses because the velocity of the Rayleigh wave will change with the porosity of the saturated medium.  相似文献   
张亮  马晓艳 《安徽史学》2021,(5):160-168
新中国成立初期,党和国家高度重视卫生防疫和城乡环境卫生的整治,开展了广泛的群众卫生运动.这一时期,"卫生运动"的概念呈现出"多样向统一"转变的特征,逐步构建了"爱国卫生运动"的话语体系.作为主流媒体,《人民日报》对爱国卫生运动做了详细报道.文章以《人民日报》为中心,从媒体的视角探讨了从"卫生(防疫)运动"到"爱国卫生运动"概念的形成过程.从概念上看,"卫生运动"的概念在新民主主义革命时期已经形成,1952-1954年在反对美军细菌战的背景下形成了"爱国卫生运动"的专用名词,1956-1959年全国开展了以"除四害、讲卫生"为主要内容的爱国卫生运动,爱国卫生运动进一步深化并向常态化转变.  相似文献   
徐亮 《史学月刊》2020,(3):45-51
太平洋战争爆发后,中美开展紧密的军事合作,在中国战区大量征调青年译员成为重要一环。译员服务于美军的工作特殊性,使美方可影响到译员的待遇水平;但译员也面临地位不明、管理混乱以及职责不清等诸多问题。中美之间在文化与体制上的"隔阂",使译员与美军的相处存有不少冲突。国民政府既要防止译员成为美方的工具,同时也要保障译员的"人格"以维护中国之"国格"。作为战时合作的"中间人",盟军机制里的中国青年译员是中国近代史上最独特的翻译群体,同时也体现了战时青年参与抗战的重要形式。  相似文献   
在前期对甘肃拉卜楞寺壁画表面涂层结构分析基础上,以桐油、亚麻油、胡麻油等干性油为基础材料,试验重现了制作西藏壁画表面涂层的"古法"清漆熬制方法和工艺。同时,提出了一种源于"古法",吸收现代油基树脂漆优点,具有良好材料结构且组成可知、可控、兼容等特点的清漆材料及其工艺("新古法")。研究表征了"古法""新古法"清漆的结构,评价了清漆涂层的颜色、外观、光学性质、艺术效果、耐候性等,并与现代合成的醇酸清漆、氟碳清漆、酚醛清漆等做了对比。结果表明,"古法""新古法"清漆在达到与合成清漆相同化学稳定性、耐候性的同时,具有更好的兼容性和表现效果,可用于今后西藏壁画表面涂层材料的修复。  相似文献   
五女山城高句丽铁器金相学初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省本溪市桓仁县五女山城是高句丽第一代王朱蒙建都的纥升古城(公元前37年-公元3年)。在这一时期这一地域铁器的质地、加工工艺、手工业发展水平是冶金史学和考古学共同关注的问题,为深入了解高句丽民族铁器的应用及加工状况,本工作采集了出土于五女山城,多数集中放置在V区T504探方出土的一件铁釜内的铁器,进行金相学研究。为此采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜-X射线能谱仪作为检测和分析手段。检测结果表明,这些铁器的材质包括生铁铸造器物,局部灰口铸铁、低碳钢、熟铁,兵器和工具采用含杂质少的铸铁脱碳钢材料,铁钉采用含杂质多的炒钢材料,半成品铁块体现了生铁与熟铁相熔折叠锻打的工艺特征,与文献记载的"灌钢"方法之一的"灌"、"辟"相对应,而另一件环形铁器,内缘表面可观察到若干高碳薄层,与中心区域含碳量相差悬殊,并且观察到有石墨存在,显然也与熔融生铁的表面处理相关。这两件样品表明,至少在五世纪初,该地工匠已经在应用施加熔融生铁于熟铁的工艺。  相似文献   
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