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Perth is the largest city in Western Australia and home to three-quarters of the state's residents. In recent decades, there have been a lot of earthquake activities just east of Perth in an area known as the South-West Seismic Zone. Previous numerical results of site response analyses based on limited available geology information for PMA indicated that Perth Basin might amplify the bedrock motion by more than 10 times at some frequencies and at some sites. Hence, more detailed studies on site characterization and amplification are necessary. The microtremor method using spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) processing is a useful tool for gaining thickness and shear wave velocity (SWV) of sediments and has been adopted in many previous studies. In this study, the response spectrum of rock site corresponding to the 475-year return period for PMA is defined according to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) based on the latest ground motion attenuation model of Southwest Western Australia. Site characterization in PMA is performed using two microtremor measurements, namely SPAC technique and H/V method. The clonal selection algorithm (CSA) is introduced to perform direct inversion of SPAC curves to determine the soil profiles of representative PMA sites investigated in this study. Using the simulated bedrock motion as input, the responses of the soil sites are estimated using numerical method based on the shear-wave velocity vs. depth profiles determined from the SPAC technique. The response spectrum of the earthquake ground motion on surface of each site is derived from the numerical results of the site response analysis, and compared with the respective design spectrum defined in the Australian Earthquake Loading Code. The comparison shows that the code spectra are conservative in the short period range, but may slightly underestimate the response spectrum at some long period range.  相似文献   
Microseismic (MS) technology has been widely adopted for monitoring coal and rock dynamic disasters. Insights into MS wave characteristics contribute to the accurate prediction of these disasters. In this study, MS wave characteristics were analysed from three aspects: the signal spectra, wavelet packet energy and fractal features. It is shown that prior to the rock burst, the MS wave main frequency decreased following a power law, the amplitude linearly increased, the wavelet packet energy tended to become concentrated on the low frequency bands, and the correlation dimension decreased. When the rock burst occurred, the MS wave main frequency, wavelet packet energy and correlation dimension declined to their lowest levels. Meanwhile, the amplitude rose to a maximum. Therefore, the MS wave characteristics in this study were found to effectively identify and extract precursor information of value for predicting rock dynamic disasters.  相似文献   
据文献记载,铜钹这一外来乐器来到中原的历史,最早可以追溯到公元350年前后.隋代九部乐中五部乐都有铜钹.唐代,铜钹也广泛用于诸乐中.西安地区唐墓壁画的乐舞图中多次出现铜钹的形象.本文通过对这些图像的探讨并结合故宫博物院及国家博物馆藏唐代铜钹,认为唐代铜钹有大小两种形制,及《乐书》所记载的正铜钹、和铜钹.  相似文献   
李亮 《攀登》2010,29(5):43-46
政治合法性作为一个系统,其建设只有遵从一定的运行规则和运行规律,从系统论的角度进行统筹规划、合理安排,才能使系统有效运行并达到功能最大化。本文就如何在系统指导下建构我国的政治合法体系从六个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   
李勇 《攀登》2010,29(6):82-85
对青海省而言,要充分认识转变发展方式的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,科学稳步地加以推进,不能急于求成。目前要着重加快经济结构、产业结构调整,加强自主创新;按照生态立省的总体部署和要求,倡导生态文明理念,实施生态保护和建设工程;保障和改善民生,继续深化改革和扩大开放,制定合理、有效的政策,推动发展方式的转变。  相似文献   
梁玉 《神州》2012,(6):385-386
班主任与学生的关系成为了学校教育中最主要的关系,从某种程度上来讲,班主任老师与学生关系的好坏直接反应了班级文化建设的优劣,甚至直接决定班级建设的成败。  相似文献   
梁辰 《神州》2012,(21):226-226
音乐在电影中起重要作用,其作用主要有概括内容深化主题,表达中心思想;描绘景物,交代环境;渲染氛围,烘托情绪;刻画形象,突出主题;抒发情感,挖掘内心世界;激发联想,引发时空转换;参与剧情,推动剧作;形成画面节奏,助于画面组接,提示茴面段落等作用。在《一个都不能少》中的音乐可分为歌曲和原创音乐还有语言三个部分,下面我将在这两个部分进行重点对刻画人物和揭示主题的部分进行讲述。  相似文献   
Chronicle of a wildlife-human conflict in Changtang, Tibet. "A wild yak is mixing with my livestock! Take your camera, let's drive it away!" It is early morning when Lozhan, the village head, rushes into my room urging me to leave my breakfast milk tea and follow him.  相似文献   
杨亮 《中国地方志》2011,(11):56-60
发端于清末民初的庙产兴学事件对河南佛教和道教的影响很少引起后世关注。通过对庙产兴学事件的分析,对河南地方精英态度的明确以及对河南地方志文献的梳理就会发现,这一事件在河南执行得彻底而坚决,并使河南佛、道二教遭到了毁灭性打击。在传统社会渐趋瓦解的同时,佛教、道教等传统思想资源等同迷信,也遭到了质疑,而其教训也值得思考。  相似文献   
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