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Surpassing the national perspective usually adopted, the authors confirmed the existence of a pattern of population distribution common to the whole Iberian Peninsula in the long run. This pattern is clearly associated with geographical factors. These variables seem to have more weight in explaining changes between 1877/78 and 1940 than in the period from 1940 to 2001. The observation of the cross-border region has shown that proximity to the frontier has not generated any distinct pattern of population density on either side of the boundary line. The spatial coherence of the observed phenomena throughout the Peninsula and of its evolution, independent of the border between states, reinforces the importance of geographic factors in their explanation. At the same time, this verification opens up new issues related to the effect of national political and economic policies.  相似文献   
正设在杭州西子湖畔、曾经在上世纪20年代至40年代荣膺全国艺术院校之最的国立杭州艺专,一代艺术大师林风眠、林文铮、吴大羽、潘天授(寿)、雷圭元、王子云、滕固、傅雷、常书鸿、庞薰栗、吕凤子、刘开渠、董希文等,与李霖灿、刘宝森、闵希文、雷震、赵春翔、邹道龙、姚继勋、卢是、许用保等一批师生一起,经历了抗战、流徙,他们参与的教育部艺术文物考察团是中国西北内陆文物古迹史上浓重的一笔。六十年之后,我们再一次重温当年艺专俊杰的坎坷经历与卓越贡献,并真诚纪念那个滞重、勃发的不朽年代。  相似文献   
The Longmen Grottoes, also known as the Longmen Caves or Dragon's Gate Grottoes, are located near the city of Luoyang, Henan province, China. The grottoes were carved into the limestone cliffs during the period from 493 AD to 1130 AD. Limestone samples from different areas within the grottoes were analyzed by neutron activation analysis (NAA) to determine the concentrations of major, trace and rare-earth elements (REEs). Three compositional groups were identified corresponding to different areas within Longmen Grottoes. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed on a few samples to obtain information about the mineral structure. The results indicate that rocks in the northern area are comprised of dolomite, while rocks in the middle and southern areas are comprised of limestone. The NAA results provide information useful for identifying and relocating fragments from the grottoes that may have lost their identity. The compositional data also provides important clues regarding the geologic history of the limestone formation at Longmen.  相似文献   
台北故宫博物院收藏有三千余种方志,本文依其来源为纲,梳理诸种方志之撰修时代及分布地区,发现这些方志具有四个特色:年代久远,多康、雍、乾、嘉四朝纂修;明版量多,旧刊精钞兼备;宋、元撰修古方志多;地域范围广大,多塞北、华北地区方志。就价值言,从版本目录学角度来看,除作为史料运用外,不但有助于各式传本的对勘,对于古籍的流布传承亦具参考作用。其中明代以前刊行之方志超过四百部,其文物价值更不容小觑。  相似文献   

Prestressed precast concrete shear wall (PPCW) is a new kind of shear wall utilizing a combination of unbonded post-tensioning steel and mild steel for flexural resistance across horizontal joints. A simple procedure of direct displacement-based design approach for PPCW based on concept of inelastic design spectra is proposed. Section design is then carried out according to base overturning moment. A detailed design example demonstrating a step-by-step application of the design procedure is also provided. Nonlinear time-history analysis verified that this approach is applicable to control the target displacement to the performance acceptable limit.  相似文献   
卢少珊 《故宫博物院院刊》2013,(1):64-96,158,159
在北朝隋代佛教物质文化空前繁荣的背景下,维摩诘经图像获得巨大发展并呈现一体化态势。本文基于学界披露资料和实地调查资料,采用考古类型学与美术史图像学结合的方法,分析了维摩诘经图像的表现形式与表述思想相互关联的两个基本问题。首先,作者兼顾维摩诘经图像的配置和意图,类分为佛说维摩诘经表现、维摩文殊主体性表现、装饰性表现和特殊表现四种形式,用以说明该图像的时空发展脉络。其后,作者关注了维摩诘经图像各种表现与其他图像的组合关系,划分为与释迦佛关联图像、与法华经关联图像、与净土信仰图像、与两种布施本生图像四种组合,以期揭示其图像表述思想的演化状况。本文总体认为,由宣扬大乘、强调菩萨行到表述净土思想,形成北朝隋代维摩诘经图像发展的主旋律。  相似文献   
明朝平定云南后,为适应云南边疆外弧地带复杂的国际地缘政治、地理环境和多样民族性特征,在西南边疆逐渐建立起一套“内边区”与“外边区”差异化的边疆行政区划和管理模式,并对云南外边政区实行军管性和羁縻性的统治.这是明朝边疆控制和政区建置的创新性制度,体现了明朝疆域观在行政管理上的灵活性,保障了西南边疆较长时间的稳定,为中国现代国家领土的确立奠定了重要的基础.  相似文献   
盧燕新 《中华文史论丛》2015,(2):223-269,396,397
有唐兩次置修文館,前次自高祖武德四年(621)始,止武德九年。後次在中宗神龍至睿宗景雲年間。唐中宗置修文館,不僅人數增多,其政治、文化影響也較大。然這一時期在館文士人數、職官等,兩《唐書》、《唐會要》等所載,有疑待辨者甚多。今考神龍二年(706)十月至景龍二年(708)四月,入館學士七人、大學士一人。景龍二年四月至景雲二年(711)三月,入修文館文士二十九人。又據唐人詩文、兩《唐書》及墓誌等,考及諸學士在館時間、職官、政治文化活動等。另有張昌宗等五人,其入館時間、職官等,均難以確考,謹附録文末。  相似文献   
This article analyzes Nanxun, a lower Yangzi delta town known for its silk products, as a case study of China’s development and underdevelopment. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a booming silk trade linked Nanxun to the global market and made it an extraordinarily wealthy town, yet little was achieved in terms of urban development. Scholars have attributed the underdevelopment of Nanxun to economic factors, and perceived it as entirely undesirable. This article argues that a largely overlooked cause of Nanxun’s underdevelopment was the conformist culture of Nanxun’s ruling elite. The merchants who created the wealth of the town by their very natures preferred to create a safe and secluded zone in which the familiarity of their living environment could be preserved and the comfort of a traditional lifestyle assured. The underdevelopment of Nanxun turned out, however, not to be completely negative. The town did not sustain its status as a trading center, nor develop into a major city, but its arrested development preserved much of its original layout and, moreover, its culture. From a cultural and environmental point of view, Nanxun’s underdevelopment may have proved to be more valuable than if the town had become an indistinguishable industrial site.  相似文献   
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