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La géomorphologie côtière au sud-ouest de l'île d'Anticosti est dominée par une large plate-forme intertidale taillée dans des calcaires. Des flèches transversales, apparentées aux queues-de-comète mais en sens inverse par rapport à la côte, sont les formes d'accumulation les plus remarquables résultant de la dynamique littorale. Perpendiculaires au rivage, ces flèches prennent naissance à partir de ressauts rocheux, dégagés par érosion différentielle de la plate-forme littorale, d'où l'appellation proposée de « flèche transversale de bordure de plate-forme ». Les matériaux d'accumulation, très grossiers, proviennent en majeure partie de roches calcaires. L'évolution de ces flèches est soumise à l'apport de matériaux provenant du substrat rocheux de la plateforme. L'analyse des indices d'émoussé et de la granulo-métrie des matériaux révèle, qu'à la limite inférieure de la plate-forme, les sédiments sont très grossiers et nettement anguleux. La progression des sédiments vers le rivage par les courants de marée et de dérive littorale, issus de la réfraction et de la diffraction des vagues, provoque leur désagrégation en sédiments plus fins, accentuant par le fait même leur émoussé. L'analyse sédimentologique de segments de plage, de cordons littoraux et de flèches transversales révèle le rôle prépondérant de la plate-forme intertidale en tant que source d'alimentation en matériaux. On confirme l'hypothèse selon laquelle les sédiments, à dominance de galets et de graviers, proviendraient de la désagrégation des ressauts structuraux de la plate-forme intertidale par gélifraction et seraient transportés par les courants de marée et de dérive vers le rivage. Par centre, aucune évidence de transport vers la mer n'a été clairement reconnue. La dynamique d'évolution littorale s'avère donc conditionnée à la fois par la présence de la plate-forme qui contrôle les processus hydrodynamiques et par la disponibilité en matériaux issus de sa destruction. Bien que les flèches transversales soient très bien développées, le taux d'érosion apparemment faible de la plate-forme, ainsi que la stabilité des autres formes d'accumulation sur la période de 50 ans de l'analyse par la photointerprétation multidate, tendent à indiquer un schéma d'évolution littorale lente ou tout au moins dèpassant cette récurrence de 50 ans. Intertidal rock-platform is the dominant coastal landform of southwest Anticosti Island and is also the main control of coastal dynamics. Transverse bars are the most remarkable sediment bodies being formed at the surface of this limestone rock-platform. The bars extend on the landward side of small bedrock knolls that were produced by differential erosion of the shore platform, and so we propose the name of ‘platform edge transverse bar’. Bar sediments consist almost exclusively of limestone cobbles that are derived from the surrounding platform. Pebble roundness and grain-size trends indicate that sediments are coarser and very angular at the proximal end of the bars, near the outer limit of the platform; clasts become progressively better rounded and finer-grained as they are transported shoreward by waves and longshore currents. Whether at high or low tide, wave attenuation takes place mainly at the outer limit of the platform; this provides an explanation for the apparently low rate of shoreline erosion, and it also suggests that only severe storms are likely to displace the coarse intertidal sediments and to modify the main coastal landforms. However, the presence of sediments on the platform indicates that some erosion is taking place, mainly by frost action. The rocky coastal platform with its low erosion rate is thus a highly stable landform, and, as a result, coastline evolution seems to be slow in the 50 years period of an airphoto analysis.  相似文献   
A recent find of a European pond tortoise is presented in relation to former finds of Pleistocene and Holocene age from the Netherlands. The new find, with a 14C date of 5400±70 years BP, allows for a detailed study of the carapace, plastron and skeletal elements contained within the complete shell.  相似文献   
L'étude de flèches transversales de la plate-forme sud de I'île d'Anticosti révèle l'évolution particulière de celles-ci par rapport à d'autres types de flèches littorales. La plate-forme, en contrôlant l'orientation et l'énergie des vagues et des courants de marée, répond de la progression des flèches vers le littoral. fes noyaux rocheux, parties plus résistantes des strates calcaires de la plateforme, constituent, pour leur part, I'amorce et le rempart des flèches. les sédiments arrachés à la plate-forme et au noyau lui-même s'accumulent derrière ce dernier. Le stade d'évolution propre à chaque fléche s'avère étroitement lié au degré d'altération du noyau. Quant au volume de sédiments impliqués et à I'aspect des flèches, ils sont respectivement fonction de fa disponibilité en sédiments et de I'infiuence de la topographie de la plate-forme aux environs des flèches (principalement revers de strate et dépressions). Par ailleurs, cette infhence topographique affecte grandement lemouvement des radeaux glaciels qui tendent à se délester et à s'échouer près du littoral a vec leur charge prélevée sur les fIèches ou sur d'autres formes sédimentaires de la plate-forme. The study of transverse spits on the coastal rocky platform of southern Anticosti Island reveals a distinct pattern of evolution. The platform, controlling wave orientation and energy as well as tidal currents, is responsible for spit extension towards the shoreline. Rock knobs, being the most resistant parts of the limestone strata of the platform, constitute starting points and anchors for the spits. Originating from the platform and from the knob, sediments accumulate behind the fatter. The stage of evolution of each spit is closely related to the state of alteration of the anchor rock knob. Sediment volume and spit morphology are respectively functions of sediment availability and platform topography (mainly strata back- slopes and depressions). Moreover, this topographic influence greatly affects the movement of ice floes that tend to drop their charge or run aground along the shoreline.  相似文献   
For those who make and admire artistic works, there is no question of their value. However, for others interested in economic development, the value of the arts is often more tangential, contested and questionable. While the post‐modern world of consumption and spectacle suggests to some academics and governments that the arts and cultural industries are the way of the future, others remain sceptical about their social and economic value. This is a theoretical as well as a practical issue this paper explores by offering a reconceptualisation of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital as a way of re‐assessing the value of the arts. The paper then applies this framework to quantify and qualify the value of the arts in one regional city in Australia – Geelong in Victoria – focusing on the work of two artists. The aim is to describe the interconnected processes by which the arts generate cultural capital in the form of confidence, image, individual well‐being, social cohesion and economic viability. The analysis also highlights the ongoing power relations which prescribe artistic production, circulation and valuation. The implications of such a rethinking and application go well beyond one city and region to other places grappling with the relationship between artistic production and urban well being. By focusing on the broad‐ranging process by which artistic value is created for individuals, groups, professionals, communities and governments, a model becomes available for other places to use in realising their cultural capital.  相似文献   
Of all the long bones in the human skeleton, it is the clavicle which displays the longest period of growth-related activity, rendering it particularly useful for the estimation of age at death in the earlier years. However, because of the universal paucity of documented juvenile remains, most previous studies have, by necessity, not only been based on material of estimated age at death but also restricted to a narrow age range. The aim of the present study was to chart developmental age-related change in the clavicle across its full growth range using juvenile and young adult material of documented age at death. Maximum diaphysial length was recorded for prepubertal individuals and a grading of the progressive alterations in medial epiphysial morphology was recorded for post-pubertal specimens. In this way, age changes in the clavicle were examined across its developmental maturity continuum.  相似文献   
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