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西津渡是古代长江下游的重要渡口,相关史料主要涉及历史事件、渡口建设和官设机构等方面.西津渡遗址考古发掘揭示了千年古渡的历史面貌和演变轨迹,其文化价值体现在对我国交通史的重要性、遗址时空的完整性以及文化景观的独特性等三方面.  相似文献   
文献中,樽与奁这两种器物常常被混淆。"奁"是主要用来存放与梳妆相关的器物,战国时为单层,汉代的时候出现双层奁同时流行多子奁。奁以圆形为主,带盖,常集彩绘、嵌扣、贴金银箔等多种工艺为一体。"樽"则为战国时期出现的日常实用酒器,分盆形和筒形两大类,胎骨多为铜胎或木胎,分为有盖和无盖,底下常有三足。  相似文献   
Y. LIU  G. CHI  K. M. BETHUNE  B. DUBÉ 《Geofluids》2011,11(3):260-279
The Red Lake mine trend, a deformation zone in the Archean Red Lake greenstone belt that hosts the world‐class Campbell‐Red Lake gold deposit, is characterized by abundant foliation‐parallel iron‐carbonate ± quartz veins with banded colloform‐crustiform structures and cockade breccias overprinted by silicification and gold mineralization. There is an apparent incompatibility between the cavity‐fill structures of the veins and breccias (typically developed at shallow crustal depths) and the upper greenschist to lower amphibole facies metamorphic conditions recorded in the host rocks (indicating relatively deep environments). This, together with the development of veins along the foliation plane, represents an enigmatic problem that may be related to the interplay between fluid dynamics and stress field. We approach this problem through systematic study of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) in the vein minerals, including the orientations of the FIPs and the pressure–temperature conditions inferred from fluid inclusion microthermometry. We find that fluid inclusions in the main stage vein minerals (pregold mineralization ankerite and quartz and syn‐ore quartz) are predominantly carbonic without a visible aqueous phase, whereas many inclusions in the postore stage contain an aqueous phase. Most FIPs are subvertical, and many are subparallel to the foliation. High fluid pressure coupled with the high wetting angles of the water‐poor, carbonic fluids may have been responsible for the abundance of brittle deformation features. The development of subvertical FIPs is interpreted to indicate episodic switching of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) from subhorizontal (perpendicular to the foliation) to subvertical (parallel to the foliation) orientation. The subvertical σ1 is favorable for the formation of foliation‐parallel veins, as fractures are preferentially opened along the foliation in such a stress regime, the origin of which may be linked to the fluid source.  相似文献   
A palaeoculture sediment profile from the Yuchisi site, Mengcheng County of Anhui Province, China, was sampled to study the concentrations of elements, total carbon content, grain size and pollen percentages, to reveal information on food supply based on statistical analysis of elements between 5050 cal. yr bp and 4000 cal. yr bp . The variations in the reconstructed food supply and pollen percentages are in good agreement with the results of other archaeological methods. The results from pollen and element analyses indicate that the Longshan Culture at the Yuchisi site was not developed from the local Dawenkou Culture, and the cultural transition corresponds with an extremely dry event, which may have caused the change.  相似文献   
英国是西方世界首创内阁制的国家。早在斯图亚特王朝后期,在种种主客观因素的推动下,此前处于萌芽状态的内阁逐渐走向公开化、独立化、制度化,由此标志着内阁制在英国的形成。不过,与18世纪中后叶的责任制内阁相比,此间的内阁依然残留着君主政治的痕迹。对于王权的依附以及与议会之间缺乏必然的关联,使得责任制在内阁中还未建立起来。只有到汉诺威王朝时期,当王权急剧衰落、议会主权地位确立后,早期的内阁制才完成了向责任内阁制的转变。  相似文献   
九一八事变后,国民政府行政院为应对危机,在内部动力与外在压力之下进行了机构调整与改革。主要内容是机构调整与人员裁并,目标是提高行政效能,树立政府威信。行政院的机构调整与改革具有延续性,以谋求稳定的政治局面为取向。在派系矛盾严重的政治环境中,这一时期的行政院机构调整与改革未能深入进行,但为抗战时期的机构改革建立了一定基础。  相似文献   
清季财政改制是中国近代制度转型的重要一环,其运作过程涉及清季政治派分、区域财政利益、趋新与守旧观念等多重因子,折射出制度变迁并非单纯遵循所谓的近代化趋向。研治此段历史,应抱具"整体历史"意识,打破学科藩篱,关注人与制度之间彼此牵制的纷繁乱象,抛开今人习见观念,深入时境,作纵深切入,当日制度变迁中的不新不旧、童牛角马之实态方可得以展示,各类嬗变面相亦可近真呈现。  相似文献   
本研究以性别理论与女性主义地理学研究为基础,深度访谈37位酒店女性职业人,试图解析女性职业人的性别建构和空间互动问题。研究发现:第一,酒店基层女性员工认为在工作场域中恰当地践行性别是其职业初期不断摸索和协商的重要事项;第二,消解性别并不是普遍存在的,中高层员工面临突破性别定势的困境;第三,到达酒店高层岗位的女性职业人通过家庭场域的消解性别,或弱化家庭和工作场域的性别矛盾而选择回归践行性别。女性职业人对与性别关联的规范和属性进行挑战和改变,诠释了不同空间和职业发展阶段中的性别规训与操演。  相似文献   
采用便携式拉曼光谱仪对广西合浦出土的新莽(8—23年)和东汉(25—220年)晚期的宝石珠饰进行了原位无损分析,新发现了一批在外观上极易被误认为各色水晶的绿柱石族矿物(如海蓝宝石和透绿柱石)制作而成的浅蓝色和无色透明珠饰。利用手持式显微镜对绿柱石宝石珠饰的穿孔形状、孔径大小及其内部微痕特征进行了观察分析,参考南亚和东南亚同时期石质珠饰的钻孔工艺及钻具研究成果,认为这批绿柱石珠饰采用了钻石钻头双面对钻钻孔工艺。结合南亚地区宝石资源、出土绿柱石宝石珠饰及其钻孔工艺和加工作坊等情况,认为这批绿柱石宝石珠饰是由南亚经海上丝绸之路输入的舶来品。研究结果为探讨汉代中国南方与南亚和东南亚的经济和文化交流提供了有益信息,有助于提高对古代海上丝绸之路这一贸易网络在传播珍贵物品的认识。  相似文献   
失所(displacement)现象历来受到国际学界的广泛关注。本文主要探讨因绅士化而造成的失所现象,并对西方理论体系和实证研究进行较全面的综述。因绅士化造成的失所可分为直接性失所和间接性失所。依据不同的形成原因,直接性失所分为物质性失所和经济性失所,而间接性失所包括排斥性失所和潜在性失所。在笛卡尔式空间观的主导下,西方主流失所研究历来偏重直接性失所,而忽视间接性失所。本文认为,间接性失所背后的列斐伏尔空间观应纳入到失所理论体系中,以更好地指导失所实证研究。本文指出,结合中国现实,对失所现象进行理论化与概念化,对于转型期中国可持续城市发展具有现实与深远的意义。  相似文献   
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